Isn't Crash Bandicoot the mascot of Playstation? I am really confused. Wtf happened?

Isn't Crash Bandicoot the mascot of Playstation? I am really confused. Wtf happened?

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>Isn't Crash Bandicoot the mascot of Playstation?
15 years ago maybe.

Now you can go to bed OP

He hasn't been the mascot of PlayStation since the PS2.

Crash has been multi platform for a long time. Are you stupid or are you shitposting?

Crash and Spyro were contracted and funded by universal/vivendi with naughty dog and insomniac with Sony agreeing to publish the games.

Like 20 years ago maybe. Not much of a mascot if he's been absent since mid-6th gen.

Toro is Sony's mascot anyway, at least in Japan.

>Isn't Crash Bandicoot the mascot of Playstation?
yes, as in the PSOne.

Current mascot: the bloodborne dude

Ricky bobby has been the PS mascot for 10 years

Assuming you're actually being ignorant.
Naughty Dog's contract with the Crash IP was a deal with Sony, for Crash 1, 2, 3 and Team Racing on the PS1. He, alongside Spyro, got pushed as a face of Sony because they were the child-friendly figures with big exclusive titles.
Crash has been multiplat since 2001, older than the average poster on Sup Forums.

Activision got ownership.

Activision does not give a single flying fuck about Crash's history with Sony. He's just another IP they own, another thing they can market the Hell out of and port to every system on Earth.

>He's just another IP they own, another thing they can market the Hell out of and port to every system on Earth.
It's not like he deserves better.

Technically Krato is the Playstation's true mascot.

A figurehead, yes. But not a mascot. That would be like saying the Borderlands psycho is a PC "mascot".

Eh, in the right hands he could.

You forgot that Sony never had hownership of Crash and Spyro,
Even Naughty Dog wasnt a Sony SH, they were gouth in 2001, few year after the Crash games. And Insomniac isnt even howned by Sony att all, they are indipendent.

He's as much a mascit as Blinx the time cat

>yes, as in the PSOne

>A character howned not by Sony but by another company.
>Of games that were made by an indipendent software house under contract from Universal.
>Being the PS1 mascot

He hasn't been a ps mascot since Wrath of Cortex happened and ruined all the nice things.

Nope. The Crash Bandicoot IP was owned by Universal since the first game. Then Vivendi bought Universal and Activision and merged Universal's game division with Activision. Then Activision split away from Vivendi and took Crash with them.

Just like Sonic was the mascot of Sega.

PlayStation is dead now.

In fairness, Crash was marketed and presented as, effectively, an unofficial mascot, and that independent software house soon became a Sony subsidiary. It's an easy mistake to make.

Still holding out for a Spyro collection.

PlayStation doesn't have any notable mascots.

No he wasn't you fucking moran he was Sonys answer to Mario and sonic

not since 1999


Crash was never technically the mascot or even first-party, but he has an overwhelmingly strong association with Playstation. Its this reason alone that Sony approached Activision and got the N. Sane Trilogy made, with Activision ultimately having final say regarding its exclusivity given they own the IP. Its strange seeing a game that received direct assistance from Naughty Dog and Sony ending up on the Nintendo Switch. Not to mention all the Playstation references that the N. Sane Trilogy has, leading people on to think it would stay exclusive.


Don't you even fucking say you were only pretending to be retarded, retard.

Nobody here was born when this happened.

>ending up on the Nintendo Switch.

I still can't believe Sony was stupid enough not to buy the rights to the character who carried their entire brand during the PS1's lifetime.


No, because Mario and Sonic were created in-house and are entirely owned by their respective companies. Crash was a third-party character that Sony decided to push despite not owning the rights to anything other than the ability to publish the first three games.

>Crash Bandicoot
>Spyro the Dragon
And Sony owns none of them.

>be this casual
>think spyro and crash are PlayStation ips

People here suddenly forgot crash has been multiplatform for years.

I almost bought Crash for the GBA. But my friend told me it was trash and that I should just stick to playing them on my Playstation. Then I emulated them and the GBA games were pretty terrible. From what I remember at the very least.
I love Crash though.

>that independent software house soon became a Sony subsidiary
only after the PS2 came out, not in the PS1 era.

>publish the first three games
first five in reality, CTR and Bash are still pubblished by Sony.

>a game that received direct assistance from Naughty Dog
Naughty Dog was an indie software house, that made Crash under contract with Universal.
Sony bought them only at the beginning of the PS2 era, in 2001.

Most of this thread besides you were alive for the release of the first crash bandicoot.

tldr (you)

Didn't someone from the Crash team make some kind of tweet hinting at Nintendo or the Switch or something way back?
I don't really remember but I think I recall it was something involving the boxes. Though I don't really know how that would tie it with Nintnedo.

But I remember that it became a thing on Sup Forums for a while. And I can only assume that they had already started development on the Switch version by then so it probably did allude to the Nintendo version.
Does anyone have any idea of what I am talking about? Because I am not even sure I do.

Sony like to share his mascot like a good adult, not like the nintentoddlers

Those arent even PS1 exclusives, they both came out on PC too at the time. Still dont know why people think they are.

Not the same fag but.

its a bad joke.

>Sony like to share his mascot like a good adult, not like the nintentoddlers
>sharing something you never ever ha propriety of
Also, never saw Sony share some of its first party games, like GoW, Jak, Ape Escape and so on.

>Ape Escape
WHY don't we have more Ape Escape?
WHY? Medievil was cool. I admit. I have and enjoyed those games. And no offence to any real die hard fans or antyhing, but I frankly don't give a fuck about remastering those games. They were fun, had some fun ideas some of which I admit are even relatively unique to this day. But the games were also shock full of jank and also had lots of issues. Which admittedly could be addressed in a remake. But for real I don't care that much at all. It's cool and if the remake is good I might get it. But if it never happened I wouldn't be sad.

But Ape Escape? The Ape Escape games are absolutely amazing. The lack of Ape Escape games has left a void in gaming that has not been filled since.
They're such great games. Why haven't they made more?

I thought Bomberman was Nintendo's mascot?

No, of course not...That honor belongs to Sir Daniel Fortesque

That was literally the only reason I wanted a PlayStation at the time.

I guess we have to stop hating it now that Super Bomberman R will make it to PS4.

I actually never knew this was a thing. I knew he had a GBA game but not a GC one.

Or stop praising it...

People here have been calling it shovelware, saying it's overpriced, saying they can play Bomberman on their phone so it doesn't count, that the online sucks. It got a lot of shit over the course of this year.

Only sperg consoles have infantile mascots.

Same with Crash really. Anything you're about to say, it's the same with Crash.

Is there any such thing as third party exclusives any more? Is that just a thing of the past.

Super Bomberman R is great.

I'm saying they gave VV assets and general guidance as the remakes were being developed.

>WHY don't we have more Ape Escape?
Because Sony turned the series into a party game series, there are only 3 main games and a dozen of dumb shit party games of Ape Escape, and most of them are locked in japan.


I don't deny that. I know that Sup Forums shits on Crash, and they shouldn't. It's a genuinely good series. People here shit on anything that isn't a AAA multitrillion dollar production.

Are we absolutely sure SMTV is going to stay on Switch?

Sony hated Crash Bandicoot and Naughty Dog only cared about money, so...

As sure as Bomberman R

Sony probably paid for timed exclusivity. They should've funded a good chunk of the game and published it so that the game itself belonged to them, like what Nintendo did with Bayonetta 2.

It’s also coming to Xbox One