whos the best warcraft girl?
Whos the best warcraft girl?
Sylvanas is a miracle of the universe.
i have this little phantasy of me being a human male in the warcraft universe and falling in love with sylvannas
the guards trying to kill me but i manage to tell them i need to talk with sylvannas
she lets me go and doesnt kill me because she liked me a little bit
Best you are getting is tortured to death by her
Sylvanas is not a good character. Hell, fucking Kelthuzad seen much more of a bro than her
>that haircut
Literally 1000000/10
Why don't girls use this more in real life?
Tyrande is for orc cock
>can't get the girl in your own fucking fantasy
I giggled, thanks.
she just kinda looks out for number 1, nothing wrong with that
Not everyone can wear this
If you told them you were a survivor of Alterac and wanted revenge against Stormwind I wouldn't be surprised if they threw you a sword and shoved you off to go kill board with all the other recruits. Maybe with a tabard so you don't accidentally get stabbed by a friendly.
Think I read somewhere Alterac humans were originally meant to play a larger role in the story and even be Horde like they were in WC2, as is they basically don't exist the same way kul tiras didn't exist until BFA despite being a primary naval power in the world.
Alterac hates Stormwind more than Lordaeronians hate Gilneans. If they ever do another round of allied races and want to give horde humans it'd 100% be alterac ones.
not him but i have a martyrdom fetish so i pretty much die alone and unloved in all of my fantasies
She's going to save the world even if everyone except her needs to die to do it
well, i'd really want to give sylvanas all my cummies but she's kind of a bitch, so i'll take valeera, to whom i also want to give all my cummies and wouldn't kill me
Not to mention that she can actually bear children
the one with the biggest tits and the thinnest waist and widest hips
So the average draenei?
Alterac is the Syndicate
>is my butt fat?
there's that too but i don't think she'd marry me
don't think she'd even let me give her my cummies
Thankfully, yes.
your butt was made for my face
What's your race/class? Depending on that she might have interest
lol no
You have a universe of several sentient races and you stick with humans, and quasi human beings?
Pandaren, worgen, tauren, goblin, etc.
You never know, it might be superior pussy. Give it a go.
well, most of my characters were blood elf females
but i'm a human male
There's something wrong with that when Blizzard goes full retard and puts her in charge of one of the major factions. I don't understand why she's leader when two thirds of the Horde should be fucking mutinying
because the previous warchief said so
>tfw all of my friends rolled alliance because of one of them has a decent guild there
>just want to play Horde since it has all the best races outside of Belves
I pretty much forced them to make Horde too, just to have more options cause I love them Gobbos
Which one? The one that died to a trash mob, or the one that cheated in an honourable duel and lost all his powers?
>Heroes of the Storm
Unfair, all girls there are extra thicc compared to their WoW versions
>play wow
>tyrande is an unattractive harpy with an awful personality, generic model, and boner killing grandma voice
>play hots
>tyrande is a thick assed sex goddess and in the top 3 most fuckable women
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Good taste user, nothing will ever be okay.
lmao earth mother
zug zug me not that kind of orc
long live the banshee queen
the last time we tried to join the alliance jaina made it look like 14/88 was a joke
fuck you pay me
the only people that would give a SINGLE shit about the warchief would be trolls, but that was resolved because they will honor voljin's dying breath.
Which of those are capable of bearing children with a human male?
Because no one plays HotS, so no journalists give a fuck about it, which allows Blizzard to whatever the fuck they want. I am glad that it's like that, give me all the fanservice my horny ass needs
>im a free spirit, i dont like to be tied down.
>oh you mean literally?
>yeah im totally into that
the one with the funny teeth
>orcs cows and trolls
>following a many-time traitor and war criminal
Draenei are bae
Goblins look like THAT?
Except for one.
For your pleasure.
>because the previous warchief said so
That wasn't even a good excuse when Thrall and Orgrim did it. It's even less so when the "Loa" (the only "deities" incompetent enough to get worshiped by tusk-apes) are the actual ones who told him to put her in charge.
>many time traitor
you're gonna have to cite some sources
and they dont count as war crimes if they're against the alliance
Well sounds like you are living your own dream. Congrats m8
Shut up and go back to sucking cock, Daemia.
Tyrande has the biggest tits?
if only they didn't have that fucking awful accent and fucking awful teeth
Our Warchief has requested you for a mission of great importance... and secrecy.
Not even I know its nature yet.
Has the Warchief summoned you?
This doesn't concern you.
How can we aid the Warchief if she keeps things from her advisors?
Perhaps my queen would be more open if she were more assured of their loyalty.
Her advisors are loyal...
... to the Horde.
She is so fucking dead it's almost funny.
>whining about Russian accents and cute fangs
Insubordination with all leaders of the Horde, open defiance and scheming, the whole point of the plague before Varimathras fucked up that operation...
>they don't count as war crimes if they're against the alliance
That is 110%, grade A, fuckshit retarded.
>you will never impregnate her infertile rotten vagina
probably smell like month old tuna and cheese , but id power through for the horde.
Debatable, I'd say Alexstrasza has the biggest pair, what with her being a mother and all
they're not russian accents, they're arab ones and they sound fucking awful
and their teeth are all fucked up at least in sfm
>throw plague onto allied troops at wrath gate
>oh but it wasn't me it was one of my most trusted advisors
>i just watched and did nothing
>even though he was right beside me
He works at CNN so naturally Russian accents get them triggered
>They're Arab
Probably none.
Why would I want to have kids?
genetically engineered thick girls like this when?
>He works at CNN so naturally Russian accents get them triggered
look i don't know what the fuck they are but they're not russian
>Arab accents
user are your eardrums damaged by chance?
According to the novels, she smells like a month old rotting corpse, whether she has her gash out or not
every horde leader she fought against were actual war criminals that sought to damage the horde.
the point of the plague was to kill as many alliance as possible. There is literally nothing wrong with murdering every single alliance member.
and wrathgate was entirely done by a dreadlord
Purple cat huntress
I want to impregnate that lil gobbo.
Sorry, Blightcaller already called it. Sylvanas is worse than the Scourge right now.
her and archer's voice were fucking sex
do we have goblin gals in HotS yet?
Did Varian get to fuck her before he died? Will she go after his son now?
Are you retarded
Yes, you're very retarded
I think Chromie has a goblin skin.
Her thigh armor makes her look thicker than she is. Maiev's actually both a womanlet compared to other NElves, on top of being thin.
Yes and yes.
That's not really a fetish. You're just the sort of guy that would dedicate their lives to anyone with 18 charisma because you have nothing better to do, but you'd try your best doing that. I can respect that, even if it makes you a tool.
Does she have the hiccups?
why do all elves in wow have the human fever?
i mean i get it if there's one character but every elf romance is always with a human
it's starting to be embarrassing the amount of self inserting that must be going on blizzard HQº
I want to lick everything.
I hate their voice lines more than anything. I'd play a Lightforged instead but they can't be Shamans or Monks.
Kek, that’s such a disgusting detail considering how much the story tries to paint her and undead as some non repulsive equals to the rest of the horde. I wish the game itself went into these types of details and painted more vivid pictures of scenarios, characters and quests. You’d think with how much dialogue and text an mmo has they’d spring for some good writers
HOTS Tyrande was when she was still young. WoW Tyrande is literally a cranky old person by elf standards.
Where's this information from? Is Maiev ever shown without armor?
rip in peace
Maiev is hatesexual. Tyrande is already married. Liadrin is a lesbian.
To be fair, most everyone Horde side that isn't a BElf probably smells like crap.
i'm only dedicated to my family
everyone else can go fuck themselves
>You’d think with how much dialogue and text an mmo has they’d spring for some good writers
Blizzard doesn't do this for any of their other titles, why would they do it for WoW
It's not genetic engineering that makes girls like this, only the natural bodily function a female experiences when they become a mother
>he didn't level a DK
yeah that's three
the THREE windrunner sisters for example, all crave human cock
Even Blizz knows it
>Love Goddess Tyrande
They are though, even their non-alien names are slavic.
Goblin, the rest are sentient animals.
>whitemane without the hat, the leotard, or the makeup
what they did to her should be illegal