That one mechanic in an otherwise great game that just makes you

>that one mechanic in an otherwise great game that just makes you

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World tendency

The gacha system in Xenoblade 2 singlehandedly brings the game down from an 8 to a 6.

Hat throwing in Mario Odyssey

Combat in The Witcher games

>weapon/armor degradation
>mandatory minigames
>encumbrance gradually lowers your stats instead of just being a limit on how much you can carry

>Shock Arrows in DDR



>Chance to hit: 99%

>weapon/armor degradation
This. It's one of BotW's biggest flaws.

That and the fucking rain. Holy shit, fuck that shit.


Wouldn’t be as bad if the generics had more variety in appearance and weren’t totally outclassed


There was absolutely no reason to do that. It adds nothing to the game.
It's far from the reason I dropped the game, but it didn't help.

The one major blemish in an otherwise stellar game.

>Progressing the Dragon style in Yakuza Kiwami

the hacker in up your arsenal
grinds the gameplay to a hault

The fact that the teleportarium isn't 100% effective in Battlefleet Gothic.

So you have this game mode where you have 180 seconds to destroy a 15,000 health ship which is actively trying to avoid you. If you know anything about Battlefleet Gothic, you know that this is how damage works:
>Roll for accuracy for each bullet
>Roll against shields (2000-5000 HP)
>Roll against 25% chance for shields to nullify damage.
>Take down shields
>Roll for accuracy for each bullet
>Roll against armor (minimum 25% chance to avoid all incoming damage, but as high as 75%)
>Recharge weapon (4-13 seconds)
>Fire again (at 25 DMG per shot) until 15,000 HP ship is dead.

As you can imagine, you'd want more time to achieve that. The game offers teleportariums which have a 57% chance of canceling the ship's attempt to warp out. But it's completely possible that with 3 or even 4 teleport attacks you STILL won't have disabled the enemy's warp drive, which means you lose, which means another system falls to Chaos, which means you are now even weaker going into your next fight.

Chaos Frame.

What the fuck were they thinking



listen mode

>basic enemies take a gorillion hits to kill at low levels
>on top of a stamina system and weapon degradation

Chaos Frame is fucked up but in a way that isn't blatant or game-destroying.

Crafting is the real hell.

You mean the only reason it was even worth playing

>it's a 9S has to hack everything segment

>Special enemy has 1/256 chance to appear

Shit sucks, but the game is the most immersive during this period
when you get op skills and rare weapons zombies just become another environmental hazard

Wrong, because BotW wasn't worth playing.

>Special enemy flees every chance it gets
>Special enemy is very powerful and can kill anything in one hit
>Special enemy has 1/256 chance to drop special item
>Special enemy despawns itself offscreen

>game has a focus on exploration
>game is on a time limit
Any game that does both is automatically shit.

Managing Runeys in Rune Factory Frontier

>Level scalling

Literally ruins games for me, never touch this shit.

Yup. Didn't know about it on my run and haven't felt the desire to go back into it to 100% the game.

pokemon gen 2

>it's the hacking gauntlet segment and you're using KB+M

This. Killing things 20 levels above you should be an unfair challenge, not a statistical impossibility.

>playing xenoblade chronicles x
>exploring the beautiful world
>find a new area
>get 1 shot with no time to react

why even have the areas be open if its impossible to survive in them till your 10 hours into the game

Majoras Mask
The time mechanic was horribly implemented.
>but user you get the tine control songs super early so it doesnt even matter

Okay so what was the point of it to begin with if they were just going to give you tools to midigate the constrant so early in the game?

Just feels janky to me. Beat it on 3ds just so i can be done with it and never go back

>damage resistance on bosses
>the greed machine
>curse of the maze/lost/blind
at least i have mods

SS2 Research. Boy I love running around every deck to grab a bunch of chemicals that do nothing but waste my time! What fun!

The true purpose of the time mechanic is that the game world and the people in it run on a schedule.


XB2 did the same shit and it pisses me off so much.
I lost count of how many times I died because some overleveled cunt 50 miles away looked at my direction and one-shot the party for 7000+ damage regardless of time, distance, and if I was even fighting anything. Those plains were a goddamn nightmare.

>every pokemon game before sun and moon that needed hm slaves

>curse of the maze
It’s not even a challenge. It’s just... so needlessly annoying, god damn

>actually preferring SM shitty main game and non existent post game aside from the cutscenes up the ass just so you dont carry around a slowpoke with HM moves.
Are you one of those homosexuals I keep hearing about?

i dont get how enemies that should be passive like the big ass brontasauruses in X aggro you when you get too close
its a fucking grass eater

at least the mandatory part was over and done with relatively quickly

unless you were going for completion, which I imagine was hell for autists

>revive/resurrect in FPS
>entire game has to be balanced around it

We're talking about one mechanic here you specifically hate you mouth breathing autist, read the fucking op.

Holy fuck why did you remind me

That and the fucking golfing shit too


so you ARE homosexual then?

>healers and tanks in FPS

I'll be the one to say it: having to grind every day for over a year to avoid paying to access to all the characters in a game where counterpicking is a major factor in strategy.

I have never had a problem with research, especially considering the ONLY time you have to actually do it is on deck 3
and most of the things you can research are shit other than the enemy parts

Fuck you Spheda was enjoyable.

Monster transforms were garbage, but it's because they were a ton of work and didn't pay off at fucking all.

Townbuilding was also way shittier in 2. 2 made all the dungeon shit way better but dropped the ball so hard out of dungeons.

>no tripping
granted, brawl would still be bad without it, but it would be less bad

>game has a 100% completion you can go for
>game has crafting and crafting all items is needed for 100%
>endgame crafting requires multiple items of a singular loot drop
>have to pick and choose what to make, then do a whole other run and pick the things you didn't pick the first time
>game is 100 hours long with unskippable cutscenes
>more than just 2 runs are needed with even the most min/maxed mindset going in
>the items aren't even worth using in the first place

>demon's souls has no respec mechanic
farming level drain attacks off meph or false king only half counts
>dark souls has no respec mechanic
>dark souls 2 has a respec mechanic
>bloodborne has no respec mechanic
>dark souls 3 has a respec mechanic

I thought it was cool. Would've been neat if it started off a little more viable. As it stands, it's trash for about 80% of the run and you never use it, then it instantly becomes really fucking good.

What's wrong with it?
Are you bothered by hat jumping too or is it just because that's your only method of attack aside from jumping on stuff?

tracking shockwave aoe attacks


Rubberbanding AI in any racing game

At this point I'd say item durability ruined Minecraft way more than hunger did.
You can get stacks of melons, fish, or steak fucking EASY and it basically invalidates hunger forever.
>put some fucking sick enchantments on your pickaxe/sword/whatever
>can only repair it 2 or 3 times before the repair cost becomes so expensive you literally can't repair it anymore and you just have to make a new tool from scratch
that's so fucking goddamn stupid

FLUDD as a whole.
I just couldn't stand the way he slowed down the game.

shitty frame data that invalidates your main character against half of the cast


Sudden genre changes that don't work right.

>damage resistance
I fucking wish it was damage resistance instead of hp scaling. You forgot to add Edmund nerfing shit in a singleplayer game and then getting salty that people told him to fuck off when he withheld a bunch of content from some DLC for a few days just so people couldn't spoil it immediately.

I can't remember, was the Atlantis section in KH2 ever required?

QTE is RE4

Unlocking Miner requires just enough rng to piss me off.

Makes you...what?
Finish your fucking thoughts.

That was the only fun thing about basic combat.
You kill a guy, you throw your weapon right another one's face, you pick up that guy's weapon an proceed to pummel the rest.
The only bad thing is: Link can't do shit with his bare hands. Give him som basic tackle or grab attack and it's golden.

>encumbrance gradually lowers your stats instead of just being a limit on how much you can carry
That sounds fucking awful. What game does this?

The emperor protects.


Makai Kingdom, what were they thinking requiring you to sacrifice a unit to make a random dungeon?
And there's no good way to farm mana either.

>make combat system that seems to revolve around 1v1 sword duels
>99% of encounters are large dumb beasts or hordes of random bullshit

Free range movement was a mistake. Should have stuck to grid based.

What's wrong with crafting and weapon/armor degradation?

Dunno if it's what he's talking about but in most Roguelikes you'll gradually take speed and other penalties if you try to carry too much shit.

What is the Tales of series?

>Skipping cutscenes keeps you from getting 100% completion

>cutscenes are unskippable

>cutscenes can last upwards of 20 minutes and aren't pausable.

>intro cutscene starts
>no subtitles
>press esc to put on subtitles
>esc skips the cutscene

>cutscene starts
>dialogue very slowly auto-progresses but you have no idea if it has to be manually progressed, can be sped up or not
>pressing any button skips it

>manage to put on subtitles
>subs move quickly and spoil dialogue before the voices get to it

Crafting needs to just stop
it needs to die be buried and forgotten
I literally cannot think of one game it's enjoyable in
making potions in RPGs isn't fucking fun
making some pouch to carry more shekels isn't fun
just fucking end it all, in every game, and every genre

>play for too long
>stats degrade
I know you can disable this shit with a certain tweaker, but what the fuck Mountain Blade

Wait really?

>mountain blade

what the fuck are enchantments

>not calling it mountain blade
and yeah after day 750 or something like that your stats can degrade. It's really fucking dumb, you can use TweakMB to stop it, but it shouldn't be in the game to begin wtih.

>low TTK
>guns have random spread

>war game with fading despawing bodies.