Are you going to buy Attack on Titan 2?

Are you going to buy Attack on Titan 2?

>character creator
>romancing npcs
>side stories that let you save dead characters
>score based competitive multiplayer

Other urls found in this thread:

>score based competitive multiplayer

>thinking titan is still relevant

Oh that 2013 anime with the meme OP

>score based competitive multiplayer
>KT, so the price is staying $59.99 for quite awhile
>An anime based action game that is releasing in a month filled with anime JRPGs
No, I'm going to pass on this one. I dropped the first when every level started to feel the same.

Have they made it less repetitive than the first one?

Both manga and anime are still in production.

what ever happen to that AoT fan game? shit was fun as fuck

fuck your power of friendship anime faggot

fucking this

Is the first game good?

I thought it was a sorry attempt to promote aot.

Can I marry Annie
If not, can I martyr myself in a futile attempt to protect Annie's fragile heart
At the very least can I ease the suffering of Annie before she is steamrolled by The Plot
If no to all three, no buy

the flash game one?

it was pretty enjoyable?

>Are you going to buy-

no the PS4?

It's okay.
It's fun killing Titan, but it's also pretty simple and incredibly repetitive

Fuck no.

The best AoT game is still FengLee's fan game and until a huge professional team can even come close to his gameplay they can fuck off.

They showed a segment where you played as Annie including her Titan form.

That sounds pretty cool actually, i'll look into and consider purchasing maybe

Human vs Titan pvp would be sick as fuck


>don't care for AoT at all
>think it's pretty mediocre
>haven't played any of the games
>character creator with romanceable NPCs
Well fuck, they got me on the "being a pathetic loser" technicality.

Can I romance Armin?

Do I buy it for switch or ps4?

Stop using question marks like that?

I want to get into this series but everytime I try to I kinda get bored, like it seems like there's way too much plot dumping and shit than actual stuff happening.

With that being said, would I like the games more because of how it's a game and more stuff actually happening and all that?

I'd wait for more footage, they say the switch version is like the ps3 version of the first and that one had really bad clipping issues, like the titans would fall off and sink into the ground making you unable to slice the neck.

>yfw Zeke got epic BTFO by the manlet

You saying I get to fuck best girl?

I liked the first one enough to play it for ~10 hours after pirating it.

But I dunno if I'd bother with the second one unless they improved the core gameplay. Using the 3DMG in the first one was basically fully automatic flying.

>we are still years from the game where you can rampage Marleyshits

>watching Attack on Titan past episode 7

>side stories that let you save dead characters
Who cares Krista is alive

>tfw too poor to afford shitty anime games\why even live?

>watching Attack on Titan past segment where Eren acts like a fag

Pre ordered the steelbox already

It was

I miss the /vg/ threads ;_;

>Koei Tecmo

N-no! It was fake!

I'll pick it up on the switch at some point, but not at release.

Probably, didnt buy the first just because i knew it was gonna get a sequel with more shit
Don't really know much of whats been added tho but im sure i'll look it up once it gets closer to release

>all these people doing crazy acrobatics and getting sick kills in no time
>I always had trouble moving from place to place and killing normal titans
>no matter how much time I played it
First and only time a game makes me feel like a brainlet, seriously I can master every game I play with enoigh practice but this one.

My black character is gonna fuck all your waifus

I actually really liked the first one after I pirated it and was about to buy it when the second one got announced.

Will most likely pick it up if the PC version is good.

what's with Japan turning everything into a waifu sim?

They know what sells.

>Are you going to buy Attack on Titan 2?

Lol no

Attack on Titan really fell off the face of the fucking earth, they never got around to moving season 2 to netflix and I never bothered to go watch it

To be fair it was moderately janky.

Still, probably my favorite grappling-hook based movement in a game.

>we can cuck Eren and rub our face on Mikasa's abs


S2 is better than S1.

This is your titan for tonight

>character creator
>romancing npcs


>Are you going to buy Attack on Titan 2?
Its going to be mediocre like last time, only this time they're going to try their hardest to bait waifu fags like you OP.

>character creator
>romancing npcs
But can you make a girl that romance other girl?

side stories that let you save dead characters

Can I let Eren die instead?

Can I mod it to were the Maneuver Gear looks like it's powered by BRAPPPFTS instead of lines/gas?

>Its going to be mediocre like last time

I'm honestly excited because they are copying all the stuff from the 3DS game.

As much as people shit on the 3DS game because of the technical limitations, the 3DS game had a shit ton of cool stuff like character creation, guns and handheld cannons and stuff.

The PS4 game had all the power to be a flashy game but it had almost no substance outside of decent movement. At least this one basically is taking all the stuff that was in the 3DS game so it will be much more varied.

Why is Armin dressing in laces?

maybe when it's under $20

Does it feature the grim reminder at all?

>I'm honestly excited because they are copying all the stuff from the 3DS game.
Nigger if thats what they're going for I'm glad to ignore it.
I couldn't stand that game for more then an hour, I was having no fun beyond the first couple levels.
Not that the PS4 game was any better of course.

I'm not talking about the gameplay, user. I'm talking about the aesthetic stuff like customisation and minor gameplay elements like grenades, rifles, nets and cannons along with other stuff.

The movement and gameplay is still from the 1st PS4 game.

Don't forget the American giant killing game too.

>I'm not talking about the gameplay
So what you're saying is that it won't be mediocre, just mediocre with a side of fun for about and hour and a half at most.

>inb4 Zeke gets eaten by Eren so he can use founding titan's power.

You know, we're not so different you and I

>Koei Tecmo

Lol no. After the travesty that was Dynasty Warriors 9 I'm never touching a single game from that company unless it was Nioh 2.

Best girl dlc when?

You are intent on hating every game in the series including ones you haven't played so I'm just going to ignore you.

I know nothing about the anime outside of that one-off abridge episode.
Can I fuck potato girl, yes or no?

> like it seems like there's way too much plot dumping and shit than actual stuff happening.

Well i mean you're reading a monthly manga that has over a hundred chapters.

You're probly better off watching the anime.

now that it's not relevant you're allowed to like it.

The best girl is already in the base game

it took a dip in quality not long ago actually

>You are so intent on hating every game
I'm just calling a mediocre game mediocre user.
AoT itself is a mediocre franchise, and it unfortunately extends into games as well.
Name me one AoT vidya game that you actually think is good and above the level of just okay.

Meant solely for mating press!

>redneck inbreeding

I want to play as the cart of war.

>running around shiganshina as the cart titan while automated gunners shoot down every player in sight

What's the source on "romancing npcs"? Because I can't find it
Do not play with my heart

Loved it when it came out - Then it took them 1000 fucking years to put out a new season, and the manga's still running at a snails pace.

Is there co op?

I'll be picking it up on Switch.

Can I feed anyone I don't like to the Titans and overthrow King Jackass (and feed him to a Titan?) That's the real dealbreaker here.

What are some games where the protagonist becomes a terrorist?

Eren unironically did NOTHING wrong

>entire world is plotting to wipe him and his people out of existence

I hope gabi and her friends get squished.

Only the 1 million left on the island

Maybe consider the fact that the entire world is right, considering Eren holds the ability to end the world by touching his brother or Hisu. He's too dangerous to be kept alive.

This series turned into shit when everyone started turning into Titans

>only 9 titans shifters are allowed into existence at any one time

I just wish they would make this effort with the controls and mechanics of the fan game, that is the only correct way to make an AoT game.

My bad. Forgot about the useful idiots that are forced to live in shitty ghettos and suffer extreme discrimination on a daily basis.

Humanity itself is rapidly approaching that capability anyway even without titans and they literally just want the power for themselves. The only reason they are targeting the island in the first place is because they want to steal it's resources

>Watch the show
>Love it, finally something I can watch that isn't like DBZ (I like DBZ, but I'm just tired of magical main character bs)
>The main kid was a secret science project and can become a Titan as well
Dropped after that

did mikasa and eren ever fug

i stopped the manga when they went to nazi germany

the science project thing was just a jape, user

Why didn't you drop it when the main kid started behaving like faglord?

What is this from?

Who fucking cares?