What's the iced tea of video games

what's the iced tea of video games


>mfw trying Arizona for the first time

which flavor did you get



If you're going to get shitty iced tea, get the slightly less shitty Peace Tea. Caddyshack is great, actually.

>something you drink because you just feel like trying full on soda pop
competitive multiplayer shooters
when you don't want to commit to a single player game

>cheap and some flavors are shit and some are great.
Indie games

Green tea with honey. Taste was all over the place, tart, sweet, artificial. Just weird

peace tea is fucking atrocious
you haven't tasted ice tea until you tasted 'no name' ice tea

>mfw trying Blueberry White Tea for the first time

best flavor

Fighting Games.

just stop okay

i fap too much

it's for black people, what did you expect?

I like Schnapples a lot more than Arizona tqbh

Though sadly you can't get them anymore :(

Who /SADBOYS/ here

I think it's pretty good for 99 cent tea, but it's still just 99 cent tea.

>small dev
>no marketing, relies on word of mouth, low price
>wildly successful
>not the best, but pretty good all things considered
>always see manchildren walk around with t shirts displaying it

>what did you expect?

literally nothing, I was given a bottle along with a pizza I didn't ask questions.

I like it, but I agree. The taste is kind of shitty. Tastes like rusty water.

wtf I am black?

What, that's the best one imo, that is becuase my palate don't like sweets a lot.

Heroes of the Storm

Its a moba so its for asians, its not either of the top mobas so its for hipsters, and it not even good.

There is only one good Arizona that doesnt leave your mouth feeling nasty as fuck and this is the GOAT drink not to be confused with the arnold palmer.

Why aren't you faggots not making your own tea? Are Americans this retarded that you can sell them overpriced fucking tea in a bottle with flashy colours?

>fizzy ice tea

just get a pop, nigiga

I make my tea at home but when I go out I buy bottled tea obviously. Europoors just keep getting dumber

>Over priced tea

Its 1 usd for 73cl of liquid

iced tea lemonade

Im black and I love it. But Id get a bigger sample size.


Still too cold to sun brew, tried last week and had to dump the whole thing.

Give me a break, I just masturbated.

Water is so cheap you can consider it free
25 bags of good tea cost like 3-5€

You are the retards here. I bet you also buy gamerfuel, doritos and mountain dew
you muricans disgust me

>Iced tea
>No ice in it

Arizona is trash besides this flavor.
Super sugary drink and cheap for a large portion. There is a reason its so popular with low income people of which the majority happens to be black. I fucking love arizona though


>Drinking sugar water

This is the future you chose.

I unironically listen to Yung Lean and Bladee.

I brew my own black tea regularly, britmong. Most things in a bottle or can taste like boiled aspartame and piss.


>good tea

in b4 404

Can I drink an energy drink with ice or does it ruin the flavor and or make mustard gas?

Mucho Mango is good

This tastes like shit it's like 50% sugar

Pretty sure there's no tea in it either tbf

Who /juice/ here?

orange juice is god tier

>even the nurse are fat
How can you let yourself get fat when you witness this kind of shit firsthand?

>drinking pure sugar

just keep wasting your money ;)

Natural sugar.
Not processed shit.

thats his family

you can get it without added sugar

anyway, no one's forcing you to drink an entire bottle you mong

>freshly squeezed fruit
>pure sugar

Zero self control.

I drink water.

>drink mainly juice
>feel like a health nut
>get diabetes by the time you're 28

Liquid candy.

>implying Tropicana is freshly squeezed fruit

Yup, my niggas bought 2-3 arizona jugs everyweek. Shit was so cash. I remember my nine nephews fought over that jug. haha

>nectar shit

I'd rather just drink water, desu

Sup Forums - be/v/erages


>can't handle a sweet drink with the texture of semen
What are you, a gay?

>Arizona jugs
>my nine nephews
too much stereotype, niggers