How do you even get into the iDOLM@STER series?

How do you even get into the iDOLM@STER series?

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Play the games.

Watch the anime.

fap to the hentai

Especially the futanari ones

being weeb


Learn Japanese and play the games

gross dude

Mami > Ami

By bumbling through the mobage and voting for best girl.

>Best girl
>doesn’t post Kirari

Frick off the Kong is the best idol.

Which are the best ones to start with

For the anime, The Idolmaster (not Xenoglossia)
For the games, The Idolmaster SP for PSP. At least one of the three versions are translated, maybe all three now.

CG theater
any of the iphone ones if you can find the english versions online
anything with Rin


Sup Forums girl is cute


It's like the second result for idolmaster and futanari user.

Is this the year of the Kong?


Maybe if it was /jp/ deciding the results but it’s likely Mio that’s winning this year

Probably not. She will hit top five again for sure

I want Minami or Mika to win once but it’s sadly unlikely

route A: learn japanese and play the main games
route B: be a gross secondary forever and only play games that are translated or don't require reading

Play the games and listen to the music

Mika will never have the chance Rika had

How many songs are there?

A lot and if you include covers a lot more

Wish you were Japanese and play the arcade

That's a dope looking Pachinko machine.

Alas it is the fate of all Japanese IPs

I will bap the kong one day


Not too different from american slots.

I dont care for collateral damage. She will be bapped.

Interesting. Image saved for future discussion. Thank you.

yeah if you look around there are man different slots using well known franchises. Hell sega has House of the dead pachinko machines in Japan and Slots in the US.

>Just noticed her sweatshirt says heroin

I really enjoy this image for some reason

So she finally moved past the Mary Jane?

SHe has moved on due to the dangerous gateway drug. Another life good as gone. Hopefully other idols don't befall such a fate.

Who is her Mitty?



post anal idol


Mika a shit. Why did she get paired with such a good pair of idols like Miria and Kirari

what book is this?


That's Rika....

Dumb loli slut idol

I can't believe Lori is dead

Nice image, can I save it?
Thanks Lori!

you have to be at least a level 3 degenerate first

If you wanna get into iM@S, start with the 2011 anime. Then listen to some of the songs. If you enjoy it, start listening to some of the songs. Start off with the Anim@tion Master and Anim@tion Master Namassuka releases then try out some of the Master Artist releases of your favourite characters.
If you're still not sick of it, read some of the manga like the companion series to the anime Mana did. Try out some Millon Live! songs, they're generally some of the best in the franchise. Just remember the golden rule: ignore Cinderella Girls shit at all times.

Oh and you can try playing the games. Newest releases like Stella Stage are playable without understanding moon.

Yeah I mix up their names too much

Don't worry, she's eggscellnt!


About time

I will have to find the source myself.

It's crappy porn but ok


in which order do i read this


Chihaya strikes again

American style
Lol it's a fucking meme gold mine though

>tfw i'll never have a little sister like miria

You'd just end up raping her, and fucking her up in the head to the point where she would develope bpd, hpd, and she'd self mutilate and OD on opiates.

But that's exactly what I'm into

Did they ever find the shooter?

Is Miria the best older sister in the series?

She's the youngest l@li after nina and the blonde with narcolepsy.

She still has a baby brother

be a pedo

No, she is bad influence on all the innocent girls around her

Silly Japanese don’t know foreign sign language

I want to kissu Sachiko

I want to feed her a knuckle sandwich

so what does Sup Forums think about best girl

Imagine having dozens of cute girls to fuck, and you pick the boring book slut.

I know you're terrified of interacting with women, fictional or otherwise, but jesus man.

you can literally smell her virginity from a mile away my dude, all the other idols, even the lolis are loose sluts



Look at all those sluts


Party time is the sluttiest song to give lolis

>you'll never get drunk as fuck after wasting all your money in the im@s casino

Why live.

Fuck, forgot the link

you still haven't told me what you think about my wife, Sup Forums-kun

>dad walks in

For being an avid book reader, she is a complete dumbass

Looks and acts like Arisu if she continued to have no friends

dad is a lolicon so of course he wouldn't understand the beauty of (girls)

Literally a semen demon

It could be actual autism

Daily reminder that Kikuchi Makoto belongs to me.

Why would you want to own a boy? At least Ryou looks like a girl.

You can have him and his feminine penis