You fuckers all went Egg, right? It's the objectively correct choice.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also the splatfest just started niggers
But why would you not choose white ink?
>Kelp dome
Why is this allowed?
Which would you rather eat?
it's basically white ink vs factually correct
Was actually surprised they sing and dance with vague mouth-movements in time with the vocals during splatfest.
>marina's fucking sway while dancing
The Squid Sisters also danced and sang for Splatfests in the first game but I don't seem to have an image of it.
Instead have some classic Splatfest shit posting.
>white v. yellow
Who got this (literally) bright fucking idea?
It's not the first time, Japan had a Milk Tea vs. Lemon Tea splatfest.
where do you think the egg came from, dipshit?
>new Shifty Station
Wow this feels great. Only done it once and steamrolled the other side, though, so I guess I can't really say very certainly yet.
A chicken ancestor
if you pick chicken you get to shoot white ink at people so I picked chicken
Who's who? I don't have the game but I'm a Pearl apologist. I'm assuming she's chicken?
This shifty station is pretty cool. The three areas being locked down means you really need to make sure those areas aren't being stolen.
/r/ing Marina telling Pearl YOU HAVE TO EAT ALL THE EGGS
Isn't it actually egg? Since whatever laid the egg wouldn't be an actual chicken but a relative?
Yeah but would it be a chicken egg. Or a proto-chicken egg that merely contained a chicken?
It would be an egg.
She's chicken and Marina's egg yes
Animals were laying eggs thousands of years before the first chicken.
Are y’all buying the DLC?
Those creatures came from single celled organisms that just reproduce as whole entities. Checkmate eggshits.
I already did
But tell me, were those single celled organisms chickens?
Its a well know fact that they are.
Thoughts on Shifty Station?
>Post yfw you realize the new shifty station is a FUCKING THUNDERDOME
not as good as the last one
>Teammate manages to be alone in stage 2 containment
>Doesn't autistically cover every inch of that now untouchable space
so what
white ink
Can't we just get beyond thunder dome?
nah fuck that. I always pick pearl's team, marina is for sjw fags.
If you losers played Sam & Max you'd know the answer
>You fuckers all went Egg, right? It's the objectively correct choice.
I always pick whatever side Marina picks
>tfw you lose four of your first five matches but it's okay since you don't give a shit about this splatfest anyway
There's only been three times I've actually cared and while I ate shit on the first two at least Love won out so I'm content for the next few failures.
I don't understand why Marina is Team Egg when Pearl was Team Mayo.
Winning is mostly for shitposting rights. Nowadays the rewards between winning and losing the splatfests are so close the most important thing is to get to King/Queen, snail amount-wise. Although winning more matches makes getting up there significantly faster.
I am getting anally raped on team egg. This is going to be a rough fest.
Because this doesn't have anything to do with taste preferences
Same user. No regrets. I'm having fun shooting my pipping hot ink all over the place.
You're really letting me down Chicken Bros
>Shifty Station
>one of the capsule comes down
>two of my teammates are dumbasses and forget they can jump out of there
>stuck in there for the last minute and cost us the match
Shit like this makes me want to just put the switch down and wait for the +2
>just watched the chicken vs egg intro convo
>mfw Marina randomly ends it by saying we're all living in a simulation and free will is a lie
chicken because contrarian ;)
my ink is cum
Anyone have a screencap?
Chickens evolved eggs to protect their young. Chickens came from chickens, then evolved to create eggs to protect the young. Eggfags = brainlets
>he thinks chickens are the only animals that produced eggs
No user, you are the brainlet
What if the proto chicken was not an egg laying species?
This is that splatfest thing right?
Never actually done one before since I took a break from the game so I am pretty excited.
It goes until 8pm PST tomorrow
Highly unlikely, since the proto-proto-chicken species back until the common vertebrate ancestor evolved and maybe even before were egg laying. Not the same kind of eggs, but I believe live birth has evolved multiple times and the switch to egg laying from that has never happened.
So do we want the white ink because it looks like semen?
God created the first Chicken who procreated by laying chicken eggs. Just like God created Adam and Eve who procreated to create more humans. It's that simply I don't know why we still have these questions.
I chose team white ink for this sheer reason.
Same with team Mayonnaise.
Same first splat fest
it is fun.
Don't fool user-kun
It's up right now
We chicken boyz now!
I know, I was saying when it ended.
My early games us chicken boiz were getting owned but been on a pretty good winning streak now
chickan 4 lyf
I got about 95 hours of joy out of Spla2n, and I judge a game based on its hours of genuine enjoyment to dollar ratio.
Throwing another $20 to help the devs is something I'm more than happy to do
>lost my first four matches in a row
I think I'm done with this splatfest already.
Pretty good, but I loved the battlefield-look of the last one, AND THOSE FUCKING CANNONS WERE LIT
Oh, I thought it said up til. Nevermind then.
>he thinks the chicken/egg debate is literally about whether chickens or eggs in general existed first
Really? Everybody That's Always Reasonable Disagrees.
Of course
Team chicken cluckin get your shit together!
Could be worse, friendo. During the Christmas one I lost no joke 30 games in a row. I made it to Champion, but boy, fuck that bullshit. Last fest I got like 1650 points max. I'm glad they buffed the Aerospray spread again because I'm finding solace in it once more.
pls b egg
So is there any way to get inside the thunder dome once it's sealed?
When I first learned of the topic, it felt a bit underwhelming. But the Pearl and Marina debate actually showed me the point of the thing in a pretty good way I don't think the other, more standard splatfests did. Even without the wicked, nihilistic sense of humor at the end. Just the bitching back and forth until the whole topic is confused was entertaining.
Pretty sure you can super jump to people inside. No other way in.
I don't play nintenbro shit but if you think the chicken didn't come first you're basically a brainlet.
How the fuck do I get good at this game. I switch back and forth between the N'Zap 89 and the Dualies and I only win about 30% of encounters with opponents. It seems like even when I get the drop on people they line me up faster somehow.
How do I git gud?
Super jump to your team if they're there.
>Get into an egg vs chicken match
>expect the colors to be yellow vs white
>it's green vs purple
That chicken might be your father, but he ain’t yo daddy.
thanks doc
Why pick one of them when you can have BOTH
Also, be careful not to end up just tossing your entire team into a meat grinder. It's better to take the opportunity to cover the rest of the open level than just toss your entire team in to die, considering the central Thunderdome closes in the last half minute or so.
Aimlets, everyone.
Some kind of lizard looking mother fucker, I expect
if dualies just do the roll until you can outmaneuver and get behind them and stuff
its funny as hell when you can double drop a guy
you're honestly right and I don't know why, I'm just so shitty at this game but it really shines through during the splat fests. Feels so shitty man.
Make that 7 matches. Yeah, I'm fucking done. See you guys next month.
I realize it's probably something everyone else thinks as well but I still feel the need to say that this is the dumbest Splatfest ever.
You can press the triangle next to the post number to image search.
I guess you've never seen the splatoon 1 EU fests
There have been far, far dumber ones than this
Next Splatfest:
Ranch, or Cool Ranch?
I'm trying although the thought of winning for Pearl makes me ill. Sorry, Marina. White ink.