>It's not a port!
It's not a port!
It's not a port because Nintendo will market it as a new game whether or not it's just all the assets recycled.
>google in charge of being right about anything
Sakurai's picture on google is a literal nigger
>New Title
How about the exact same title but "DELUXE" which means we get four or five new characters and maps and more of the same shit for $59.99 plus tip (and amiibos)
It's literally another enhanced port and you will see this as a complete fact in the very near future.
So the same thing they do everytime they release a new smash but this time without fucking up the gameplay? Sign me up.
I think nintendo know how many people they'd piss off if they did that.
That could be why they're being so fucking vague about it, but idk
is that the fucking animal crossing creepypasta
the shitstorm if this turns out to be true, there are literally no games left for the Switch
You mean just with all the DLC right?
Eat shit, that's the REAL Sakurai.
It’s not, they don’t have a current game to stick it to due to youtube’s system
Also this
This one screenshot changes everything
Just like Brawl was to 4?
>Taking a screenshot on Google as Gospel
You guys are fucking retarded.
Yeah because google is accurate
You choose the game yourself when uploading the video you morons.
Have you ever uploaded a video? If you don't enter anything Google will try to detect what game it is. It can absolutely get it wrong if there's not enough info or it doesn't have the game (like a new smash game) in its database.
Not necessarily you fucking retard
loling at your life
Can't wait to see the 10 minute Etika video about this
My Smash parody on YouTube is marked like this too, it means nothing.
Why is Etika such a fag?
>It's a port.
Our Fire Emblem roster is saved bros! We did it!
Melee is called Deluxe in japan. Not happening.
Based meleefags cucked tr4shtards out of a port years ago.
>Its been 4 years
I swear the Dark Pit 9/11 felt like 2 years ago
Reminder that 4fags are the new meleeniggers.
*gasp* there's a new FE coming out this year, isn't there? That means... *gasp* WE GET ANOTHER NEW FE CHARACTER! WE DID IT!
I can't believe he fucking beheaded that exeggutor
Fuck yeah I want more delicious husbandos and cute waifus.
What's that? Doomguy? Crash? Banjo and kazo-get that faggy shit out of here nigerfaggot its FE's time to shine.
And now that Samurai is back then that means a slot is secured.
>Trusting YouTube itself for information
Dude, I've seen videos where YouTube says its footage from completely different game titles in a series than what is actually in the video, you've gotta be really desperate to use it as "proof" for this to be a port.
>people think its Black ops IIII and not just a remake of the original black ops
>when you don't know what you're talking about but you call other people morons
>Think this is just a shitty meme forced on by some tryhard
>Check with a quick Google search
>It's real
>Can't stop laughing
Holy shit how do you fuck up this badly?
Google biases images of black people.
Google "white couple" next.
That's a little scary
Literally on the Nintendo switch news reveal trailer it fucking says (Working Title) now everyone stop these baseless speculations
you fuckers are gonna scream about it being a port or not a port every single day from now until e3, aren't you
That's rather short-sighted, user. People will be debating whether or not it's a port until at least 6 months after release.
Some high-follower twitter account who uses Sakurai's name changed his profile pic to that black guy
Googles algoritm probably just assumed that was Sakurai's actual account and changed his google search picture accordingly
As long as retards keep claiming it's a port, I will be there to laugh at them.
Sakurai-senpai, will Crash be in Smash?
>I will be there to be butthurt and defend ninty
>"Burr burr burrrr burr"
I'm sorry your roster is going. Please don't cry.
Surely the "people" who want a port are the ones cockgobbling nintendo.
Oh you don't even know what I'm talking about. Sup sonybro.
Portfags are so fucking stupid. Sakurai announced in 2016 he was working on a new game, and he has just confirmed that he is working on Smash day-in, day-out. He also isn't known to work on two games at once, as seen with Kid Icarus and Smash. He hasn't been working for 2 years on a deluxe version of Smash 4.
Doesn't work if the game doesn't have a fucking title. And if you input nothing, it will still try to guess and give you results like that, based off of the title of the video.
I have LOADS of experience with this.
>Not IV
What a fucking retard.
>Look mom, I posted it again!
But he's right
>that nigga ain't sakurai, he a nigga
I'm curious if those are actually read.
probably only if yet another bot detects an usual amount of reports with certain key words
and the guy who made gifs calls them jifs what's your fucking point
Can confirm this.
There's a playthrough of the 2003 Hulk game i saw, but instead of recognizing that, Google lists it as Half-Life because the Marvel character of the same name is in that game.
Writing isn't amibigious like pronounciation
Sure it is, you'd be shocked how many words warped over time due to being written improperly.
Post 5 examples and also argue why that is even relevant to either point in the first place, because IIII isn't a word, but a symbol.
they are pronounced jifs nigger
>jraphics interface format
Seems legit.
the abbreviation is its own word you mouthbreather
>he has to write the abbreviation incorrectly to explain how it's pronounced, just to appease some reddit-tier creator who came up with a stupid name for it
>calls me a mouthbreather
oh, I get it now.
That's youtube you dumb cuck
And Jewtube is owned by