Now that the dust has settled, who was the cooler character?

now that the dust has settled, who was the cooler character?


the dynamic between Lan and Hub.exe was way more fun, imo.

They were one dimensional, like almost everyone in battlenetwork.

Hub.exe is cooler but Geo was more developed

If its just Hub, then Geo easily.

If its Hub and Lan...bout even.

They have a dynamic?

Not really? Lan has a few crisis of faith after he becomes well known as a hero and accidentally helps a villain. Chaud stops being an asshole over the course of a few games. Dex has a brother who added a bit to his character.

Meanwhile after the first game Geo is your average optimistic shonen protag. the midget and the new Dex never have interesting developments other than becoming equals with Luna. Geo's mom does fuck all during all three games. Luna is the only interesting supporting character.

Gotta give it to Lan+Mega. Played the games in reverse order, so I didn't find out about the dead bro thing until I played 1 last

I like how convenientely ignored the massive character development geo had in the three games, bought up those two fucks when they weren't different from dex in the one dimensional aspect.
Why i am not surprised.

>Geo's mom does fuck all during all three games.

Awesome rack on her though!

>completely ignores Sonia and the love triangle
>completely ignores Solo
>but mentions Geo's fucking mom
What the

>Sonia and the love triangle
about as deep as a puddle

Not him but i liked how solo didn't change a bit, not matter how much geo tried, to the point he screamed in frustration.

Geo's mom is hotter than Lan's mom. Discuss.

Who has the best Roll-fu?

I like how the games implies she's more or less a teen mom.

Acts like one too. She pretty much implied she wants Geo to bang someone just to cheer up.

Well, geo's dad also looks very young.

Lan and Hub are two very generic protagonists.

Geo and Omega's dynamic is a lot more fun, especially with Omega being sassy all the time.

Design wise I like them both equally though. MegaMan.exe's ninja mask over his mouth is just as cool as Shooting Star Rockman's dope ass visor.

Excellent taste.

Geo should've fucked his mom. Why are there no doujins of this wtf

The picture right above you is a set.

Look on panda.

Tfw used to roleplay as her all the time

Stop I don't need this erection

Geo>Lan and I'm a massive bnfag

Geo by far, I may not like the games as much as BN but he's better written than BN characters. He had the most character development and by far better interactions between them and the cast.
I wanna replay 3 now fuck.

Awww, true dat.


Lan is all fun all the time and some nice development, Geo has some development but it is focused primarily in the first game and he never really gets as funny as Lan, Hub is full on NO FUN ALLOWED half of the time and he doesn't really get much development compared to the other two.

Why wasn't Starforce megaman called Omega man instead?

Nothing megaman related will ever top SF3's ending. That final fight is just too good for a megaman game.

Humor Hub > SF3 Geo > Lan > Hub > SF1 Geo > SF2 Geo

Geo is so fucking different in each game, he might as well be three different characters. Lan and Hub have some character growth, but are mostly the same characters throughout (even though they are still enjoyable). I almost wanted to put Hub and SF1 Geo as equal, but then I remembered that SF1 Geo makes some fucking dumbass decisions, even late in the game. Like WHAT THE FUCK-tier shit that pisses me off. Nobody is as bad as SF2 Geo though. I might as well have watched an episode of Scooby-Doo with how he and Omega acted the entire game.


Geo was. Only because of the character development. Lan had none and was pretty generic.

I prefer BNs gameplay though but the stories in SF were better. What a pickle..