Indies in Smash

>What indie character would you like to see in smash?
>Which indie character is most likely?
>Which would cause the biggest shitstorm?

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San's reveal is a big surprise in the game.

I think it's more likely that they'd use mettaton instead, or even have no characters and just have an undertale stage/items with lots of toby fox silliness.

I want Sans to be in the game because of the fucking internet implosion that would happen.

>legitimate discussion of undertale in smash
this is going to be a fun year


Shantae would probably be the most mechanically interesting.

Indieshit is not welcome to Smash.

none of them to be honest

I don't remember the Cave Story guy's name, but he seems like the most probable one out of all the potential indie characters.

>Shovel Knight
Only if Sakurai caves to those demands but even then nobody cares for them in Smash anymore (or at least not as much)
>Commander Video
Devs literally begged to have a trophy in
Literally a naked child
Not even indie but I can see it somewhat happening given how huge Minecraft is. Problem is that Steve doesn't have a personality and cannot emote in anyway

well, minecraft is not a indie anymore

so what you're saying is... monika's in?


I never payed attention to that bitch or her game
Can she even fight?

Personally I would like Quote but I doubt he would be chosen. It will probably be Shantae or Shovel Knight but I guess it could go Sans somehow

Reimu is a HAL character silly.

Quote > Shantae > Shovel Knight > Commander Video > Steve > Sans/Frisk Meat Boy > Cuphead > Isaac > Monika

If I had to pick any indie rep to get in Smash, it’d be Quote in a heartbeat.
>Kickstarted the modern indie scene as a whole
>History on Nintendo consoles
If you unironically want characters like Sans, Monika or Steve over Quote, you’re absolutely pathetic.

I think Shovel Knight could have a bit of a chance but still doubt anyone will make it
although Meat Boy and Cuphead would be legit amazing additions

Quote, Shantae, Shovel Knight, and Dillon, 4 character indie pack.

bit trip has had plenty of shit on nintendo devices


Make Madotsuki use the Nasu eggplant as the final smash. Also btw fuck monika that would NOT work for smash. Quote, Shantae, And shovel knight would be rad. Sans would be neat but I hate the undertale fandom so nope. Cuphead I don't think would work for smash, neither would steve or Isaac. Castle Crashers could work as well. Never played bit trip runner so idk about commander video.

Reimu is the only character they could add besides Goku that would be nuts. They already did fucking Ryu and Cloud

Quote, Shantae, and Shovel Knight would be genuinely good picks. I wouldn't mind Monika either as it'd be hilarious to see things come full circle.
Not really.

if undertale gets a rep it should be mettaton i think, he has the most moveset potential



Christ. Indie characters are fucking hideous.

Sans as an assist trophy, doing a Jigglypuff Rest

>Even the Nips want Undertale in Smash
>725 favorites

Undertale just HAD to be in the fucking announce direct. Thanks, sakurai.

i unironically want Steve and shovel knight in

>We could finally have Touhou music in Smash

Nintendo has been moving away from their family friendly crews with edgy hair guy and gal but there isn't much connection between iD and Nintendo.

Good taste in hartmann's youkai girl arranges, user.
I want reimu in smash so bad!

Most likely would be Shovel Knight and Shantae, since they both have Nintendo console ports that were fairly popular.

Switch port of doom came out a while back. I guess thats a connection? He doesn't have much that could be a creative moveset, so I doubt doomguy will be in it.

>Only if Sakurai caves to those demands

>return of pissed off Reimu from iamp
what steps do we need to take to make this happen?

>Indie GOTY
>first indie character in Smash
Is there anything she can't do!?

>What indie character would you like to see in smash?
Hollow Knight because his moves translate perfectly and he would be a nice, simple character.
>Which indie character is most likely?
Shovel Knight, since he's the mascot for indie games
>Which would cause the biggest shitstorm?
Sans would be fucking legendary.

That's because they're made for their game's own art style.

>Shovel Knight

Worked for Sonic, Mega Man and Cloud (to an extent)
Kojima literally begged for Snake

do you think he begged the same way he writes dialogue?

they should've said no to Sonic to begin with when Sega didn't allow it the first time then suddenly asked him again, those wasted dev time

Why are people acting like Frisk wouldn't be a good character? All of their weapons handle differently in Undertale, and they're all unique: ballet shoes, a book, gloves, a frying pan...

Too simular to NES and Villager

Okay, Nintendo was riding the line with Bayonetta, but I don't think they would be down for a naked child whose legacy is crawling through shit, crying, bleeding, and killing vermin with corrosive piss.

sans fighting goes so laughably against the point of his appearance in the game at all, the only way for you to fight him is if you threaten to exterminate life from the entire universe. there's no way he would raise a hand at anyone else, even for fun. what you said about frisk is a good point, numerous weapons and armors make for a really diverse moveset, not to mention any ACT moves that frisk could take

Minecraft is a bigger empire than the one from fucking Star Wars, get real.

Meat Boy is the dream simply because I loved SMB. I feel he would be really fun to use but I don't think he could get into Smash.

it does make me wonder, with all these indiefags wanting to be in smash, why hasn't there been a smash-like game where all indie characters fight? no not an OC-fest with guest indies, but an actual indie crossover game

i think there is one and clue from cavestory is in it

that's a traditional fighting game tho right?

well they could add squidward

Indie Pogo.

Monika is too perfect to be in Smash

i'd be fine with smash 4 extended universe with like 20 extra indie characters in

The only Undertale I'll allow in smash is Hopes and Dreams as a Final Destination theme.


How about no indieshit at all?

Quote is the only reasonable first addition of an indie, due to historical merit.

How many units would Smash 5 sell in Japan if they added 2HU?

the question is what would the undertale stage be?

quote would be amazing, love to have some of CS music.

>Shovel Knight would be the most fun to play I think, perfect fit for Smash
>Quote is probably considered the most important indie game, though Shantae has been on Nintendo systems for a very long time
>Steve if Minecraft even still counts as indie, Frisk would also stir shit up

Honestly I'd be fine with Shovel Knight, Shantae or Quote since they could all work well with Smash moveset and would fit in just fine visually. Plenty of potential for good music, stages and items as well.