Sup Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous thread
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
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Requesting ORAS Flannery, barefoot and posing her soles in any of these poses here.

Have her be cute and flirtatious too

Requesting Marina pulling down her shorts and spreading her ass

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" on her St. Patrick's Day Outfit doing stuff related to the celebration or Ireland, stuff like sitting over a pot filled with gold, doing that funny irish dance, pluking 4-leaf clovers or if possible, walking happily on a plain with shallow puddles of water (like if it just stopped raining) while holding her frog umbrella, maybe with a rainbow in the background or faintly glowing over her.

Alternatively, anything else related to st patrick's day you like, as long as its not related to beer/alcohol.

Character reference:

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Requesting Tokugawa in the merchant pose, feel free to add hanzo, tadakatsu or whatever you want in the background.

Requesting Soleil smacking her own ass in a teasing manner.

>the same goddamn anchor

Okay you are getting a bit identifiable here. OP is fine, but change your anchors

Possible anchor for winter Riju clothing colouring request. Thank you in advance; don't feel like you're obligated to do it!
tl;dr: Requesting this image coloured.
Hello drawthread! When I asked for Riju in winter clothing, a most kind and talented drawfriend drew this fill for me. Would anyone be willing to colour it?
Here's the original reference:
For the outfit, whatever colours you choose are a-okay, but I recommend some use of the gerudo or Riju colours (blue, white, gold, etc).

Requesting Soleil porn (fucked by Astolfo)

who is that suppose to be?

Ignore and sage early threads, like this one.

y u mad tho

Requesting Fate/GO's Helena Blavatsky wearing an oversized navy blue shirt.

Requesting a comic of Ridley hearing about the new Smash and he freaks the fuck out and flys as fast as he can to Japan to find Sakurai.

Requesting vidya waifus done in the artstyle of Highschool Romance

Hifumi Togo wearing the high cut armor from P3, or naked and covered by shogi stuff like the board and pieces please

Raynie with only a belt covering her breasts, and doing a tittyfuck

It is definitely getting weird seeing it every other thread especially since I'm the one who drew it in the first place

Something is wrong... the faces.......

requesting Emil eating Takoyaki!

I love you drawfriend.
Skin is a little too dark for my liking though.

the true royalty of the mushroom kingdom

Requesting back view of Cirno in a bikini with the bottom pulled down to her ankles.

The faces are cute! CUTE! Especially the noses!

Also I wanna see more waifus done in this syle!!

Requesting the Earthbound fan art on the left but edited to be th actual colors of of the characters. A red background, the main color of the series, would be appreciated too. Thank you.

Requesting Kahili rejecting an user's confession to her and saying some very harsh words to him.
Something like this:

I don't know the details though

Requesting Aigis transformed into a Milktank or some other Pokemon you think would be more fitting

I would like Ryuka showing off a back tattoo, either similar or exactly the same as Kiryu's, like the MG drawing.

Cute. He probably just asked since characters can dual wield jobs in Octopath traveler and it also affects their outfits a bit.

Nia crawling to or on top of Rex, either confident, turned on, or shy. Could just be his pov; wrapped condom or something or other between her lips optional for example

Requesting the RWBY cast having a drunken party/orgy cause crosstag made into the EVO line-up. or just draw them laughing at MvCi.

Requesting anything of the Maple twins from Flower Knight Girl. Them hugging in the reference is nice, but they can also be doing some badass pose. (Note that one Maple girl is a mage while the other is a swordswoman)

Requesting a peaceful image of of Mini-Game Land from Mario Party 2 at night.

Requesting a drawn version of Rin's attack.


Can someone please do Mai Shiranui posing like Chi-Chi and Bandeiras or any character of your preference looking at her with a happy face.

And Andy watching meanwhile he's hiding somewhere if you want.

Hardly anyone knows the details though, I was really just hoping for decent fanart since the pixel art is so cute already.

Draw something with Sumika celebrating that her game was finally released for real on steam after waiting over a year of development hell.


I apologize for the ant-sized image, but requesting art of Opposite Time Nomad along with a generic Proxy.

At least post a reference, dumbass.

Requesting a curvy Peach showing off her body in a flirty way in her celebrity outfit


Brynhild wearing her glasses you could get as a Valentines gift for her in the game.

Nia is stupid

Requesting Dixie Kong and K. Rool violently fighting each other over a Smash bros letter.



I'd love a drawing of Wol from Mobius FF in his FFXIII Sazh costume with a matching afro, but Echo is in his fro and looking slightly annoyed. She can look like Chocolina


Requeting Elle From tales of Xilia 2 in the same pose as Oberstein.
But she is holding a tomato and saying The cat eats cat food

Oh I forgot to check there. Thanks user

Rinka and Ranka wearing sexy outfits, and on a bed.
More lewds in general would be awesome

Requesting big tiddy, wide hipped, pudgy bellied, big bushed Kumatora wearing only a sweater, panties, and thigh highs, in the same pose as the left image and the same visual style as the right image, or at least keep it similar. Have her bush peek out slightly and have her give the peace sign. Or a middle finger, whatever fits more.

Requesting Pauline dressed like this

You got your delivery done twice, knock it off
Same to you, this was already done

This with Juri

Dude seriously get a life lol, I ain't "knocking it off"

Requesting cool and epic Smithy (from Super Mario RPG) artwork

Reminder that this guy has received 2 deliveries and outright called them shit despite being made just as he requested by earnest drawfriends.

THIS! Juri is much better.

it's fairly evident he's just copying Cordeliafag to see how many deliveries he can get by being obnoxious



Requesting Wo-class wearing Jill Valentine's original uniform, looking very cool and professional.

Requesting Naraku bouncing on a hop ball designed like the ball around her ankle.

Just in case you don't know what a hippity hop ball is:

Requesting Tristana and Poppy going out in public in only their undergarments, with Poppy wearing something cute and lace/frilly and Tristana wearing something slutty.

I'd be fine with just Poppy if a drawfag wants to do a solo pic.

Oh, nice! This is really cute, because Sayori is always cute.

Requesting Elise and the 7th Dragon Psychic pole dancing.

Requesting bimbo Hex Maniac drawn with traditional art, watercolors. If you're not going to do it right, don't bother, I'll just re-request.

Says the guy spamming strangers for borderline porn on Sup Forums telling people to get a life, im a drawfriend actually looking for something worthwhile doing for practice while your looking for a quick fap to your precious waifu, fuck off.

You're a fucking blight on society
How dare you do that to best girl


And you felt the need to respond to my post because...?
You're just sad, bro.

Requesting Sig bondage

How come you're not requesting bush with this one, bushfag?

Requesting Link pounding Riju on top of her sand-seal plushie. Preferably, in his desert voe costume.

"Advanced nanofactories can assemble a spy drone on demand"

Requesting JC Denton using the nanofactories within his body to materialize a spy drone except that he gets an anchor instead.

I seriously hope you're not this delusional. Fuck off with your boogeyman bullshit, I hate hair and I hate fags like the two of you who just spam the shit out of these threads every damned time.

Nice and plump, not the OR, but this is cute and a bit lewd. Thanks for your time!

This is amazing now I feel like drawing chubby girls.

Holy shit seconding

Requesting Link navel-fucking a BBW human Midna, or her on top of him and rubbing her gut over his exposed cock.

From Silent Hill Homecoming, right?

Predator wearing a cute dress
As the vocaloid Luka for an actress reference

Requesting 2B as one of these four Bravely Default classes; White Mage, Ninja, Monk, or Templar. 2B is in BD: Fairy's Effect afterall.

Requesting a smug Palutena in a small leotard


Requesting succubus Celica, black sclera and body markings, womb tattoo too

Requesting Rin from Katawa Shoujo wearing Toph's outfit

Requesting a fusions of Lea(Highschool Romance), Rozalin(Disgaea 2), and Shantae(Shantae).

Please tell me that's makeup on her feet because that's actually gross

Requesting Chie=Elizabeth performing 'MEATdolaon', which is a giant party-nuking Meat Meteor.

Requesting Katsuragi (from Senran Kagura) wearing a tuxedo and grinning while holding a bunch of wedding rings.

Requesting bad Mega Man boxart version of the Mighty Switch Force game art
>whenever the 2 yordle request is in a thread, the kumatora request is close by
>whenever the 2 yordle is a mobile filename, so too is the kumatora request
hmmm, really makes you think

>all the good characters are thin and on the flatter side
>you come in and ruin everything

Or from Silent Hill: Downpour?