


Shes apart of the darkness now





>no Indiana Jones world

I want more doujins of kairi getting blacked.

I want any art of that at all.



holy ding-dong diddly based indiana jones poster

>He hasn't seen it yet.

I dont understand.

I could only finish KH1 and Re:CoM.

I'm on the Roxas bossfight in KH2 and I get 1 shot everytime, haven't touched the game since 2 months ago.

If you bruteforced everything on the game so far why not bruteforce roxas too.

I mean what would we do if one of the astronauts that went to the moon killed the other?

That would be kinda of fucked up

So which version set ahould i get? 2.8 or 2.5 remix?

Both. And 1,5 too

For PS4?
1.5 + 2.5
Buy 2.8 at a retailer, because for some reason it's still full price on PSN.

Literally built purely for sexual.

so fucking based


I just can't my dude. I don't even understand the power spike of this dude. The game went somewhat smooth, yet Roxas is just too powerful compared to the enemies before.

I haven't played BBS yet. Is Aqua also just another version of Kairi?

He really isnt, you just bruteforced the game and you are getting punished it for it.

What do you mean "too powerful"? Have you tried blocking, using reflect, and learning how to dodge his moves?

No, she's much better. Practically Kairi done right, I hope they fix Kairi in KH3.

Miss Kairi!

This, I wish I could have my own kairi waifu bot to cuddle with me at nights after hours of playing vidya.

And then wake me up by helping me get rid of my morning wood.

Would you go out on a raft and die in the middle of the ocean with Kairi?

In a heartbeat.



i'd do it without her

How hairy is she?

Why does Sora wanna fuck Riku over her?

On one hand I'm not a fan of how copy paste this is from Aqua, but on the other I fucking love the wave skirt shit it has and Kairi would look gorgeous in them.

He caught the gay from someone along the way of kh1.

She's a lost cause at this point.


He doesn't.



>tears of joy for seeing his friend after thinking he's dead

>happy for his friend making it back safe from his trip

I don't see the gay here. Stop projecting your cock lust onto fictional characters.

Not my fault what the game does, my dude.


The game is about FRIENDship. I bet you faggots think Frodo and Sam were gay too.


The river of tears from the fujo blight will be glorious when she wins.

They're not?

The game has no problem showing the Disney couples be couples. Sora and Riku are given far more development together than Kairi. I don't even ship them or care at all one way or the other, but many people see it as well. Why do you think so many are begging for Kairi to be fixed or have more screentime?

Oh, they will be canon. But their love story will probably be about as good as Squall and Rinoa. If not worse.

So amazing then.
I look forward to it.


You heard me.

>those CG DSL's in the bottom left

Looking back on it, Kairi had spunk, what the fuck did she think she was doing taking a fighting stance against Saix of all people?


I miss funny vgcatz

>So amazing Quistis and Selphie get into games with Squall over her

She was going to kick his ass.

I'd rather not have seen Rinoa as a hideous Pop figure anyways.

Would've taken her over Shelke. Wtf did they even include her?

Hey that was a cute game you take that back. I hope we see the twins in KH3.

Kingdom Hearts is a story about Riku and Sora.
They totally should have kissed at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2.

But they're not gay, why would they kiss?
>all those sora and kairi scenes
>riku dropping his spaghetti with shiki

I love you.

This makes me sad. I miss him.

That's a him?

Best Kairi art.

No, that user is talking about the creator. Monty Oum if haven't heard his name before.
I miss him too. It was tragic what happened to him.

Also the most broken medal in KHUx.

If the tutorial of 3 isn't playing as Kairi during the start of her training, I'll be pissed.

Too cute.

Dude, like, use the limit form

You'll be playing as Sora in Olympus Coliseum.

worse FF girl ever.

I still can't decide

What about Zack training in the coliseum?

KH1 Kairi

Nigga its literally the same character.

One is 14 and the other 15.

Riku's autism with Shiki was fuckin' great, really along with most of KH3D's other writing. Legitimately gave the sense that he's been so busy sperging out about muh heart and the keyblade to worry about things like basic human interaction or not offloading his pasta around girls

KH1 is cute, KH2 is beautiful.

Donald Sora Limit

Joshua figuring out everything was really nice, the TWEWY characters felt like they had presence in the world and actually became believable friends with Sora and Riku.

Those are two different collections

Roxas is a new boss for FM so he's balanced for FM. Basically, become skilled.

I don't know, but since Dirge of Cerberus is one of the few FFs I've played, I appreciated it.


>Don't hit the camera, man.

Wait for tier 8 Kairi, it'll definitely happen.

I can already imagine the sheer damage output possible.

>help me Sora
>One year later
>I'm an independent character now
>Oh no help me Sora
>Yay I got a keyblade
Cool character

Kairi has more canon Shadow kills in cutscenes than Sora does. As a matter of fact it only takes her one swing compared to Sora's three.

I hope there will be character development for her in 3.

That's what happens when you have both darkness-immunity and sheer light capacity. Kairi could hang around in the realm of darkness for years and nothing would happen to her.


Kairi....Kairi's INSIDE me?