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i liked the first vids when they played left4dead only
it made me feel like i had friends honestly
Board's for videogames, dipshit, not for your imaginary youtube friends. Fuck off.
it's just not the same without the two faggots.
you're right, it's better
Good, they were awful.
i like it better. still miss the dong though.
Having Zach/Nial replace Julian/Dingdong is refreshing. It's like Oneyplays has become a new version of Sleepycast.
I miss them honestly
I hope that when they're done with their game they come back, at least every now and then
zach is cool and legitimately funny on his own but i still miss DD/julian
nial is alright too i guess
Nial's a good middleman, like a more confident Julian. There's also that other guy that appears sometimes, Lyal or whatever. He seems alright.
Did Julian and dingdong say they were leaving or something?
>mfw lyles tattoo
lyle is fine too yeah
sometimes he's a little annoying because he pushes jokes despite them falling flat but other than that he's pretty funny
DD and julian are working on their game so they probably won't be recording as often as they used to
I miss Julian laugh...
They're putting all their time into developing their two games Trigger Treat and Tough Bippy and not coming back until the games are done.
and dingdongs porn game
Oh. They were both my favorite autistic gay furfags, it's not the same without their air of degeneracy constantly around Oney's pure Catholic mind.
Porn game?
They'll come back at some point. Just not for a while.
he's making a tuba vore porn visual novel
zach is still funny though
I want a Zach/Ding Dong episode
Good Zach is waaaaay better
why is it so fucking hard for them to release a podcast
when did chris and zach got along again?
That would probably be really good.
just watch old tbg streams
Oney is so fucking obnoxiuos I don't understand how people watch this shit, Gamegrumps is shit but it's somehow better then this.
That takes more work then literally just sitting down to play video games. It's almost like they're all lazy hacks who stopped uploading any content with effort in it like 3 years ago.
I fuckin love how weird zach and niall are, feels like sleepycast again, compared to ding gongs generally chill and julian just kind of being there
Any time those two are together they bring out the worst in each other. People who weren't around for The Best Gamers will probably end up freaking out that their precious mascot can have such a dark sense of humor.
Actually come to think of it Chris used to be kind of the pure one and it was a Zach/Ding Dong combination that must have corrupted him.
>be working on games and commercials and shit
>get called a lazy hack for not spending hours making animations that youtube will pay you 20 bucks for
They're gonna come back.
Chris's Dark Souls playthrough was maybe the only let's play I sat through from start to finish. The one with the gang was hilarious though.
Hey Julian.
Yeah then I started listening to the sleepycast, and they were comfy as fuck.
is it gay
I enjoy them a lot but I get almost embarrassed that I laugh at them saying "poo poo" or some made up words.
>is it gay?
is this gay?