Why do so many fucking idiots not know what "Original Game" means? People think it's the companies developing Smash 5, so when they don't see Bandai Namco listed there they immediately assume it's a new title and not a port. Well I'm here to fucking clarify to those idiots that "Original Game" stands for the developers that created the original Super Smash Bros. IP, which would be Nintendo and HAL Laboratory. Of course Bandai Namco is not going to be listed there, they didn't create Super Smash Bros. you fucking morons. Nintendo and HAL Laboratory are always credited as the creators of Super Smash Bros. in the title screen of ever Smash game. Even Smash Wii U said "Original Game" and you don't see Bandai Namco listed there either.
Original Game
I can't wait until this is shown as a port. It will be the final nail in the Switch coffin. Officially the Wii U 2.0
That's cool.
If it's a port, why are all the characters in shadow, as if we don't already know the entire roster? Because if it's just a port, then we already know who's in and there's no point in teasing.
>"Haha no one wants the Switch it has no games"
>Switch sells extremely well
>"S-Switch blew it's load in the first year and there's nothing on it.."
>Switch is indeed getting games this year too
>"C-C-Can't wait for this to be a port.. f-final nail.. please no one buy a switch.. wii u 2.0..."
How can it be official wen u r fake.
I never said it was going to be a port, I was only pointing out what "Original Game" actually meant.
Be nice, you're dealing with retards and underage high school drop outs
I don't really care if it's a port or not but it does bug me that people are really so stupid that they didn't even know what the original game thing meant and are actually trying to use it as evidence.
Also everybody who takes this debate seriously is a huge faggot.
>Everyone is an idiot but me
>tfw realizing I unironically want Sans in Smash
Oh no.
Yeah that's cute except not everyone takes place in this debate so your strawman falls apart.
>Nintendo and HAL Laboratory are always credited as the creators of Super Smash Bros
A copyright claim isn't claiming the creator, but claiming the owner.
Nintendo and HAL own the game as an IP. Bandai Namco developed it, but they were paid to do so, with no share in the IP ownership.
The reason Bandai Namco isn't listed as an IP owner is because they aren't. They never have been. Developing a game doesn't mean you own the rights to it (though it usually does).
>takes place
Takes part, that is.
So it's definitely not a port right?
>BotW Link
Unless they're adding DLC palettes or some shit
>Switch is indeed getting games this year too
2018 is a ghost load compared to 2017. SO yeah, they blew their load
smash 5 is a port of an original game so it cant be original.
Nobody who's calling it a port is saying it's a complete port. It would be a port like all the other Wii U to Switch ports, the same game with a few new features thrown in. For something like a Smash 4.5, it might be some new characters, stages and maybe one new feature
I'm not saying that's assured to happen, but that's what people mean when they say port
It's been four years since Smash 4, guys
Ah, that makes more sense
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Octopath Traveler
>Fire Emblem
Not even including ports or stuff not confirmed for 2018 like Pokémon
Why would you ever include that?
Yes ONLY four years
There was only 2 years between 64 and melee
Less than that if you consider the DLC they didn't stop shelling out little over a year ago.
Which is why it feels like it is too early for a new smash.
The DLC came out over 2 years ago
Sakura said he began working on his next game around the time the last DLC characters came out
>game with no story content
>new characters, stages, features
>what is a sequel
why would you include any of that, most of it is garbage or actually might be a port
it's fucking march tho im sure it'll have more games