>That’s a very violent game your playing their user. As President of The United States I’m confiscating it.
What should I say to the president?
>That’s a very violent game your playing their user. As President of The United States I’m confiscating it.
What should I say to the president?
Other urls found in this thread:
From my cold, dead hands.
What Sup Forums really needs to understand is that President Trump only wants to MAGA
If he deems super violent videogames are twisting the mind of your youth and turning them into school shooters then something must be done.
Just deal with it when the ban comes. It's for the greater good of the country. We need to MAGA super hard to make up for 8 years of king nigger
So bottom line just take it like a man, it's for the good of the country. find a different hobby, play sports, go outside, anything but stupid violent videogames
Based Trump, accelerating the western industry crash
*pulls out legal grenade launcher*
pssst nothing personal,kid
Classic Trump.
There is so much false flagging in these threads its not even funny
hand him a piece of paper
the united states constitution
also remind him you pay his paychecks and that he's a civil servant
please president, ban wolfenstein 2
My AR-15 says otherwise, pixel grabber.
Nigger, literally no one thinks that any legislation is going to come of this. It's all a front to detract from guns.
If you want to be player 2 you could just ask my emperor.
Did you even see the shit on the video uploaded to the white house channel?
It's disgusting! how can we let our children play that? then school shootings happen and everyone is wondering why.
that's why!
>Trump holds talks on video games
>Conservative group at the talks flatly states "absolutely nothing was achieved"
>Fox News congratulates Drumpf on another job well done
Will he be the first President to literally ride out a term while doing absolutely nothing?
>while doing absolutely nothing
I see Trump has taken a cue from Luigi.
y-you too
I'd rather have gay mulatto globalism and CoD than the ethnostate or whatever
Buy more hair gel you demented old fuck
I know. I’m just shitposting.
el rey de los ogros...
Listen to me. For a very long time people have been talking to me about violent video games. And Ive seen them myself. My son plays them, and I never liked them. enough is enough. Its time to make america great again and get these kinds of games out of the hands of children.
I don't play any games he'd have a problem with.
I'd support Hillary if she started to crack down american companies too. I'd support anyone who cuts Bethesda and Valve source of income
I, uhh, didn't vote for (You).
Can you come with me a second? alone.
*plays a nice match of Q3 with the president and tell him to just tell the cucks that he got all my violent games in his mallet*
Is he going to put tariffs on non-American games?
t. didn't take american history
john tyler already did that
*cracks knuckles*
heh, this is just another boss
Look out, it's the IRS!
I'm not murrican.
yeah, back when they had whites they actually did stuff. who knew?
>on another job well done
Yeah, that's the point of having the talks user. To shut up the noisy fuckwits and make them feel like they achieved something until the next shooting.
>That’s never stop us before silly.
There are park benches in my country older than your entire "history"
>we're a county that doesn't have any oil.
U Cant touch my games u see im a GAMER and us GAMERS dont take kindly to your despicable ways us gamers will show you whos the REAL player one
Don't care, I've seen games as liberal propaganda for almost a decade. No skin off my back if they ban this shit and/or make uninteresting enough that the medium loses a significant amount of participants.
>What should I say to the president?
I'll turn in my games if you let me be in Vice President Pence's Electro-Troopers.
>Record stock market
>Low unemployment
>renegotiating trade laws
>Isis being defeated
>>>Doing nothing
So unless he's virtue signaling like Obama or Trudeau then nothing is being accomplished? What did Obama do again? Apart from the 7 wars.
>wanting to turn America into Australia 2.0
You are what's wrong with this country.
>What should I say to the president?
Muad'Dib, through your weirding module.
every time
>his "culture" hasn't done anything important in over 100 years
how does it feel to be lost to time?
>trump pledged to enforce loli bans
>Sup Forums supported him
He won’t be the first and her certainly won’t be the last.
>Isis being defeated
Didn't they upload videos the other day?
Get back over the border you burger nigger
>american history
his ban on steel is retarded and corrupt, and if the peace talks dont work we are lookin at trade wars on top of two actual wars
>train him Mike.
They've lost significant territory since Trump took power.
>Isis being defeated
i forgot he was on the frontlines :^)
Old Sup Forums has been dead for years, moot isn’t even admin anymore.
I laugh at you manbitches and your video games lmao. Looks like big daddy Trump will be forcing you out of your caves real soon. Haha.
For those that are in in your early twenties you still have a chance, but you fat fucking sweaty 30 year old no lifers better start digging your own graves, Ahahahaha
This is an official video from the White House's Youtube channel.
same as my guns. come and take em.
The topic is about the things he did. Those are what he did and accomplished, making the original comment of "doesn't do anything" invalid.
>we were always at war with eurasia
>announce tariffs
>every country tries to buddy up and do a deal
>america gets free money
stupid drumpf
>picks up "their"
>doesn't pick up "your"
Only if you promise to keep Hillary out for another 4 years.
>>trump pledged to enforce loli bans
When did this happen?
That's the work of Putin.
Is v finally realizing that this orange dope has a double digit IQ?
>not him
>there are actual people mad that games cant rely on gore anymore
>8 years of king nigger
But Obama only did heavy damage to the country in his second term.
Lmao Facts tbqhwy
my dubs are daghlandf dghrampf iq
He killed the TPP, he saved doujinshi and comiket
Hello Fourchans,
I am a typical \B\retard as you guys are. I like mudclips and the skinny man. I hate Reddit and Rudepoos as your do, I am one of you guys \bee\, and I like memes, DASU DASU. ITT: In this thread we should post new cool memes that we hide from the redditfaggots. Everybody ride the dinosaur and spaghetti falls on me. Please note that I am not a Noob Fag but am an Experienced Fag because I lork all the time. Fresh Prince of Bellman and we are Anomalous. Lets create new memes that reddit will never get and this is new content and not copy pizza. I enjoy Wartoads, do a battle roll and I just lost the match.
Its okay him and Putin are allies. Its a well know fact that Vlad helped him win the elections through hackers.
That's a funny way of spelling lootboxs.
Sony paid the president to complain about violence so the public would forget about the lootbox issue.
>*phone vibrates*
>Hold on to your violent videogames. We have a plan.
What do?
based trump
>tfw not american
>country is too third world to ever worry about shit like vidya
Feels good.
"You're" isn't a real word.
The ban is stupid, just raise tariffs and let us start manufacturing the steel we want to again instead of imposing a bunch of dumb environmental regulations. Already got regulations shifted in NC to let Pork producers actually distribute. Which fucked china with a rusty dildo right on out of this state.
I'm not against that kinda shit. Fucking more then obama ever did for our community.
Praise our new lords and saviors.
Every day that a subhuman "lead" this country did irreparable damage to our national pride.
Op here. I am really enjoying the Trump presidency but I wish he would scape goat gaming like this. No better then what the left did. At least his views will make the left do a 180 on censoring games at least where it comes to violence.
>ywn recite the Lord's Prayer while shooting four terawatts worth of power out of your hands down a crowded San Frisco street
>"Research has found no link between violent videogames and violence"
>the same is true for child porn
>"T-That's different!"
*San Franscisco
>Will he be the first President to literally ride out a term while doing absolutely nothing?
That would be President Lyndon Johnson. He got impeached during his Presidency which he couldn't do anything for the rest of his term and he only did one term in office.
That might well cause outright war with Japan.
>Sup Forums actually believes Trump had their best interests at heart
Explain yourselves.
I don’t think video games cause violence at all but I do understand why these people looking in from the outside would think that they do. If I had no knowledge on the medium and I see violence along with video games that display violence I would put the two together.
Maybe we should send trump copies of metal Gear Rising
B-but Hillary and WW3.
This grandpa is hilarious. Good luck America.
>every country on the planet held higher views of the US while Obama was in office
>some cleetuses on stormfront didn't like it
As a American, anyone feel that Mexico and Europe is looking like a better countries now?
why are people caring about western games?
Imagine being so stupid that you unironically think Trump is a good president.