You guys did pull for him right?
I pulled him this morning. He's +SPD/-ATK. I'm surprisingly OK with that bane.
You guys did pull for him right?
I pulled him this morning. He's +SPD/-ATK. I'm surprisingly OK with that bane.
I don't play autistic paCHINKo simulators
No way chrom’s a loser. Sigurd’s where its at.
used 100 orbs got no one not even a pity 5* currently at 4.0%. Now I need to find another 20 orbs before the banner goes
Don't have any orbs to roll for him.
I actually did get him, I missed Gray and I now have all the Valor skills except Dagger Valor, which I will get in whatever legend banner Kitty Sakura is in.
Got MMorgan after pulling 1 more after the freebie. This Chrom should have been a legend banner hero, that outfit suits it nice
Fuck yes, he's literally all I wanted to get and the game seriously didn't want to give him to me with the obscene amount of blue orbs I got.
>Shiro (not too bad to be honest)
>fucking M!Morgan
Finally got him after that shit at +def -res, I might have given a shit about F!Morgan if she weren't a blue mage flier since I already have S!Corrin.
Out of orbs, tempest trial tonight.
Or add Zeke or Sirius
>You guys did pull for him right?
Waste of Orbs pulling for a nuEmblem sword unit that lacks a busted special like Ayra or a DC weapon or the ability to tank Reinhardt like Sigurd.
He's not a good unit, or a good character, or from a good game. What exactly is there to make it worthwhile?
Got a Hinoka on my free summon, this will be great for a future fliers team too, but I don't intend to spend any orbs on this banner, mostly just because Awakening characters do nothing for me, even if my dick kinda wants to roll for FMorgan
Now that I have no banners I want to roll on for the first time in fucking months I finally spent 20 orbs on expanding my barracks, and now I'm gonna just level and build some units I've had sitting around and save orbs for at least a month
Life's good, lads
I started playing this game a week ago
How do I get more feathers to make Camilla 5star? The arena gives like 500 theoretical feathers at some indeterminat time, and I need 16k.
Don't worry, Camus will be in next year's daily GHB rotation. :^)
>tempest trial tonight
Arena, voting gauntlets, TTs are the main sources, check quests too
Feathers aren't really something you can easily grind for per se, but if you just keep playing the game and doing all the various content modes they build up on their own at a pretty nice pace now
Is there any way I can salvage a +hp -spd BLyn?
Got her on the free pull.
Between this, Legendary Ephraim, and a SCorrin I pulled on the b8% banner, I've got a ton of blues to level up.
I got a Subaki from my free summon. He won't leave me alone lately.
I got like 5 of him from the Fallen banner trying to get Hardin.
>4.0% on the 4/5* banner
>only 1 Soleil
>but 5 (five) Sophias
these rates are a lie
That's still 96% to pull shit :^)
>You guys did pull for him right?
Nope. Waiting for the legendary dragon Corrin alt at the end of the month.
Possibly an attack focused brave build, but that's a pretty bad BLyn. Sorry, my man.
Thank you, my dude
At least he's QR fodder
I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I could pull some fucking Odins, I'm almost out of Moonbow fodder
Would prefer to keep his HP high, but it's not like I'll roll another Chrome anytime soon.
>At least he's QR fodder
Yeah, that's the only reason why they're still sitting in my barracks.
Brave bow that Lyn. She's still amazing, she just won't quad much
havnt gotten a 5 star in a while, feels pretty bad, but ive got enough feathers and some good 4 stars to train so not all hope is lost
-HP is a pretty much the best nature you could have on any unit. It's much better than a -DEF, -ATK or -SPD nature.
I have Sigurd, Bert and Xander. I'd rather save my Orbs than roll for a sword cav I won't even use.
Unintentionally yeah. The real prize was Sonya. And I got F!Morgan like I wanted so I can feed her to my Oliver.
I wish I could get Sonya.
-Res is way better for Exalted Chrom than -HP. His magic bulk is so shit he isn't going to survive tomes anyway. -HP just hurts his good physical bulk. That being said, -HP is his second best bane, certainly.
You'll get her someday user. I wanted her too and was wishing the green Orbs would give me Sonya and that happened. The desire seed is real
;jesus fuck
What C skill should I give to Nephenee?
If you're a F2P, you should really focus on promoting and merging easily available 4* and 3* units into 5*+10 units. My +10 Fae is ridiculously overpowered, she greatly overshadows my Myrrh and Grima, and she can kill everything that isn't a Falchion user.
>play for a few days on the road
>finish the tutorial welfare quests
>realize the game will now require me to collect 3 trillion Things to spend on Please Try Again rolls and Grind to Delete to Grind progressions
I really enjoy jacking off to these anime girls, but I just don't care about this game. How do you guys keep playing it?
The trash.
I feel the same way about my -ATK. It's so dumb that he has three super banes. -RES is obviously the best but losing 4 instead of 3 always feels so much worse than it probably is.
We don't even have the focus banner yet. It'll be Tuesday at the earliest.
I put Threat Def since I built her as an endurance character.
I wish she would test her endurance on me.
yeah i am and thats what im working on, just started working on my nino, just got a first merge
No. I ran out of orbs on the Valentine's and L. Ephraim banners. I got FIVE Lilinas and no Hectors. No Ephraim either.
It actually has more of a game to it than any other gacha mobage I've ever played, I really enjoy using SI to build up my units and find synergy between them
Every single other mobage I've played was "Only the newest 5* units are viable for the current hardest content, battles are raw numbers vs numbers with no reason to ever not autobattle, and the grind for the things you need to make your unit marginally more powerful is limited to 3 tries per day unless you spend the game's premium currency to refresh your tries, but I hope you have a lot because you get 30 gems a day, one 10 roll costs 3000, and 5*s appear at a 1% rate"
This game still gives me the gambler's rush, but it's the most generous mobage I've ever played (I have over 50 5* units as a F2P) and while I won't deny that powercreep is there, they keep it in check way better than any other mobile game, so that I can properly build the units I already have and clear any new content with a little bit of thought
You can also get feathers from chain challenges and sending extra heroes home
A lot of us are day one players so the grind wasn't as bad as we progressed alongside the expansion of the game.
This isn't a game where you are suppose to burn through tons of content in one sitting. It's one designed to be played in like 10-20 minute sessions where you do a few missions and that's it. I pretty much only use stamina potions when training units, not for clearing content.
Same. Got nothing from Ephraim's banner, sniping for blues wanting either Corrin or Ephraim. Then I got Shiro from Valentines. Fucking hell.
I know the characters from the games and play with the ones I like. That and it's just watered down FE. Makes the Gachashit more tolerable.
Fuck off you inbred mongoloid. Go to /vg/ if you want a general, Sup Forums isn't meant for that shit.
People keep saying FEH has the worst powercreep ever while praising FGO, but honestly I don't feel that powercreep is even that bad. Aside from the Christmas batch of armors and BLyn the devs have been doing a good job of smartly utilizing BST alongside buffing old units with unique refinery options.
>You guys did pull for him right?
Is it just me or does ever FEH thread on Sup Forums start with some variant of this? Can't you niggers mix it up?
Sometimes I wonder why they even bother keeping the stamina system when they hand out stamina potions like candy to the point where I never go below 100 stocked and whenever I do actually want to play and grind I can just do so by using a couple
It probably is mostly there to keep new players from burning through all the content on their first day, and ocne you've stuck around for a while they don't care if you always have enough for TT and SP grinding
The fact that SI exists and they actually bother to update old units with refinery alone makes it better than literally any other mobage I've ever played for powercreep, no other game I've played would ever even consider buffing an old unit instead of just releasing a new one that blatantly outclasses them in every way
Post regrets
I'm pretty sure it's just one fucker that makes the same uninspired OP.
>It probably is mostly there to keep new players from burning through all the content on their first day.
It is. I have a friend who started during CYL and between training, grinding tempest trials, and trying to clear chain challenges he is regularly at
Not even done building him yet and I want my feathers back, at least he'll come in handy for arena though
Give him a Brave Sword and you'll have one hell of a meme.
I had a +1 S!Gaius that I ended up feeding to Fjorm for Def Ploy. Should never have merged him. I'm just at the point where I have so many units I can't justify keeping the benchwarmers that warm the bench for the benchwarmers.
> +2 ATK
> +5 SPD
> +8 DEF!!!
> +5 RES
Is Marth confirmed best buff bot?
Also, can I improve mine with Distant Counter or is that just a meme?
How do you build -Atk MMorgan?
I don't get the people that complain about FEH's powercreep when people are still building counters for Rein, who was added less than a month into the game. Sure the armors and dragons have gained some momentum, but honestly a lot of my most used units are launch units.
I just fully built fucking Sharena and she keeps up with most of my newer units and excels in her roles
Since the new whale mode are all high merge dragons and armors cavalry like BLyn and Reinhardt don't exist anymore.
Probably the same way I built my -speed one just replace the speed seal with an attack one
Technically speaking, almost every new unit has a higher BST than older unit.
Pulled him on accident trying to get f Morgan (no blues in the set). Don't even really want him desu, no decent fodder skills either.
>two -Spd
>finally beat that disgusting chain challenge
Bless Elise and bless healer buffs.
I don't need a red sword cav, have Sigurd and Xander for that. And Luke but I never use him.
I also don't particularly care for Chrom as a character.
How is it that they made FMorgan look like such a semen demon and MMorgan looks like this
idk dude, dc with 20 res is kinda eeeeh. Not like he'll immediately keel over and die if a mage looks at him since he's go decent speed/HP, but if you don't have Hectors aplenty I'd honestly say pass on it, Fury is fine on dedicated buffbots.
If I already have a fully built vanilla Hector, is there any merit at all in building an LA Hector with completely garbage IVs (+spd/-atk) or should I just use him as fodder for when I find that perfect build that just needs DC
that's a real fine Bartre
I'll grant you that the highest launch units had only 169 and we're up to 175 now.
I love Elise. She is the MVP of my chain challenge team.
Anyone else impressed or disappointed in some of their friends rival domain units? I guess I bought the memes that Sigurd was super amazing, but he wasnt really that good. I guess this is also a good way to test who all to spend orbs and such on. I was also very impressed with the +10Barte that one friend has put up.
Any stand outs from anyone else's friends list they weren't expecting?
Well, I have a +atk/-hp Marth that could replace mine (who is +atk/-res), and I'm planning to +10 merge him, so he'll have 33 def and 27 res, which I think is okay, but yeah I might pass.
How hard is it for a new player to catch up to everyone else? Want to try the game but I don't want to be behind all my friends playing catchup for a year straight.
I only got this speedy speed boy.
Not hard but it will take you months to get one decent team.
Man, that art is great. I might throw a few orbs at his banner just so I can have them pretty pictures in my barracks.
I'm mostly impressed with the units on my friends list.
>Omega Bartre
>+5 Oboro, but she should use QR and aether instead honestly
>meme Frederick with 39 speed
Double Wrath Hector is seriously lame though in my experience and pretty much dies instantly.
Why do you regret it? Just change his build. BK is one of the best reds
Pretty hard. Best you could do is do what people did at launch and make a new account + delete save data until you get good units to start with your 20 free orbs
You can get a free 5* Fjorm and a free 5* Ike from the game now too, both solid units
I've posted him before, but this Oscarfag is a blessing on those maps.
FGO does buff old units, but it's very rare and hit or miss most of the time.
What a meme.
Don't do it. I did and now I'm gay for Chrom despite me hating everything about him from his NTRing to having more alts than most when he's not that popular a character.
>BLyn and Reinhardt don't exist anymore.
Except calvary teams are the best way to beat the new mode. Armors are way too fucking slow to score well.
Now is a great time to star as a new player. IS is overall pretty generous with resources.
If you do decide to play look up "re-rolling." Basically don't actually start playing until you summon three to four 5 star units within the first batch of orbs you get when starting the game. This way you get off to a strong start. Also one of the banners will have 4 stones instead of 5, one of each color. Pick the grey one, it has B!Lyn who is a very strong unit.
Once you are happy with your starting units link a Nintendo Account (only way to back up your save) and start clearing content. Try to hit as many daily events/missions as possible (so you don't miss out on easy rewards) but don't be in a huge rush to start doing things like merging units or using units for skill inheritance.
Not that hard
He should roll for the starter Hero Fest banner that all new players get
Pick BLyn in the CYL banner
Get Fjorm and VIke in Chapter 2
After amassing story orbs he should only roll for seasonal banners and legendary banners
Because I wasted a bold fighter I could’ve given to my Grima or V Lyn
Thinking about trying to build a +10 Sheena, I already have 5 of her, plus a spare Hector to offer up to her as a sacrifice