What's your excuse to not getting at least one (1) girl daily on your bed Sup Forums?
Have you tried this game?
What's your excuse to not getting at least one (1) girl daily on your bed Sup Forums?
I love Reisen!
Now you're just shilling.
a guy with that image can get women easily, it looks like a game for casuals.
Why settle with 1 girl when you can have an anime harem with some simple steps.
i have a fiancee, so i don't need an excuse. no, i haven't tried that game mostly because my backlog is so huge that i'll never get around to it, and also it just doesn't look interesting
Because I only love her!
>implying PUA shit isn't a total scam and lie
>implying you will ever get laid by trying this nonsense
I have no need for debase pleasures when I can get more from good book, movie and game.
i like books, but cmon man. your fedora cannot be tipped any further than that
>i have a fiancee,
That is funny thing to call your right hand son.
>This guy sets eye contact with your girl
what can you do in this situation
>you're on Sup Forums so it must mean you're absolutely finding a female to get engaged to
try heading to
>tfw 28 year old virgin
I'll fuck his girl at the bathroom.
No excuse have a girl in my bed right now without using a video game for training wheels.
>Tfw been divorced for three years and happier than ever
I'm good.
no way you are fine bro if you are still here after so long.
Its a fucking shitty "how to pickup chicks" video just with extremely little watcher interactivity
Teltale games are more like games than this fucking thing is
Why would he need to go to robot if he's "absolutely finding a female to get engaged to"??
Maybe you should learn how to construct sentences before making us victims to your blogging.
I have never tried to get laid in my entire life, why would I start trying now?
he never said that at all, learn to read