>literal gay furry
>better in every fighting game than you'll ever hope to be
how does this make you feel?
>literal gay furry
>better in every fighting game than you'll ever hope to be
how does this make you feel?
>autist succeeds in a genre that rewards autism
he's gonna be my boyfriend
>those DSLs
>that 'stache
>that greasy hair
>that everything
I have literally never played a fighting game in my life. I don't even think they sell them in my country. FPS and Sports games are huge here though
I learned a long time ago that if I wanted to be the best at something, I would have to make sacrifices, spend hours upon hours working my ass off on it, to the exclusion of everything else in my life. And I realized that wasn't something I ever wanted.
Anyone who is the best at anything is going to be fucked in the head. That's why geniuses are tempramental, that's why speedrunners become trannies, that's why great actors are divas. Those people have minds at the extreme end of the bell curve. They are abnormal, so it shouldn't be any surprise that they also have extreme personalities and often mental illness. That's just the price you pay for greatness.
He seems like a nice young man.
he already has a boyfriend though
Why would I want to spend thousands upon thousands of hours playing one genre of games? That's boring as shit.
How sweet.
But even braindead retards are better than him at Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, and Tekken.
He couldn't even win an SFV tournament when the game was less than a month old, the brackets were rigged for him, and 99% of the Japanese players were eliminated.
>those lips
I bet he gives mean head/rj
>best post i've seen this week is in a garbage e-celeb thread
what the fuck
i fucking love that everyone just has to put up with his gay furry shit because hes ones of the best out there, like he can be degenerate as fucking possible and no one is gonna do anything to stop him, its fucking hilarious, its like if the undisputed heavyweight boxing champion had a diaper fetish and dressed like a baby to all of his matches, no one would like it, but what the fuck are they going to do? hes the heavyweight champ
following SonicFox on twitter might be one of the greatest mistakes of my life
fuck you
he's so cute and fuckable
truly he is the unironic ubermensch
i could beat em
>he's the heavyweight champion
In games literally no one plays. He literally got laughed out of Japan by a bunch of 14 year olds in the Melty Blood tournament, and didn't even make it past his second match in Persona.
Why do you think he stopped playing SFV? He got humiliated on stream by everyone constantly hyping him up only for a 9 year old to beat him.
he won't see me in st though
>how does this make you feel?
glad I don't play fighting games
>In games literally no one plays.
He's literally the top player in DBFZ right now m8, to the point even the japs are scared of him.
>wanting to be a normie
what happened to this site?
realized they couldn't hang with real wizards?
Everyone's good at something.
So fucking true, young anons be warned.
Google Dennis Rodman. If you're the best you can do whatever.
You mean a game that no one plays and everyone dropped.
Why would you ever be proud of having no social skills? I've been posting here since 2007 and I'm what you would probably call a normalfag.
>tfw you’re the boy good at shitposting
>You mean a game that no one plays
>no players online
>entrants dropped by 75% globally less a month out
DBFZ is a dead game no one plays.
It doesnt because i dont place value on sexual orientation or video game skills
good for him I'm happy for him
SF5 and T7 aren't the best games out there right now but they're pretty much the only games the US cares about playing competitively besides Smash and formerly Marvel.
You have to go to Japan if you want to see decent competition in anything else.
DBFZ is literally the new Marvel, every Marvel player has switched to it.
I was class valedictorian of my graduating year in college, and I didn't even try.
I was just chilling, happy I made it, then they called my name, and everyone acted like I was some kind of hard worker.
Most things I've achieved in life were gained through minimal effort actually. It's honestly a little surreal sometimes.
I'm still bad at video games though
How behind are you? All the marvel players are getting ready to move on to Cross Tag.
Why are you even here then?
He means like being normal fag. You know, people who don't really excel at anything, just kinda floating along. That in comparison to some fag who spent 10,000+ hours of his life mastering the kendama or a mandolin, programming, whatever. Those type of people aren't normalfags. If you like those type of super talented/dedicated people then I could see why someone might not want to be a normie.
He’s a little bitch though. The moment he gets bodied in a non-NRS game he quits and goes back to NRS. He’s doing well in DBZF but it’s only a matter of time.
He’s also become very boring to watch. When he was doing shit with Erron Black it was interesting to watch. Now he just leans heavily on tier lists.
Because Im bored and friendless
moving to a game with LESS tech, ie BUTTONS, than mahval?
how they gonna happy birthday with 2 button combat?
>no players online
bullshit, im online right now and there's still a fuck load a of people playing, ton of lobby's are full and it takes seconds for me to get a match
>inb4 muh steam numbers
people don't play fighting games on pc, its always been a console centric genre
>games literally no one plays
>NRS games are games literally no one plays
>Proceeds to list Melty Blood and Persona
cracks me up as well. would be even more hilarious if it was a woman. just imagining all the butthurt of not only losing to this mega degenerate, but also one with a pussy.
>another episode of Sup Forums not knowing the FGC
>on top of being unable to read
Did you miss Evo Japan or something? Also, no one plays NRS games. Even with some of the biggest prize pools in the FGC and endless shilling they can't get more than 500 entrants at a standard tournament.
huh? thats not what makes him superior
he's BLACK!
literally master race and better than white boys at everything
Single player doesn't count and that's all people do with NRS.
how many entrants Melty Blood get though? I bet it's no more than 50
but he's a gay though
T. Alumnus of cowfuck state university: graduating class of 45 people.
>literally not one nigger in Pro Dota or League.
Say what you will about assfaggots, but they're all anyone ACTUALLY cares about.
They don't matter and they're lame. RTS arena shooters and fighting games are competitive, everything else is garbage.
Outside of Japan? Low numbers.
In Japan shit like Melty can get 200 at a small tournament and 900 at a big tournament. Fox literally got eliminated by a 14 year old who plays Melty as an off game and is primarily a Guilty Gear player.
I can beat this nigger but i don't enter tournaments because i don't care.
>In Japan
stopped reading there to be honest, fucking retard
its because he is shit and no one wants to admit it because they might lose twitch friendship points
>niggers/spics or gook clickers
I choose niether
If by everything you mean fighting games, basketball and playing bass, then yes you're correct.
He broke up with him, his old bf had a fart and smelly feet fetish all over his FA account.
>he thinks the west is relevant to fighting games
Land of the FREE indeed.
There's a reason everyone goes to Japan and Hong Kong to train in the arcade hubs.
Serious question. Has anyone given a shit about fighting games since arcades died out? I thought that SF4 was supposed to be the genre's last hurrah?
Being the best and doing well for yourself are very different things user.
I don't like to play fighting games and I'm too old to be competitive anymore, so really he seems pretty fucking sad to me.
RIP sonicfox because he'll probably hang himself within the next 6 years
At least I'm not a nigger.
let's be real, they just want to duck SonicFox
>better in every fighting game than you'll ever hope to be
>than you'll ever hope to be
That's quitter talk. If you don't like him being the best then strengthen your resolve and surpass him.
>Fox literally got eliminated by a 14 year old who plays Melty as an off game and is primarily a Guilty Gear player.
if he got beat in a NRS game i would see your point but as far as im aware sonic fox only plays melty as a off game as well right?
>come in here expecting dipshit e-celeb garbage
>actually get some grade A philosophical shit
I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about sonicfox. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
>and 900 at a big tournament
hmm, that's a bold claim considering Melty was a side tournament at Evo Japan with less than 100 entrants, but I would love to see some source for that claim if you have user
>Autist better at autism """"Sports""""
So jealous
funny, because goebbels was a crippeld punk bitch himself.
yeah i'm so jealous of this assfaggot nigger
I just get bored easily. In most competitive games I normally end up in the top 15 or 20% rank, whatever its called in that particular game (masters, diamond, whatever) and thats just playing casually. The one time I did dedicate my life to being the best at something, I was unstoppable but that must have been almost a decade ago now. I dont get how people can wake up, log into something like LoL, and then play for 8 hours straight every single day. Thats dedication on a level I dont want to do anymore.
Jesus Christ, remember when he married himself? And fucking uh, how he's friends with Kim Jong Un?
>Implying he could beat me in the best fighting game ever made
I'll beat blood out that fool.
this game was so awesome
I bet you don't wipe your jizz from your hand when you're finished. Jesus.
Is that Prince's son?
I'm going to remember this post the next time I get demoted back to bronze in Street Fighter. Anybody who beats me at video games clearly is a fucking loser with nothing better to do.
I am also a gay furry and I am not good at fighting games. So it does not come with the genes.
Fun Fact: Despite only being in his 40's, Gobbles was quite frail and decrepit, owing to his superior superhuman genes.
Oh the irony.
>HD version with online play NEVER EVER
It's cause hes black
The replies just reinforce how young the site still is.
I actually know the only other gay black furry on the planet and he's only half decent at bullet hells. And acceptable at Souls.
Name a single fighting game watched/played more?
You were just talking about fucking melty blood a few posts ago dude.
Sounds like you have never been to a Con before
I've thought about it, does that count?
Sounds like a second rate nigga desu
>gay furry
Is there any other kind of furry?
I wish there wasn't, straight shit keeps taking up 90% of the Popular category on e621.
No, They are really fun if you have some friends to go with and the tournaments make you heart race if there money on the line tho
adds up, the world's biggest autist should be the best at videogames.
>name a single fighting game watched/played more
Nigga doesn't even have to try. You can't even get more people than the Smash everyone hates and DBFZ entrant numbers are lower than Marvel 3 with no prize pool.
I've beaten him before. Not all games is he the top. He is very good though as a player. A bit of an ego though and thats why I beat him.
Tired of you testosterone defects shippin all my favs and getting mad about females so I'm glad it's fuckin your shit up.