Worth playing?

worth playing?

Yeah, it's pretty good.
Especially on PC, they did a great job with the port.

Yeah it's alright but gets quite repetitive due to a lack of enemy variety. Don't expect a horror game because it isn't one. It's a shooter with a spooky setting.

Yes, it's one of the few "story games" that was actually done moderately well.
Great atmosphere, decent story, and a fun ride in general. But they did skimp on the "combat" so enemy variety sucks, and it gets repetitive especially towards end-game.

Yeah it's good but the DLC is shit don't bother with it

I really hated the gameplay, but the story kept me playing to the end, which was disappointing

It's pretty good. People will come into this thread going "HURRRRR IT'S NOT WORTH IT, TOO REPETITIVE, NOT OPEN WORLD" but that's because they bought it for $60 without knowing what it was and regretted it. For those who got it for $10 or less, it's a great game, and I assume you're going to be pirating the game if you don't already have it, because the PC version (i.e. the best version) is not for sale anymore and is effectively abandonware unless and until Remedy/Microsoft/whoever decides to renew those music licenses.

God tier atmosphere.

Gameplay can get a bit meh.

Def worth playing

Yes. The world and how everything works really feels like Max Payne 2 and it kind of has that weird surreal atmosphere too but the gameplay can get really repetitive and the locations aren't that varied either. Also and it just might be me but I felt like the story shit the bed two thirds in and it just felt like reading those shitty goosebumps books for kids.

It's worth playing with devmode on and using the free camera to see all the places you can't explore.


American nightmare however you can skip

Most of the places that can't be explored are empty or have blurry textures because you don't get to see them up close. It is interesting, though, how all of the game's locations are on the same map and are accessible via free camera mode at any time.

American Nightmare's story is pretty lame, but the gameplay is improved, and the survival/arcade mode is pretty fun once you get good.

Those books are awesome you mouthbreather.

aside from the pretty hectic stage fight I would say no but the atmosphere the game creates is kinda cool

>but the gameplay is improved,
its just too bad that you do the same shit 3 times in a row so any fun you can have gets sucked dry pretty fast

No. For two reasons.
The game is all about combat and story.

The combat is boring and repetative. There aren't many weapons and almost every enemy is melee based. Since you have a gun all you need to do is prioritize by distance. You can play almost the entire game with the pistol even on the hardest difficulty. Also, the game ruins any tension or fear you might be feeling by highlighting enemies (in slow motion no less) the moment it spawns.

Second, the story is passable, but told in a terrible way. The premise involves you finding pages that describe the very near future. The problem is those pages ruin any sense of suspense because you always know what's about to happen before you even arrive at the next set piece. Imagine watching The Thing for the first time and every 5 minutes the movie stops and graphically explains a single take in the next scene before resuming. The tension is shattered. Any hope at creating suspense or genuine terror disappears.

Watch all the cutscenes on YouTube, but don't you dare play it.

I think the story is weaker in the beginning. It felt rushed in the beginning and then it dragged a bit in the middle. I guess that's because all of the action belongs in the middle and a video game needs more of that. But the story suffered. For example, everything about Alan's wife is poorly done. Her facial animations are even worse than those of other characters; her fear of the dark, while thematically appropriate, isn't very believable; and we're not really given a chance to care about her as a character. You could say the wife's lack of characterization is inevitable, considering this is a game about rescuing a character who is taken at the beginning of the game, but that premise is so overdone that it's no excuse.

and he will know because this isn't an anonymous image bo- OH WAIT.
I liked it, and thought the story was ok. it has some good moments but you have to get through some cheesy moments. I despise how they found a foreign actor that looked "kinda" like alan instead of finding him first and modeling him after. Alan looks fugly like how every character in games except crysis back before unreal 4 released.

No not really. I thought it was pretty gay at least.

Play Deadly Premonition instead, it's low quality but great.

you know what don't play this shit OP, play NOCTURNE.


>her fear of the dark, while thematically appropriate, isn't very believable
How does she even close her fucking eyes?

>shitty goosebumps books for kids.

That's pretty much all that it is.

lol'ing at the tards that think the story is a strong point