Super Smash Bros

What is it, lads? A port, or a new game?

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Deluxe Port w/ a new character customization feature

What does this even mean

Our own custom character?

Custom outfits bruv.

BotW Link skin on top of TP Link, hell maybe they'll have diff moves.

Think about how customizable outfits are in the latest Mario, Zelda, Splatoon & Pokemon

Was the tier list fair?

The poll isn't really clear if you're voting on what you think it is or what you want it to be

I also think it's kind of a moot point. I mean, Smash is Smash. It's going to have a lot of the same characters regardless. And it will probably take a lot of the old stages from the Wii U version even if it isn't a port. There will be new characters and new stages and new soundtracks either way.

In the end, it might be walking such a fine line that no one will ever agree if it was a port or a new game. Such is life as a rehash franchise.

I'd say "don't you mean alts" but... yeah, this could be pretty interesting. Actually, it could be an answer to alts. Every character could get your basic customization options (different colors for their default outfits), but Link could get stuff like his TP outfit, Mario could get Cappy, or Dr. Mario, the squid kids can get whatever customization they've got, and so on.

It's gonna be a new but shitty, lazy, unfinished cash grab that was made just to get people to subscribe to Nintendo's new online subscription thingy.

The chanting during the flame doesn't match any previous game theme or song

>top is WiiU/3DS schwing intro
>bottom is from Switch Teaser
They're different, see?

>People still believe it’s a port

>People still believe as a new game it will be mostly from Sm4sh

You guys are deadass retarded, Sm4sh literally had 2 and a half years since Iwata confirmed the next smash was starting development right after Kid Icarus Uprising releases March 2012

Assuming, ASSUMING, Sakurai started Smash 5 right after the last DLC update, that is still longer development for Smash 5 than Sm4sh

And that’s not taking into account that Sakurai himself stated he was working on this game on secret

Nintendo will do what they can to make it seem like a new game. They're dealing with a lot of criticism for all the ports already, so if they can make it look like a new game, they will. I doubt they'll ever mention the Wii U version again, even if it's a direct port

I won't believe it's a new game until I hear some official information. Not some autistic breadcrumb trail theory.

>muh patterns
>muh rules

I think if people look at your game and can't instantly tell if it's a port or a new game, then at the very least it's a total rehash. We should all be able to admit it doesn't matter. This is like arguing if a NSMB game is new or a remaster. Like, what's the difference? Semantics.

It can't be a port

Mii Fighters will have to be cut

>I won't believe this until I hear more evidence
>until then I will continue believing something that has much less evidence going for it

we can't tell because it was a cinematic trailer. we would know instantly if there was any gameplay shown off.

>if it's new, they'll have to top being able to get Mega Man, Ryu, Bayonetta, and Cloud

How can they top them?

aww man if anything this makes me think its a port

why is that faggot sakurai refusing to clarify this anyway, this kind of thing already opens the floodgates to nonstop shitposting

>GUYS look at this BILLING CODE from AMAZON!
Because I'm not gonna listen to a bunch of autists comb through incidental "clues" when nobody here knows anything about copyrights or patents or whatever.

My gut feeling is that if Nintendo wanted us to be 100% sure that it was a real game, they would have said so, but speculation memery is what gets people talking.

I'm getting the game either way.

>we would know instantly if there was any gameplay shown off.
How? The games are basically the same minus a small graphical facelift each time, and since the Wii U and Switch are basically the same generation, there won't be a difference. You really think they'll make fresh models just because?

pepsi man, 7-up spot and the noid

namefags, tripfags, and discordditors killed Sup Forumseekends. fuck off

Ambiguity gets people talking and keeps people interested. Say what you will about Nintendo, but their marketing gimmicks are fucking genius.

Needed evidence, so no

>if Nintendo wanted us to be 100% sure that it was a real game, they would have said so

>This many people are delusional and have literally no bearing in reality

This is why the west is fucked, so ignorant to reading signs/learning from the past.

when its confirmed to be a deluxe port people will change their definition of what constitutes a new game
>i-it has new stages and characters so its a new game

With the dev time taken away from them, we could get one new character. I’d take that trade.

At first I thought it was a port but now I'm in the camp that it'll be a new game with more reused assets than the previous games. Similar to Splatoon 2. Looks very similar but technically a sequel instead a port.

Also I get the feeling it's going to release with not many characters but will get 2 years+ of free DLC like what ARMS and Splatoon are doing.

I'd gladly take it too. Mii Fighters were a novelty, but the Miis as a concept are dead, boring, and outdated. I'm glad they're gone for good.

The same people who are talking about Smash now would be talking about Smash regardless.

Deception that the port they're making is anything other than a port is not marketing and it's not genius. It's nothing more than them dancing around the issue that there's nothing but ports on the schedule for this year

Portfags are so fucking stupid. Sakurai announced in 2016 he was working on a new game, and he has just confirmed that he is working on Smash day-in, day-out. He also isn't known to work on two games at once, as seen with Kid Icarus and Smash. He hasn't been working for 2 years on a deluxe version of Smash 4.

Think, if it was a port they would have shown gameplay or told us it was a port. Intentionally misleading their audience into thinking it's a new game when it's really just a port of an old game would be a massive shot in the foot for Nintendo. They can kiss all the goodwill they've been carefully building since the Switch. Nintendo does not want another repeat of the Wii U

>port fags BTFO

A sequel with reused assets like Splatoon 2.

It's not a port.
But it's not a full-fledged new game.

It will reuse Sm4sh engine and assets to create a new game from scratch either.

Think about it like Majora's Mask.

Again there's no fucking evidence for the game being a port. They've let us know every time when a game is a port, why would they be vague about it now? A teaser like this makes sense for a new game, why would they A.) Hype it up so intensely if it's just a port when they don't hype these up normally, and B.) Risk the backlash of people being so fucking pissed off because they were expecting a new game.

Link has his BotW design, there's new music, the logo is different, the title is tentative, it's being listed by Nintendo as a new game. It's been established that there has been enough dev time to make a new Smash game so the release date isn't relevant. Sakurai has stated he's been working on a new game. Jesus fucking christ why do you insist it's a port? You clearly must know a shit ton of things that I don't here, clearly there's some huge shit I haven't seen if you're so god damn confident it's a port.

Christ this shits retarded.

>rehash franchise
calling Smash a rehash franchise is fucking retarded mate

each game has had loads of new features, increased the character count by atleast 33 percent, added dozens of new stages, tons of new music, new game types, new modes. all of them.

>The same people who are talking about Smash now would be talking about Smash regardless.
But not until its release date, or even E3. If it was clear what we were getting, everyone would talk about it for the next week and just settle into waiting because there's nothing left to talk about. It's hype farming.

>Deception that the port they're making is anything other than a port is not marketing and it's not genius.
But technically they didn't say that it was or wasnt a port yet. This is how Smashfags think and Sakurai knows it. He knows that people will spend months on end talking about the most useless information and that's good press.

Sakurai could literally tweet a picture of his breakfast and Smashfags would think he was trying to drop hints about the next character.

So whether it's a port or not, how do you guys want them to handle BotW Link?

Have him replace TP Link and take his moveset, or have both BotW Link and another (TP or maybe even OoT) Link, with BotW Link having a moveset more based on BotW?

>stages are places from other games
>characters are characters from other games
>music are songs from other games
>gameplay is boring casual party game bullshit where every character has the same controls
Smash is Rehash: The Series. There's no original content whatsoever.

It seems at least 25% of Sup Forums is autistic

Make the runes his specials.

Anyone who stays here more than an hour is

Link is fucking lame as fuck. Shitty bombs, shitty arrow, shitty boomerang. His specials are total boring trash from his N64 days.

I'd be up for a full remaster of his moveset. Remote bombs, stasis, magnesis, etc.

I just hope they don't give him a fucking down b counter, even though they could give him one now. (flurry rush attack in BotW)

>But not until its release date, or even E3.
Yeah, you're an idiot. We didn't need to argue about port vs new to have daily ridley meme threads for the last 5 years. It's merely changed conversation matter, slightly. Not added to it. Now instead of 99% roster related threads, it's only 90% roster related threads and 10% inane port vs new argument (protip: it doesn't matter)

There shouldn't be three Links. Toon Link has the same moveset as TP. I would personally like BoTW Link and Young Link. What is most likely is that BoTW Link will be "Link" (with the traditional costume as a skin), and then they'll have Toon Link.

Make it a separate character. There are already two Links so why not a third?

Why not just say it's not a port? I don't get it. Why intentionally make your consumers unsure of what product you're trying to sell them?

>muh discussion
Yeah, I keep hearing that but I'm not buying it. Why would you want people to "discuss" whether or not you're selling the same product to them again with a fresh coat of paint? Why wouldn't you want them to talk about stuff like what will or won't be in the game instead? You can't generate hype around "oh fuck is it a port or isn't it?!?!". This argument simply doesn't hold water here.

Outright saying it's not a port would only yield benefits for them, and would not impact the amount of discussion in the slightest.

Don't be shy user, come say hi

They also never said it WAS a port.

>Why intentionally make your consumers unsure of what product you're trying to sell them?
Bruh, did you forget the Wii U? Do you really think they just magically got better in the past 6 years because the Switch is a success?

why do people think it's only had a 2 year dev cycle? Smash 4 went gold in 2014. Do people think the devs just worked on the DLC characters the entire time?

So basically, new game, but tons of reused assets.

From their perspective, Sm4sh 3DS/Wii U are different games. Nintendo isn't very forthcoming, especially with information that could be viewed as a negative. Remember when MK8 was 1080p on the Wii U? It took them a long time to admit that was the upscaled resolution. They're deceptive cunts.

We haven't seen a single in-game asset yet

was it autism?

Because Sakurai said he was taking a break around 2015.

>it's a port of a rehash
>no, it's a new rehash
Guys. Guys... You're both right, ok?

You dont make a teaser trailer for a game that already exists

As far as framerate/resolution/all that objective shit goes it'll pretty much be the same as Smash 4. But I think we'll see a significant change in aesthetics to help differentiate it as a new entry.

The Mario model was different from the 3DS/Wii U CG trailers, with more details on his clothes and skin illumination. Same thing with Link. I doubt they'd go through that much effort for a port, given that MK8, Tropical Freeze, Captain Toad and BoTW didn't get any marketing art upgrades for the Switch releases.

%100 this

People forget Melee was revealed at E3 and released at launch

He's Japanese dude

Except Smash 4 received new character reveals for several years after its release.

If this is a new Smash game, why did it look like a Splatoon character reveal? It's like they're just adding on to Smash 4.

>I doubt they'd go through that much effort for a port
You didn't see game footage. You saw a character reveal trailer. All the character reveal trailers have been top notch quality, since we essentially get them now instead of in-game movies.

You do realise many many games reuse assets whether that's for stand-ins during development or completely reused for the full product with tweaks.

By your dumb fucking logic many games are 'ports'.

Is it going to be the exact same game that was on WiiU, but on Switch ala Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The answer is clearly no. Stop embarrassing yourselves you're coming across like even morons.

>Is it going to be the exact same game that was on WiiU, but on Switch ala Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Even MK8D had brand new content. You could argue it was a new game.

Dude, I've been saying this entire argument is semantics. The nature of the series that Smash is makes it incredibly rehashy, so when determining whether or not a Smash is a port or a remaster, you'd be looking at the assets, because that's mostly what distinguishes the separate games.

This entire argument is pedantic as fuck

I'd be stoked if they changed his moveset to fit BotW Link. He could be more agile than the OG Link. BotW Link, like his game, has a lot of possibilities.

His moveset should mostly be based off of the original Link but make them faster. He would also be able to glide after holding down the jump button.

B: Arrows, custom 1: Bomb Arrows that do more knockback, but less damage, custom 2: Ancient Arrows that are slower to fire, but fire in a straight line and do more damage
Side B: Master Sword beam. Can charge, does more damage the closer Link is to 0%. Custom 1: The Bomb rune. Works as the bomb normally does in past Smash games. Custom 2: Square Bomb rune. Works the same way, but won't roll, and will only explode after pressing Side B again, letting Link explode it upon command.
Up B: Revali's Gale. It'll send him straight up. Custom 1: Less vertical height, but he can perform one action (that isn't another jump) afterwards. Custom 2: Can charge, which will push enemies away while he's charging, more vertical height.
Down B: Daruk's Protection. A shield will form around Link, and anything that hits it will get knocked away. Weaker if used in succession. Custom 1: Mipha's Grace. Same thing, but rather than knocking fighters back, it'll heal Link for a small amount. Same decay effect if used too many times in succession. Custom 2: Urbosa's Fury. Urbosa summons two bolts of lightning on either side of Link to fend off any other fighters.

Final Smash could be literally anything.
>Link could slow down time and go to town on his foes, like firing arrows in midair or dodging an attack perfectly
>or he could whip out the Master Cycle and run his foes over like Captain Falcon
>or he could summon the Champions to nuke an enemy with the Divine Beasts
>or he could just do the Flurry Rush/Triforce Slash

Look pardon my autism but I'm excited at the possibility of Link getting a moveset overhaul


And each character reveal followed the same format as the ones from pre-release "CHARACTER NAME action that relates to character" splash screen, gameplay footage.

Inklings didn't. No splash screen, no gameplay footage, nothing.

Fuck, you portfags are retarded. Look at the evidence that is actually there.

Make him all new. Keep Toon Link or bring back Young Link for players who like the old moveset

And they were different models than what they used for the 3DS/Wii U trailers with different styling.

No other port has been given new marketing material like this before. From Bayonetta to Captain Toad to Tropical Freeze to MK8D, all of them were immediately revealed to be ports. Smash is being shown off with new content, so it's a new game.

Sans. And they'd be retarded not to do it considering it's guaranteed sales.

Im just sick to death of seeing these threads already, whether or not its new is determined by the developers and they claim its an 'all new game'. End of story.

But what I also mean by games reusing assets is even games completely unrelated to each other reuse assets to save time. So it even further muddies the semantic argument people are having. I don't even know why this talk has started now, we've seen absolute ZERO of this game.

And anyone talking about the cinematic teaser like that's any indication is truly retarded for thinking there's anything you can take away from post-rendered cinematic models.

>each of these characters have a very real chance of getting in

What fucking world are we living in?



The people who would want Sans are the people who are going to buy it anyway.

And there are also people who would refuse to buy the game because Sans is in it.

Ness is already in the game, though.

>And there are also people who would refuse to buy the game because Sans is in it.

Those people have shit taste to be quite honest with you family.

It'll be a regular fighter styled follow up. Reuse and build up from the previous game but change enough to call it a new game.

>When Undyne would be a better option

Actually, shitposting aside, he really does have a chance to get in. Like a real chance, not just as a meme.

...come to think of it, perhaps not as a character, though, but as an assist trophy? I'd be more comfortable with that.

If Bamco is developing again then it'll be paid DLC guaranteed

I praying to God this shits a reboot

BotW Link is a good sign to me

Reduce the roster immensely. Smash 4 was so overloaded tired and boring

Add new inputs and new mechanics. Reboot characters like Link and Mario

Make the series fresh again. And fuck those shit guest characters.

Not assist trophy. No. Fuck that.

I'd be fine with a Trophy, especially if they do a bunch of Nindies trophies.

New game clearly, we already know the subtitle


port of smash 4 with a new dlc character (inkling) and new skins for old ones (botw link)

People that assmad about Undertale are in the minority, considering it's a fucking Smash game.

Sans is pretty much the mascot at this point, and considering the Switch reveal trailer was literally just him and Papyrus, Nintendo knows that. It's also likely to get pretty decent sales on Switch and quite possibly create another wave of Undertale frenzy because of how big the Switch's install base is. If he's not playable then I'd say he has a >70% chance of being an assist.

>Reduce the roster immensely. Smash 4 was so overloaded tired and boring
Fucking this, man.
>Sm4sh had 50+ characters
>5mash is obligated to having even more for an artificial sense of expansion
>mfw less than 10 of them will be worth using
For Glory was utter cancer if you main a heavy character because the game is pathetically unbalanced.

Where's my fucking third option: 'It's Nintendo so it honestly could go either way'

Anybody who is sure of themselves in either direction with how vague all this is is a dummy

It'd be neat if he were an assist trophy and just had bones moving across the screen that could knock your ass around.

Most signs point to a new game, the only things that suggest otherwise are the timing and the trend of popular Wii U games getting ported onto the Switch.


>For Glory was utter cancer

Fixed that for ya. Both Bowser and DK were pretty solid characters, but they need platforms badly.

It's just going to be a port with a new character.

Seriously, I was maining DK at the time, getting my ass handed to me every game by shitters who would only play Pikachu, Yoshi and Diddy and run circles around me.

Seriously! DK has amazing kill setups. Ding-Dong kills ridiculously low, his throws are great, he can control a huge amount of the stage just with size and power alone, and that weight means so long as you're not getting gimped it's taking forever to kill you.

Stop running after those characters to try and catch them, because they win by using their mobility to frustrate you. Move with purpose. You are in control, they have to get within YOUR space to kill you, and they only need to get hit a few times while they have to wear you down with lots of weak hits before they can get in for the kill.

This is easier said than done, sure, and I know Diddy especially is horseshit, but that's part of gittin gud. I believe in you, user.