The hero entered your house and took things that could help him in his quest

The hero entered your house and took things that could help him in his quest

What did he take? And what is more important, do you think it will help?

He took my WIFI Router.
So I guess probably.

I've got some beer and wine. Might be useful.

Dragon Dildo
Maybe I dont know, he broke into my house and stole my shit, i hope he dies

Maybe a knife or axe I have in my room if he's just starting out.
Also got a medkit and some rope and stuff in my bug out bag.
Pretty helpful I suppose depending on the quest.

he took my virginity
it will help boost his morale before battle with a boss

>inb4 "my virginity"

Probably my keys, More shit to steal. And a bottle opener

got em

my lockpick set, pistol, and a turbo kit I was about to install on my car, probably all very useful amusing he has a K24 and decent aim

well shit

Got a unique hunting knife that might be worth taking, maybe a tent and some camp supplies also. Definitely grabbed all the loose change I have sitting in multiple containers throughout the house.

>What did he take?
My stash of Soylent.
>do you think it will help?
Absolutely, in SO many ways.

>mfw you were 15 seconds late
I have a full set of tools, including a ratchet set. Duct tape, food, weapons and ammo, all kinds of shit. He'd have to get past me first, though

Carbon fiber composite staff
Handles well but too brittle to use as a weapon

A big toolset, lots of small first aid kits, vaccines, needles, syringes, nitrile gloves, laxatives, a defibrillator, epinephrine, aspirin, methotrexate and a bunch of other drugs

He'd probably make multiple trips



he took my plate carrier, mags and helmet

well we all know that's never going to happen you can spot a virgin from a mile away.

The master sword replica and my pet mouse. No idea what he’s planning

he went and fucked my childhood love, and also fucked like the entire town and my sister

is this one of those shota hero doujins?

He took my +2 Butter Knife of Spreading, but realized the additional weight made him overencumbered. I now butter my toast with a lightning katana.


It will save his life

He took the bacon and herb sandwich my mum made me when she came to visit.
Might give him some health idk.

The only useful stuff in my room that the hero might have taken would be:
>Yeezies (fuck you they're nice)
>original 91/30 Mosin fully loaded with five 7.62x54R rounds
>secret picture I took and printed of this girl's ass I liked when I was in 7th grade
>Arizona iced teas in my minifridge
>my jizzjar ecoproject
>gold ring from high school graduation

I don't know what else would be useful for any purpose

>>jizzjar ecoproject

>shota hero
>fucking a loli

>secret picture I took and printed of this girl's ass I liked when I was in 7th grade
Is this technically child porn even though you were both kids at the time? Would that mean the image BECAME illegal over time?

>jizzjar ecoproject
You okay user?

the fork i use to scratch my ass with


i guess he would take my knife, and maybe my gamecube memory card, there's alot of 100%'d games on there, other than that i don't have much of anything

my treasure map, my self esteem, no because I haven't buried the treasure yet

He took all my cans of soda. I guess that improved both of our health.

my life

>Is this technically child porn even though you were both kids at the time?
Yes. Haven't you read the reports on teen sexting? It is illegal for anyone to possess illicit images of children, even other children.

He took a slice of pizza
Probably gonna increase his HP permanently

Raided my fridge, took water filter, frying pan, knives, maul, lighter, money, clothes.
Dropped pile of rusty junk weapons and trashed armor to free up inventory.


45-70 lever action and a shitload of Red Bull
Godspeed, you madman

>>my jizzjar ecoproject
Wait a damn minute.. This sounds vaguely familiar.

Recurve bow, hatchet, Swiss army knife, sleeping bag, and 1-4 children.

If his quest is "get some sleep" then GG no re

>Sleeping bag and 1-4 children
Since when was zelda a kidnapper?

Bastard took my non-firing replica Colt Peacemaker so he can swap it out for the real one on the weight-sensitive trigger that locks the door.

Well, he took the big pot of noodle soup I just made. Betcha it'll last him a while, it was one of those large 2-gallon pots.He swiped my pocketknife and apple whiskey, too. Motherfucker.

OoT if you count the fairies as children

Did he happen to be a certain mailman?

Maybe just my bed. I've got nothing else in my room since I'm moving right now.

>not soy many ways

Took my cat.
Now he's got a battle companion.

He took my bustard sword and rapier. They're blunt as fuck so good luck with that.

Dudes, I'm still waiting for the sad panda link

>jizzjar ecoproject
What the fuck

bitch stole all my hot cocoa

The pipe gun I keep in my fridge.

She took my virginity ... I wish.
If you are gonna steal my shit you could at least get me laid.