This fucker stole my meme and went viral with it. Fucking piece of shit.
This fucker stole my meme and went viral with it. Fucking piece of shit
Dumb user, you should have registered your meme before submitting it to Sup Forums.
I guess user. Just doesn't seem fair
don't worry, the meme will eventually get stale with time and he will be forgotten as you would. doggy dog world
>didn't get meme insurance
your own fault
he/she's asking who made it, so claim it user
>Didnt go to the meme patent office
lmaoing @ your life. kys
not surprising, there is a massive amount of twitterfags here.
Because of your autism I won't stop insisting it's a port
Life is simply unfair
I just stole your meme, OP.
>not passwording your pepe folder
>not investing in kryptomemancy RIGHT NOW
If it wasn't a port why wouldn't they just announce it's a new game and increase hype a hundredfold?
Because it is another Wii U port
>LUL who made this meme?
>No I won’t go to Sup Forums, that’s a nazi evil butthole place xD
It's not possibly a port until Nintendo outright says it
Because it creates discussion(?)
>The massive backlash Nintendo would get for stringing people along for 3 months just to reveal it's a port at E3.
Not even Nintendo is that retarded.
I’m a meme archeologist. My studies have recently led me to believe that OC piranhas now take from here to post on discord, at which point the meme spreads like an exponential.
And shadman took mine think i give a fuck its a meme fag
on the other hand, Sakurai is a well known ruse master.
Wait, how do you steal memes?
Like this.
Look at this guy getting meme burgled.
wtf, I actually made this.
What did I do to hurt you, user. ;_;
It'll be a new game with tons of recycled shit.
Should have added a watermark if you wanted to claim your meme you fucking retard.
If it's a port why didn't they say so like they blatantly did with even things like Pokken Deluxe, Mario Kart 8 DX, and Hyrule Warriors - Definitive Edition?
Because it's a new game
That's why it won't be a port in the traditional sense. It'll just be a "remaster" of Smash 4 with a different roster and a fresh coat of paint. If it was a true sequel from scratch, they would have had a name by now to generate even more hype.
Basically this: Metroid Prime 4 generated discussion too and it has a title. They could have just went with "Metroid Prime (title pending" and people would have freaked out because "dude what if it's Federation Force 2?!? lmao" so they had to give it a definitive title. Which is why Smash not having a title is retarded because now you've got people freaking out because they think it's going to be a port. All they had to do was include another synonym for "fight" at the end of the title and port screeching would be totally non-existent.
it cannot be a new game because the switch has no games and if it were a new game the switch would have one game which we've already established is false
>everybody hates tripfags because they're attention seeking whores
>some random faggot now makes a thread crying about getting his meme "stolen" or basically not getting credit for it
I find this quite ironic to say the least
reporting without your consent op :^)
this shit has been there since ebaums was around dumbass
Sup Forums produce le oc memes and every other shitty website beneath us eats it up
i was going around my insta explore and saw accounts dedicated to making forced oc's and screencaps
I'm not saying anything about whether it's a port or not, but the lack of Bandai-Namco there has no meaning; they don't hold any of Smash 4's copyrights.
And they didn't write "original game" in the copyright section to imply "THIS IS AN ORIGINAL GAME AND NOT A PORT," they wrote it because HAL has partial copyrights to the original Super Smash Brothers of the same name.
Fucking annihilated
>post something to the internet
>get mad when you lose control of it
thats how it is man
I once posted a shitty meme I made here when Undertale released and I saw someone using it as a spray in TF2 an hour later
>Removes GreenTeaNeko's credit from the bottom
That actually makes it funnier.
How do you even get a boner from that?
Sorry, I just wanted to post something
dumbass at least an appropriate image macro are you fucking new?
>not having a guro fetish
Will Samurai deliver anons.
What the fuck is this mentality? That is how normal fucking new games are teased. Ports are shown outright. Burden of port.
Well maybe you learned a lesson about what anonymity means.
I feel you OP. When the long neck Exeggutor was revealed for Pokemon Gen 7 I made a meme of it that got popular and posted everywhere. It felt weird but cool. My only complaint was that those meme pages just continuously screenshot stuff until it has jpeg artifacts up the ass. If you're going to steal my meme atleast post it in high quality!
you deserve it.
You should watermark your memes with your phone number, name and address. This way people always know where it is originating from, dear user.
You fucking morons need to learn what "Original Game" means.
Should I put my credit card and social security number on it too?
Can you point me to the right direction. Which point in our history the green frog started to appear on normie internet sites such as feisbuuk and twitter? I believe there were few original frog memes back in 2007 but only after 2012-4 it started to appear on normie websites. How and why did this happen and why it became suddenly a politically charged cartoon? The real origin of the frog is that it was just a character drawn by a fellow autist and it didn't have any meaning. This is so troubling and I thought a meme archeologist such as yourself would have an insight to this matter.
Yeah that's a very good idea. This way the meme in question becomes stone solid and no one can steal it from you. I'm doing the same for all of my future OC.
It's still your meme. :)
Samurai and Iwata used to have few week long meth binges together and they often went to soaplands in Akihabara and surrounding areas. I believe there is some footage floating somewhere on internet where Iwata is snorting a big line off Geisha's ass while Samurai is getting a b.j. This was just before E3 2012.
It's not truly guro if the gruesome parts are not highly detailed.
it's a port. screencap my post
>posting OC
You deserve it
>cut off image
literally kill yourself for posting this random persons "omg so epic XD" twitter image
>getting upset over someone using your meme
you're like those artists that draw fanart of popular characters and then cry other people post them on the internet without their permission
Can I register a patent for a meme?
lmao you could have tweeted it, but so much for anonymity right bro 8)
Yes actually. EA got sued because someone claimed copyright over rage faces IIRC and they had to remove them from Battlefield.
Looks like the Pepe's creator is doing something similar. Now I've seen everything
Silly user. You can't just save somebody else's meme without permission. That's just not possible.
>not patenting your memes to acquire sole legal rights to their use
Get your shit together OP
this is unironically the best thread on Sup Forums right now
That is gonna be a messy case. The author said he was fine with the internet twisting Pepe in a million different ways, but Infowars started selling Pepe merch.
His previous statements could mean he's relinquished ownership and copyrights to it and lost his ability to stop Infowars from doing their sales.
At least they didn't outright claim they made it.
>Cant crop right
>twitter garbage screencap
what a fucking shitshow just kill yourself
Happened to me before. Some shitty fitness meme page took my meme and put their watermark on it
I would be proud as shit if that happened to me.>
Which would be bad. If memes start becoming an excuse to claim something is public domain companies will start to try and stop memes.
Did they misprint his name in the furigana here or can I not into moon
>thinking you own the DNA of the soul
Jack, you're acting stupid.
Survival of the fitness
I'm not good at runes but I assume that they abbreviated the characters in furigana, since they generally try to have only 2 for each kanji
It just looks like it says Sakui instead of Sakurai
Sorry for the late response. Pepe frogs started migrating to normalfag territory after multiple outsiders brought them from various websites such as Sup Forums, funnyjunk and the likes. Around the year 2011, age in which the frogs no longer found their natural hábitat apt for their needs, they started mutating into multiple variatons to better fit their ecosystem, one of them being the Trump frog, which was used as a mascot for political propaganda.
Statements like these are a diamond dozen
It's the author's statements that would put Pepe into public domain. You need to protect your stuff from falling into common parlance or making statements that could easily be interpreted as "do what you want with this".
Shit happened to Xerox and Kleenex. It's why companies like Adobe say "this picture was enhanced using Photoshop software" instead of photoshopped.
Well, I hope you learned your lesson.
Leave your name in the metadata next time.
Sometimes I find my memes reposted and my name is still in the metadata and it makes me feel really good.
Where should I visit if I want more comics like these?
That's how shit goes newfriend, we make the memes anonymously and social media steals it. If you want credit then make a twitter and watermark your garbage.