Is this better than the originals? I'm not sure it's worth 40 bucks to be honest.
Is this better than the originals? I'm not sure it's worth 40 bucks to be honest
The first game is ok, the second is the best, the third is pretty good, but has some annoying parts. It's worth $40
No, they fucked up crash's hitbox which ruins all the platforming
>The first game is ok, the second is the best, the third is pretty good, but has some annoying parts.
Yeah no shit, I played the original games, I'm strictly talking about the quality of the remakes here.
It looks nice but it's only almost as good as the originals. Crash 1's retarded checkpoint and save system is fixed at least, but the physics don't feel as good.
Yeah this.
Also I remember that people mentioned that physics are fucked in some parts of crash 2.
W O A H!
*slup slurp* WOAH!
The originals were extremely advanced and pushed their hardware to the absolute limit in an efficient way. Every aspect of the games were carefully selected for a certain reason relating to playability or Crash's expressiveness. The remakes do not have nearly the attention to detail of the originals.
>First day pirate
Activision will slap Denuvo on it mate, there's no way they won't do that, and I'm not sure the game is going to be popular enough to get cracked.
Crash 1 and 2 are objectively better than the originals but Warped is kind of fucked in the water controls
Still a good deal
>Crash 1
>objectively better than the original
Someone hasn't played Crash 1. The remake is fucking terrible thanks to them changing the hitbox for Crash.
They're the exact same games with better graphics you retard.
If it has denuvo then it is no buy anyways.
I refuse to buy denuvo shit, even after it is cracked and denuvo removed.
what if you really want to play that game? do you just decide to cuck yourself?
This is sadly true. I'm trying to get Platinum on the PS4 edition of Crash 1 atm and the platforming in levels like Sunset Vista for the Relics is killing me inside.
He doesn't know.
have you guys tried gitting gud?
I literally rather fight the system because I am not a crack addicted whore that needs every game that comes out. I can do fine with the games already out, not missing much.
I try so hard, every day
getting gud is bullshit. Sup Forums will never admit you got gud, even if you beat millions of games, they will always throw shit on you
>lol that doesn't count because I say so
getting gud is a meme just so people can shitpost.
They're aesthetically inferior
No. Hitboxes are fucked. Hopefully the Spyro remake is handled better.
I hope it is worse just to see your delicious tears, for being so gullible, retarded and stupidly optimistic that you have faith in companies that only see you as big fat sacks of money.
I didn't buy the Crash remake.
It's not worth $40, especially since it's gone on sale multiple times by now
Ok then don't buy the spyro one until you see other retards buying it first and seeing how awful it is. I seriously doubt they make it good.
>not playing it for free with an emu
it's not worth $40
>especially since it's gone on sale multiple times by now
Not the PC version.
>no disc included
But muh graphics!
Pc version is just a digital download with Gaben
these days "physical" releases of PC games are nothing but a box with a Steam code inside
>Paying more than 2 funbux for a Crash game
Have some fucking standards.
What happened to pc gaming?
The last game I bought was Prince of persia game that only needs to install and the disc need to be on the disc drive every time I play, no code shit or internet verification
never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game
>Hollow knight
>Is this better than the originals?
No because they didn't fix the physics to this day
also this:
>digital distrubutation popularized by Steam
>internet speeds getting exponentially faster
>dvds become limited in size and multiple dvds become a hassle (GTA V PC was released in like 8 dvds)
>bluray drives are too expensive to be a viable alternative
it's a lot easier to just download a game through Steam these days
>bluray drives are too expensive to be a viable alternative
It's 40 dollars mate. Even an external blu ray burner is 80 bucks
how does this get a PC port but no Uncharted or TLoU?
Last I checked Bluray drives are not expensive
yeah but compared to dvd drives which you can get for like 10 bucks they're expensive as hell, nobody wants to waste money on that when they can just download games from the internet, digital games are becoming more popular even in consoles, next generation of consoles will probably go full digital
Jews just care about jewing people better.
People loves to be jewed better, they believe downloading a game for an hour or two even with an ok connection is more efficient than installing from two blu rays.
Welcome to hell.
Well is not like I will shit, just going to pirate
pls, it's going to be 8 bux come december
I can download a 60GB game in thirty minutes wit my 250/15 internet speeds... I didnt have to buy a Blu-ray drive for this and installing from two Blu-ray Discs would probably take longer than straight downloading the game.
>move out of the woods you stupid dick
hmm, you're probably not familiar with Activision but they rarely put their games on sale
>Paty out of the ass for a connection you barely use
No thanks
I can get high speed, but why should I? I barely download big stuff.
>yfw its $60 on the Switch
Which is where torrents come in
>Nintendo is the good guys
Hmm, no it's 40 bucks for the Switch aswell, at least on Amazon.
The changes to the physics make it feel like a different game.
it'll be $49.99 and Crash 2 and 3 will be download-only, physical versions will include a download code for them.
I stream 4K hdr, play video games, watch a lot of porn and work from home occasionally. I pay 72 dollars a month for it. Quit being a poorfag and this problem disappears.
as far as I know there is no company selling blu ray games. Digital is the 99% default
I think a regular blu ray can store 50GB and a dual layer blu ray 100GB I'm not sure which games on PS4/XBO use the bluray 100gb disc though
I buy some cheap games digital but I prefer physical
It is such a good deal t 40 dollars you should buy two copies so you can play it twice!
not him but I moved to a rural area to get away from urban shit enviroments and I only get 20mb/sec here. 1850kbps average
I can barely watch 4K youtube videos
I don't do any of that and I rather spend the money on other things, fuck you faggot. Suck my dick.
If you already played the games to death you're gonna get bored fast, it's the exact same thing with better graphics, like something a bored fag will do fucking around with UE4, not something a big company should do.
The art style is grotesque. I sold my copy 8 days after purchase
There isn't any new content there and I can play the originals on my modded 360 and PC
20mb/s is good enough to download most games these days, hell I have 15mb/s and that has never stopped me from downloading big games like GTA V, Doom, etc.
You will regret it eventually rural areas are for retirement.
>post that he doesn’t like x thing
>Say why x thing is better than y thing
>x thing is shit because I say so and can’t afford it
took me almost 11 hours to download bloodborne 34GB
Some PSN games here don't download at full speed. FF XV for instance was downloading at full speed even on rest mode
go away reddit
>took me almost 11 hours to download bloodborne
woah man a whole 11 hours?
like seriously, how is that a big deal? 11 hours is pretty quick, it's not like you're forced to sit there for the whole of it, just let your PC downloading it while you sleep like I do and it'll be almost done by the time you wake up
Lol this guy is so salty
I have 10 megs download and 2 megs upload. I think that's good enough. I can easily get more but I barely use it.
I barely play hd video and play multiplayer games anyway.
I know. I just wanted a faster connection to pirate faster and watch some 4K anime and gamesack but I don't even watch recent anime so I guess 720p is good enough.
multiplayer games have nothing to do with internet speed though, all it matters is that connection is stable, you can literally play any multiplayer game with a 1mb/s internet as long as it's stable enough
Are you stupid
- Crash 1 is more lenient in terms of getting crystals. You can die all you want and still get white gems. Still have to get through colored gem levels in one go through.
- Auto save after every level in all the games, and since the save system in the first Crash was shit, this is a good thing.
- Long loading times
- Need to get every crate in bonus levels in the first Crash as well, but you can re-do bonus areas as much as you want, so this doesn't matter too much.
- The physics are changed. Crash falls quick now or something, making some relatively easy jumping sections much harder than they should be. Developers could've patched this, but just told people to cry moar.
- Crash 2 and 3 don't feel like they've been affected as hard, but they they messed with the ice physics, just using the tar physics from Crash 3, which makes certain sections more difficult than they're supposed to be.
- The Jetski's also feel less nice to control.
- You can play as Coco just about anytime in all three of the games.
>multiplayer game with a 1mb/s internet as long as it's stable enough
I used to have 1.8mb upload (roughly 200kbps) and it's pure shit. EDF 4.1 and SFIV lag were extremely painful
desu internet speeds are irrelevant when downloading games, if you download it in 30 minutes or in 20 hours you're still downloading the same game and will play it with minimal time difference, what worries me more are data caps since they dictate how many games you can download in that month and for some people data caps are like 80GB monthly which means you'll probably only be able to download a modern game per month, thank God I never had to suffer with data caps but shit always worry me whenever I have to move to a new city
>and I'm not sure the game is going to be popular enough to get cracked.
Considering it was retardedly popular last year and much more small time releases get cracked, I don't think there's anything to worry about.
rural area best area. Shit speed but no internet cap or speed throttle
Sooner or later every ISP will start re-sell their plans with GB/month limit. Most countries rely on 3 or 4 ISPs at best and they can easily charge whatever they want because there is no alternative. Rural areas get cable or radio unlimited master race
>Sooner or later every ISP will start re-sell their plans with GB/month limit
That's probably true since ISPs are more worried about increasing their consumer base than improving their shitty infrasctructures, that's I future I don't want to live in.
>rural area best area.
Eh, when you have a 2-3 Mbps connection and can barely download anything...
The best thing about him is that he is a fucking nigger. Seriously. Sonybros confirmed.
Coax cable can provide you 200mb/sec. I lived in a small city about 5 years ago with only one ISP they offered smooth 200mb/sec + 120 channels (65HD)
I'm not really sure why they wasted billions with fiber in suburbs since normies watch shitflix and youtube only
lmao is this guy seriously bragging about spiderman?
his crash rant is gold tier
I wish puyo puyo tetris would get cracked. I assume it's not quite popular enough
anyone here had cable tv during the mid 90s?
do you remember the shit quality in some channels?
yeah, I would spend literally whole days watching Nickelodeon, Hidden Temple was God tier
Cartoon Network, Nickelondeon and Fox Kids were pristine but I remember other channels specially sports looking like old vhs tapes
>durr they broke the hitboxes, platforming is broken
If you want broken platforming play jak and daxter
Making his "landing zone" rounded ruins a lot of precision platforming compared to the leniency of the PS1 games where you could land on the edge of an object and be a-okay.
Who hurt you?
what is your favorite cartoon from the 90s Sup Forums?
My top 3: dragon ball, batman: the animated series and captain planet
no bully
Dungeons & Dragons was pretty good too but I watched tons of cartoons so it's difficult to say which one I liked more.
that show was from the 80s my user
ah ok, guess I watch it late then