This is the average Switch fan

>this is the average Switch fan
Nintendo forever btfo

Other urls found in this thread:

>average switch fan doesn't exist
ayy lmao

leave my daughter out of this

The average switch fan is a cute girl? Sign me up

Did someone use that Kamiya picture to draw that reimu?

another one the floor hisoukutokutoukuten would be nice

God that game fucking sucks.

You're using Touhou, a series most of Sup Forums loves, to try and mock people here?

You don't know us very well, do ya?

I-It's just a joke

>the average nintendo switch fan is a fucking armpit slut genocidal that murdered thousands of innocent Youkai for absolutely no reason
fuck Reimu

>average Switch fan is a literal god
What's the problem

>a series most of Sup Forums loves

You mean /jp/ and a bunch of Sup Forums2hu fags that force their shit into other series like Megaman and SRW and Pokemon?

how about never mentioning that game again

>a series most of Sup Forums loves

Real touhou game on the switch when?

More like Lewdmia

is this a mobile port or something why does it look so fucking UGLY

Little Lumia

Nintendo is clearly for bald evil masterminds planning to abduct the Eiffel tower.


Your daughter is a soyboy

look at the resolution of the photo

Can you fucking imagine if Nintendo brought a fucking Touhou character in Smash and announced an AAA Touhou exclusive as well.

Holy fuck Japan would sink.

It's a port of an older doujin game.

I seriously believe Reimu has 25% chance of making the cut in a smash game. Does Zun have connections in the business?

>most of Sup Forums loves
Most of Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums now.
The shithole it has become

>announced an AAA Touhou exclusive as well.
A Touhou character in Smash is one thing even if its an impossibly low chance, but a AAA Touhou game is the antithesis of of everything Touhou is. It would literally never happen.

From a business standpoint it would probably make sense. They would sell a fuckton of Switches and Smash to rabid Touhou faggots

I wish that was the case. Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole are fucking garbage nowadays. I mean, come on, look at this shit.


ZUN is the one who doesn't want Reimu in anything. Smash characters have voices, zun doesn't want the 2hus to have voice actors.

It makes more sense than Rumia.

Fucking NIS

Actually, he doesn't want 2hus to have voices in a big profile game, otherwise he would have shutdown all those doujin games that actually use voice actors.

the game sucks
not worth $30
maybe worth $10

Of course, official voice actors I mean. Doujins are always fine.

Except some fangames actually used high profile voice actors. What ZUN doesn't want is voices actors of any level in a non doujin 2hu game.

That's a real shame

ZUN would likely not allow it. Touhou is doujin and Smash is as AAA as it gets. He's already very careful about what he allows Touhou too be included in and getting mixed up with a company like Nintendo is something he might find too be crossing the line. If he was too allow it though he would certainly demand full creative control over every aspect of the characters creation and idk how well the devs would take that.

To be fair I cant think of any instances where new voice actors were hired just for Smash. Characters with voice actors already had them from other games (except for DeDeDe which was just Sakurai making noises into a mic) and characters with no voices remained that way. Voice acting isnt a requirement. Still, I see Touhou making it into Smash too be almost an impossibility with how ZUN is.

Wait what
No way did they "localize" the touhous names? hahaha

Rabi-ribi will never be featured on a nintendo direct

Only Rumia took a hit. Funnily enough though its not even technically wrong. Both Rumia and Lumia are perfectly vaild translations.

The average switch fan is a psychopath?

Which 2hu would you want in Smash?

ZUN doesn't give a fuck anymore, he has a family to support now.

Might as well go all the way

inb4 Zun voices Reimu

Surely he's seen how well they've treated guest characters in the past. There's no way it would happen, but Sakurai would make a good Reimu.

>To be fair I cant think of any instances where new voice actors were hired just for Smash.
Really? I assumed lots were.
Oh shit even Marth has the same voice actor as the 90s anime.

>Reimu's battle cries are incoherent drunken babbles

all of them

inb4 it's just a motion capture of ZUN dressed as Reimu

He'll let his wife do it.

Everyone except your favorite touhou.
I'd probably main Mokou.

inb4 her trailer ends with Zun Mii Fighters of Cirno, Sakuya, Marisa, and Reisen

She killed billions


Sakurai is very understanding about creator consent and has said during development they work with the owners/creators of the characters
He says this numerous times


>characters with no voices remained that way.

>the sound she makes during a final smash or getting knocked out


So is this game fucking trash or what?

has best girl but it's total dogshit

Everyone you're referring to migrated to other boards. Sup Forums is fucking cancer for the last two years. I mean I like it, I just think you're fucking retarded. I hate everyone on here.

what does his wife sound like?


He absolutely still does. The point when he stops caring is when we get a Touhou anime. ZUN pretty fucking loaded with how well Touhou has done over the years. With how successful HSiFS did on Steam he would have released way more by now if he was desperate for money. Plus his wife works. You dont need two working adults (one of which owns a hugely popular franchise) too support two kids.

I could be wrong but yeah most characters already had voice actors. Im sure im wrong and there are a few that didnt but I dont feel like checking.
So yeah I was wrong. Its still only like a few characters though.

I dont follow Smash development a whole lot, but this is good too know.

Well that makes me curious how his conversation with Kamiya about Bayonetta being in Smash was like. We all know that Hideki is very... "different" from other devs.

Just like Reimu.

He wasn't exactly happy about that, from what I recall.
Mokou, although I guess they wouldn't let her burn entire stages to ash and would reduce her to lighting her farts or something.

He was actually nervous about Tetsuya Nomura because of gossip but they got along fine
I wonder how conversions regarding Bayonetta's lewdness being toned down for Smash went with Kamiya

why not just have her be like link and just grunt

Fuck off weeb I dont even know what genre tuhou is

As much as I love Meiling she wouldn't be that interesting

Is this one any good?

That only works if it's Mamizou pretending to be Reimu.

There are no good touhou fangames.

That'd still give her a voice
Also, as much as I like Smash
>wanting Touhou fanbase mixed with the Smash fanbase

Well she kept the glasses so I think everything went smoothly.

I like it. It's kind of dick game but I like it.

Marisa is my wife, but Suika or Yuugi would be perfect for Smash.

What would her English and Japanese voice actresses be?

the same voice actress

What would Suikas final smash be?

Break the Moon

>In a rated E game
Gee, Suika sure has that milkshake addiction

>in an E rated game

Bayonetta can be sidestepped.

Straight alcohol, can not.

nigga alcohol is blatantly censored all the time
even Nintendo during localization changed it in some of their games

They would just keep the Japanese voice actress if for some ungodly reason there had to be one. I dont think a single Touhou fan wants an english voice actress.


Alright so maybe I overlooked that. Maybe the west should just stopping being a bunch of pansies so we dont need to censor shit anymore.


Fortune teller dindu nuffin

Will he be in Smash?

Ever since Tatsumi took over in 2016 Nintendo has stopped giving a fuck.

Switch players are 2hus?

Be right back, buying a switch.

With an R or an L, I love her all the same!

>average switch fan is a cute anime girl

If fucking only.

Alcohol is an ESRB issue user

Im surprised how high she was on this years poll

Which 2hu would you _be_