What games will let me play a Sasuke-like protaganist?

What games will let me play a Sasuke-like protaganist?
Tired of these moralfaggots


No More Heroes

i've been watching this recently
Naruto's being a cunt he should let Sasuke find himself

How far are you?

He kills his brother then swears to avenge his brother

Sasuke just killed orochimaru and is getting a gang together
I don't care about spoilers though if you want to tell me something, I already know what happens through osmosis

tales of berseria


Sasuke was 200% moralfaggot, his motivation is always to right a wrong using absurd amounts of violence

Childhood is liking Sasuke

Adulthood is realizing he is a stupid cunt and Naruto is better

Enlightenment is realizing Jiraya and Tsunade are the best and most correct characters

>just killed orochimaru
He gets better

After Sasukes attack on the summit and killing all those people I stopped caring about that nigger

Should have killed him

but they just love murderers getting away with it, just like how Orochimaru is never punished

>right a wrong
The purging was necessary and moral

so he's basically rorschach

Himawari is a sex goddess.

I used to hate Sakura a shit ton but she has been getting better ever since she has been getting training. I do like Naruto more than Sasuke but I find little fault to Sasuke's reasonings so far. My top favorite characters so far are Might Guy and Jiraya

Mount & Blade: Warband


Give up on Sakura, she never does shit

Might Guy and Rock Lee are real niggas, taking on fucking magic ninja gods by punching them

The only good thing Sakura ever does is give birth to best girl.

I still think it should have ended on Guy whooping Madara's ass

Naruto was being a cunt, but he basically did let Sasuke do what he wanted for a while until he became a national threat
Sasuke Revengance was the highest point in Naruto Shippuden
I liked the Taka

This. His brother chose the village over some stupid war, then Sasuke kills him, misses the point, and tries to body the hidden leaf.


Play as Vergil and say "nothing personal, kid" as often as possible.

That part sucked with how every fight was
>Sasuke being cocky to a guy cuz he's so strong
>Oh no my ass is getting reamed
>lol magic eyes save me again

I mean if you want to be an asshole in a game, Deus Ex has dialogue routes right up your alley. Its also probably the finest crpg ever.

>My brother had to kill a bunch of people to prevent a war
>This is so bullshit that I'm gonna try to kill a bunch of people to prevent wars

>but they just love murderers getting away with it,

They're all fucking murderers, it's a world of assassins.

While Sasuke is a retard, your undermining the level of fucked up that is realizing that your brother was under orders from your own home to kill your family, and it also included you at some point. You can't just just go "oh well he was ordered to kil my family for good reason, guess I go back and do fuck all." Especially when Itachi was ordered not to tell Sasuke. The Leaf basically wanted the entire Uchiha to off themselves (which probably would not have been a bad thing desu)

Not really, Ninjas are more like, craigslist people you hire to carry your couches with magic or to find your pet cat in the Narutoverse.

At least those are the only missions we ever see.

>No More Heroes
Travis was not an edgelord.

The entire point of the game is him being a massive weeb edgelord fuck instead of a hero

Sasuke was literally committing terrorist acts and aiding known war criminals. Naruto wasn't trying to find him just because "muh friend". Sasuke was literally becoming a national threat.

"My brother sacrificed everything to save the Hidden Leaf, so fuck him I'm going to destroy it."

Itachi should have just killed the fucker himself and gone back to being awesome.

The 3 legendary sannin are the best they should have fused like dbz and become perfect

>At least those are the only missions we ever see.

Perhaps if you're blind. Their first mission as 10 year olds involve them killing Zabuza and Haku. Gaara, another 10 year old, shows up for the chuunin exam and is killing people everywhere he goes, and nobody gives a flying fuck. Sasuke leaving the village with the sound ninja? The genin all give chase with the intent to kill them and bring back Sasuke.

These are the youngest official ninja around, and every arc sees them killing people. Every single arc.

>Childhood is liking Sasuke
>Adulthood is realizing he is a stupid cunt and Naruto is better

Literally switch these. Sasuke is much better as an all out psycho than Naruto is as Ninja Jesus reborn

Edgy phase Sasuke or Adult Sasuke?

Adult Sasuke is 1000x better than the fucking edgelord that he was.

Am i in an Sup Forums b8 thread from 2010?

Final Fantasy 8, and 15?

What was worse?
>Coolest guy

That's because Sasuke finally realized he was being retarded. Kakashi still should have locked his ass up though.

he almost stabbed his own daughter some episodes ago

>talks about being in 2010
>posts reggie

very fitting.

How do unlock the mangekyo sharingan, Sup Forums?

Again, missing the entire point. What you want to see is Sasuke honoring his brothers dedication to the hidden leaf (that included and was not limited to: murder and discrimination). As a result of how Itachi was made to suffer thanks to the Hidden Leaf (who STILL won't spill the truth on Itachi), Sasuke doesn't give a shit about Konoha.

Enlightenment is realizing Rock Lee is the only good character that works hard and doesnt need gimmick magic bullshit

Pain was the better edgelord.

Well Obito did had good reasons tho. Only brainlets will say it was because of >muh Rin. The truth is he already knew long before of how shit the world was and there was nothing that could change it, he was just "too pure" for Ninja life.

When the war broke out and he suffered his accident, it was basically the trigger for him to go apeshit, add Madara's brainwash and you have a full fledged war criminal.

>everyone makes fun of Gai
>Madara outright praises him

Madara was too good for us, we didn't deserve him.

The old Sup Forums is rising. Soon everyone will again remember the Emperor's name.

Enlightenment is realizing that Neji was fucking right

you mean tobirama

Sasuke tried to lock himself up when no one would arrest him, Naruto and the others kept insisting that he shouldn't.

>Obito apologists still exist
Jesus Christ dude

Are the raging storm or whatever games good

was thinking of getting the Switch Trilogy

I wonder how Sarada would react if she found out the trust about her relatives.

He did helped in the war and his worst crime was killing some randoms Samurais that none gives a fuck. But webm explains better.

>spends 12 years away
>some random Sharigan user appears when you just fought another

It makes sense.

Kirby superstar saga

>muh apologists

Take your mind out of memes for a second and put yourself in his place. What would you do when you find out how the world is beyond salvation and that you have the means to make it better?

>gets saved by Madara
>"Okay, thanks for saving me i guess, gotta get back to my friends. I dont really care about your views. Fucking crazy old man..."
>proceeds to watch Rin die
>"Fuck the world, i'll help you with your plan"
>was literally on board just to live in a dream world where Rin isnt dead

Yeah okay, user

Not only did some literal who bitch god appear in the last fight to ruin the story even more (Madara should've been the last boss), but also it was revealed that Sasuke and Naruto were the reincarnations of the Sage of the Six Paths sons and their rivalry (read: the whole fucking story of the series) was all written on their dna? Fuck this shit.

So he made it better... by killing millions... and keeping the survivors in a dream... my synapses are snapping as we speak...

>orichimaru loses his hands in a painful, stone casing for majority of the series
>not punished

You mean Pain?

You're aware that he spend months in Madara's cave, right? It's a lot of time to eat up Madara's views, he was already damaged the moment he left to see Rin die. Plus we're talking about Japanese point of view of things here, so for them this shit makes sense.

Honestly, Oro won.

>Jiraiya is dead
>Hiruzen is dead
>Tsunade is emotionally broken
>He got to make the village suffer for a while
>He got himself an immortal body, powerful and forever youthful

He literally got everything he wanted.

Which video game character could possibly beat this Madara Uchiha?

What millions he killed? Most of his kills went because of war.

Who would win, an edgelord supreme or a Sasuke-fanboy?

the shadow nigga and the bug nigga were aight

that nigga had bugs in his fucking bones what the fuck man

Asura without a doubt but that's unfair

I have a rule for anime, if a character has eye colors that dont match I dont watch it

works out pretty well

Are they going to OP Naruto's son?

Did they really just make a Naruto/Sasuke fusion?

Naruto was canonically extremely powerful with the fox demon, so his son being OP makes sense

Oh wow. I will say I like the guy on the right better but that's just from looks

Well but now he ain't as free as before, specially with Naruto and Sasuke around. But i do like how Kakashi made a Operation Paperclip on him and took him to his "side". I'm genuelly curious to see his actions in Boruto.

Sasuke actually does spend a year getting rehabilitation in prison, at least in the anime.

Naruto's son is a MASSIVE Sasuke fanboy, he literally follows Sasuke around for half a movie.

Boruto is gonna betray the village anyway, so i'm guessing Kawaki.

Oh I meant it as in like a teen gohan situation, like he becomes obscenely more powerful than his father.

How does that make sense?

Fair point, but I was actually taking about Kawaki.

nothing after naruto defeats pain is canon. naruto ends there


Boruto is strong, but not as Naruto. He's just a intelligent Naruto who doesn't have a much chakra as he have, so he can't spam Shadow Clones or Rasengans like his dad.

Rock Lee Spinoff show was better than Naruto


Post yfw this all went downhill, you thought it was finally over, and then Boruto started.

I wonder if that's what the author originally had in mind

Which Madara Uchiha are we even talking about?

Speaking of the Chuunin Exam, did they ever mention if Ninja Jesus abolished that? I can't imagine Naruto going along with pre-teens killing each other over a weekend after what he went through. I stopped reading.


Because he thinks Sasuke is the biggest badass in the village and "wants to be cool like Sasuke"

>Naruto goes on and on about how hard work overcomes destiny
>ending of the series is destiny beating the fuck out of hard work
Probably, yeah.

Boruto is actually good tho.

It's toned down now, less violent.

becuase hes about as a strong as naruto without being naruto