>buy this game
>One month later they announce Donkey Kong Country Returns 3
how mad would you be?
>buy this game
>One month later they announce Donkey Kong Country Returns 3
how mad would you be?
Why would you think that would make people mad
There was already a DKC 3 you fucking idiot
Why would I be mad?
>buy a game you like
>oh wow, there's more game coming!
Why would you be mad
>reading comprehension
Would that... not be the ideal outcome?
I already bought the game quite some time ago. But I don't really see why I'd be upset at all. Tropical Freeze is an amazing game.
Getting something Hyrule Warriors or whatever a month before Hyrule Warriors definitive edition is released would blow hard.
Or say buying MvC3 the very same month that Ultimate MvC3 was announced. Which is actually something I did.
But Tropical Freeze is an amazing game. And Donkey Kong Country Returns 3 wouldn't be Tropical Freeze. It would be a different game that would either be better, worse, or possibly just as good as Tropical Freeze. And hopefully they would both be more than worth playing.
OP is just a retard. Let's move on.
Finish one game. Continue right to the next.
Yes it'd be great.
gotta pay another $60.
they're different games?
What's wrong with you
>thinking $60 for a game is too expensive
Set aside $150 for vidya/drugs/etc and its not that expensive.
Get a $60 game, still have $80 for weed, booze and cigarettes
>weed, booze and cigarettes
degenerate, sort out your life
thousands of people buy both versions of pokemon
people but both versions of smash 4
people buy releases of games that game out a year or 2 years before the rerelease
wtf makes you think people woundlt buy a whole new addition to a series
t. Friendless Virgin
And? I would spend $120, and I would have two games. Is that not normal?
>spend a bunch of money on games
>get criticized for not saving
>save money and dont buy redundant shit like the NES Classic or PS4 Pro
>get criticized for being "poor"
>weed, booze and cigarettes
You must be 18 to post here.
>buy a port of one of my favourite games of all time
>then they announce a sequel to one of my favourite games of all time
I’d be fucking ecstatic desu. I’d buy 3 copies of Tropical Freeze if it meant we’d get a sequel.
>release a game
>release a port of that game on your next gen console for $10 more
How is Nintendo getting away with this?
>weed, booze and cigarettes
Man, some of you guys are really pathetic.
>Buy Game 1 years after it came out
>Game 2 announced a month later
I.. Ok? What?
try moving out you fucking degenerate
iterally two different games, you fucking moron.
>buy a game
>one month later another game comes out
how mad would u be
As fantastic as Tropical Freeze was, I already played it. I'm not buying it again.
Nobody on earth besides me owned a wii u.
Worst console I ever owned. Especially now that all the good games are getting ported.
I own Mario kart, Mario 3D world, BotW, pokken, smash, W101, Bayonetta 2 and Tropical freeze. Look how many of those games are now available on switch. Even before they ported them, 8 games is the smallest library I’ve ever had for a console.
Yeah, I got a lot out of double dipping with Mario Kart but I wouldnt do it for DKCTF. Great game but I'm not spending 50 more dollars for one character and potentially a handful of new levels
How can you say the Wii U is bad when it had all those games. Is the SNES bad because you can emulate it?
I’m honestly willing to buy it again just to avoid getting the wii U out of my cupboard ever again.
I'd buy a port of DKCR if it had the bonus content from the 3DS version with removed motion controls though.
Yeah, I still need to buy MK8 DX myself. But I'll skip out on TF.
>buy old game
>be mad that they make a new game that isn't free
But you got to play them already. Who cares if they're ported? Don't buy the ports.
Porting a game isn't "making" a game
>didn't read op
He's literally asking if people would be mad if they made a new game after this port.
>all those games
8 games user. 8.
For the snes I own close to 70 games. For the N64 around 40. For the ps1 around 20. For the PS2 around 60. For the GameCube 30. For the wii 25ish. For the ps3 I had around 90. That’s not even getting started on handhelds or PC. 8 games is fucking pathetic. Yeah, there were some other games that I didn’t buy like a splatoon, and yeah, I did get some enjoyment out of those 8 games but it’s still easily the worst system I’ve ever purchased.
Also worth noting that the snes was only emulatable perfectly a couple of generations after they stopped making games for it. I got the wii U back whenever smash 4 came out. Now all those games are available on a superior system.
read the op brOOOOO
I won’t buy the ports. I was just answering that guys question as to why they can get away with it. The get away with it because nobody owned a wii u.
Not mad at all, because it, and the DKCR games play absolutely nothing like the originals so I couldn't POSSIBLY care less. There's a reason TF and others didn't replace the original games for a lot of people, and speedrunners, they're nothing like the real DKC games.
Not at all.
Frozen dong is considered by many to be one of, if not the best in the series and I haven't played it yet.