ITT: Fuck. Marry. Kill

ITT: Fuck. Marry. Kill.

Fuck Todd.
Marry Todd.
Kill the rest.

Marry Todd for the money, fuck cliff, kill the dude I don't know on the right

Marry the dude on the left
Fuck his dog
Kill the soyboy
Feed Todd eggs

I'd rather euthanize all 3

Kill soyboy to the right, none for the rest because I'm not a faggot.

Todd is a pathologic liar, he would be a terrible husband

Fuck Cliffy
Marry Todd
Kill Randy

kill the guy who killed duke nukem

Todd might be a liar but at least is not pathetic as Cliffy or Randy

cliff will become homeless and randy will be in jail soon so Todd is the only marriable one


He's rolling in that unreal engine money

Hold my beer.

so the dipshits at 3D realms

>one of the most successful Chad in the industry
>he re-re-released sold more than the other 2's original game
>tall as fuck
>impeccable look
Todd doesn't deserve to be in the same picture with those cucks

The only answer.
Oh user. You'd rather invest in the future of Lawbreakers and Battleborn?

I want to be loved

Credit to Todd. He's not the most trustworthy of people, but at least he isn't regularly seen on social media making himself look like an ass.

They all have money though, Cliffy has multiple super cars, randy apparently had a massive theatre in his house where he puts on magic shows and Todd is obviously loaded

By a 3rd man while your husband watches, or only on a toilet?

kill em all

>or only on a toilet

What the fuck did you meant with this

Randy really likes taking selfies while on the toilet.