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What? you want MORE fire emblem characters in Smash u selfish piece of shit?
tooo literally who even for japan.
>another Fire Emblem character
Fucking Samurai.
they he looks, he knows what happened to his games. I'll never forgive nintendo for the DS game that doesn't exist.
>didn't even bring his assist trophy back despite having a relatively recent game
He has no chance
At least they got that cool remix in brawl
2002 is recent now?
>Isaac when you could have Felix
>it's only been 4 years since the release of smash 4
>people already forgot one of the most requested characters
dark dawn
I'd rather have Felix, too.
I still have my folders from Brawl and Sm4sh pre-release hype.
Felix > Isaac
lol no
The last Golden Sun fucking blew
The Lost Age was great user, what are you talking about?
Was 8 years ago and Isaac had a different design in that game.
They were probably too lazy to update it so they just cut it.
Felix could be a skin of Isaac if they weren't lazy.
But no, we'll get like 8 FE characters instead.
The only thing I remember is the cute werewolf girl and based chandler dragon being killed, god what the fuck were they thinking?
I wanted him way back in Brawl but he's just not relevant anymore. He had so much moveset potential too.
I'll still be here. Cautiously optimistic though, I doubt we'll get him, but it would be great if we did
Samurai probably got stuck in Air's Rock.
Yeah, what is he talking about? The Lost Age was amazing
>he's just not relevant anymore.
Right... Because Nintendo never did shit for Golden Sun.
>Roy was put in Melee before his game came out when Isaac would have made more sense since GS released just before Melee
>Isaac was an assist trophy in Brawl
>Was removed in 4
Don't even get me started on the gap between TLA and DD.
Who here JennaxFelix?
I really hope he gets in, if only to CPR the series. I know it's beyond what CPR can accomplish, but I still want to believe. One of the ideas I was fantasizing about was the next game being developed in the BoTW engine because >physics.
jenna x isaac, thanks
>one of the most requested characters
He was.
Sakurai pls
Renewed interest in the series could prompt nintendo to ask Camelot to do something other than mario sports for a change, right? Our guy just needs one chance at relevance to get the series of the ground again, right?
>put Isaac and a stage like Venus Lighthouse in
>remake/remaster the first 2 games
>make a new game that ignores DD and is set a few months or so after TLA
>actually market this shit and even make some merch
Wow, I saved the series.
If I recall, lots of the folks who worked on the first two left Camelot after tla. Not sure I want Camelot to do it anymore, but I suppose I'd be fine if it happens. I'd say maybe Level5 would be better.
Didn't know that, but that would explain Dark Dawn to some degree.
there's no reason they couldn't pull for Golden Sun like they did with Fire Emblem. Smash would definitely renew interest in the series
If the reddit poll is anything to go by, he was 2nd.
>el reddito...
Just saying what google tells me. Other polls have him in the top ten/fifteen or something.
Fire Emblem was still getting games before Smash though.
Meanwhile, he still didn't get a chance to beat up the real bad guy in the series and the last game ended in a cliffhanger.
Felix x Mia?
Roy got in Melee before his game was even out
There's no reason Isaac couldn't have been out in instead
They never fucking cared about GS and they probably hated that the first 2 games did well
>They never fucking cared about GS and they probably hated that the first 2 games did well
What is all this about anyway? Is there any real evidence that Nintendo hates Golden Sun/Treasure?
Fuck off
Reminder that Sm4sh for Switch is just a glorified xpac.
Ice Climbers
i like ivan x mia myself
>Mii Costume
>Playing through golden sun for first time
>all of this fucking text
What the fuck is up with this game? How long is it at least?
>How long is it at least?
it's not even that long of a read, just go through it. The story is good enough to warrant some of the explanations. The action will keep you coming back, I absolutely love how fast paced it is for a JRPG. Wish we had more than just two games in the series
The game's made for children, and children are really persistent with this kind of stuff. You'll get used to it, or at least spamming L and R to skip it all.
It's weird, they marketed the first two pretty well, but then just stopped.
Even so, representation>awareness>hype>new game.
It will have spurts of that, but there are lots of things that make up for it. Pretty average length for jrps at the time. Much better if you play both back to back, they are almost inseparable in my mind.
Fuck him i want geno
I have some other RPGs in my backlog but I think golden sun is the shortest st around 22 hours from what I'm reading
We can have both
I feel like its a little longer than that, including post game and collectibles, but that seems pretty accurate.
Post yfw when Isaac is announced along with the release of GS4.
I don't care how shit it will be I just want a resolution and more GS.
Truth. Felix is the true hero. Isaac is just the rock's pawn
Here you go.
They took Pokemon and made it with Tekken sensibilities and made Pokken.
They do the same thing with FE but instead of Tekken it's SoulCaliber.
That takes the place of FE's spots on the new smash's roster outside of Ike, Marth, and Roy.
The FE fighting game has like 18 characters on base and a pass for 6 more characters 2 of which are fan voted (one from east, one from west)
Happy now you greedy fuck?
This is unironically a good idea.
Gonna bump my old post for reference. How would you guys feel about a remake of both, bundled together, in 3d, with the BoTW engine?
Smash already has access to Cloud.
Why would they need to stoop to budget versions when they already have the cream of the crop?
theyre not even similar at all
youre really showing your newfaggotry
If Saturos and Menardi were going to light the lighthouses anyway, and ACTUAL SPOILERthe lighthouses needed to be lit to save the world what went wrong in this scenario?
Saturos and Menardi are too dumb to complete them. Without Felix taking over the lead Mars wouldn't get lit and the world would freeze to death.
Could argue maybe they weren't competent enough to see it to fruition. They got pulverized by a bunch of teenagers.
Saturos, Menardi and Alex were too dumb to solve the lighthouse puzzles. Either that, or they were unable to find a competent Venus and Jupiter adept to help them.
Alex actually says that they were too dumb to do it at some point. I think it's when you run into him and the siblings in Champa.
That's why they got Felix and Sheba in the first place.
If Isaac was even similar to anyone in Smash at all it would be Robin, and that's a pretty shallow comparison still. The only way he would end up being too similar to either would be if Sakurai completely ignored Venus psynergy for Isaac's moveset
Even considering Venus psynergy being ignored, I might suggest he be what Ganondorf is to Capt falcon. Stronger, but with a price. Maybe can only use the abilities a few times before getting tired.
The wise one would have stopped them in this case, I think. And as others mentioned, they were dumb as fuck.
He'd be fine, but Advance Wars deserves it more. It had as many games as FE before the Awakening-formula took over.
Instead we'll just get more yet-to-be-release anime shit.
So what gimmick should Isaac have if he gets in at all?
I'd personally enjoy a zoning playstyle with a heavy emphasis on terrain manipulation in the same vein as the puzzles from Golden Sun.
They needed a venus adept, only one that comes to mind other than Isaac/Felix is Lady Uzume which lives in NotJapan which is far away from any lighthouse
Could work, I'd also like if psynergy could combo off one another. I.e. freeze and quake. Temporarily frozen, then launched into the air.
Personally I'd really love to see both. Andy is long overdue
This. Bayonetta literally rigged the election to shill Bayonetta 2 sales just as Corrin did with Fates. It wasn't her turn.
Your idea sounds great.
I know people get mad at sword fighters, but Isaac has so much psynergy at his disposal.
Move to push people away, catch to grab ledges, quake to launch himself or the opponent up.
Could even use the djinn somehow.
I do think they rigged it though.
What gets in as the stage?
I dom't really like the idea of Isaac using non-Venus psynergy. It takes away from him being a terramancer and makes him more of a generic spellsword.
Yeah, the problem with Isaac is that he has too much potential. You can't possibly fit it all into one moveset and still flesh them out into fun mechanics. In my personal dream moveset, I focused so much on hand Psynergy and terrain manipulation that I didn't have enough room for Djinn.
A lighthouse of course.
>Yeah, the problem with Isaac is that he has too much potential.
>In my personal dream moveset, I focused so much on hand Psynergy and terrain manipulation that I didn't have enough room for Djinn.
Nothing wrong with that. They could be incorporated if they kept those alt moves from 4, but who knows if they will.
For Brawl maybe. Smash 4’s biggest (non-Ridley) requests were Little Mac, Mega Man & Palutena from what I remember.
>I dom't really like the idea of Isaac using non-Venus psynergy.
That's pretty fair. I was more using those to strictly for an example, but I agree that he should probably stick to hand/Venus stuff. Maybe use weapon unleashes for directional basic attacks? Summons for final smash?
And in case anyone is curious, this is the general gist of my moveset idea:
B is quake. It makes a rock wall that acts like Villager's tree except you can stand on it. A lot of Isaac's attacks interact with the wall.
Side B is move. It's a short ranged reflecting projectile that can interact with quake by pushing it forward a short distance.
Smashes are force, lift, and crush, respectively. They all interact with quake in different ways and you gotta use them all if you want to zone with Isaac properly.
Down B is Ragnarok. It's a spike that comes out of the ground further away from you the more you charge it.
>golden sun dark dawn
Why did they do it bros?
yeah Isaac has so much potential that he wouldn't even need to use any non-Venus psynergy to have a good moveset. summons, djinn, and the hand psynergy could round out his set without having to resort to using others' attacks like they did with Ness and Lucas
Apparently a lot of the talent had left so it was a lot of new people helping make it.
And those people that left ended up leaving because Nintendo didn't want them to continue making the series.
That's what I've heard through the years.
That's pretty interesting, user.
We could try to meme him in.
golden sun, casual
Fuck Smash where's G"4
There aren't enough of us
You may be right, but I don't want to give up.
I'm so sick of Golden Sun being forgotten.
Especially while Xenoblade and Fire Emblem live on.
Should have bought that last game. Nintendo was so ashamed of its shit sales because it was certain you people would buy it, that they went and removed Isaac entirely from Smash.
It's just so hard to keep pushing on after how fucking dirty they did him in Sm4sh.
>no Assist Trophy
>no collectible trophy
>added tons more anime swordsmen from an already over-saturated series
Dead IP. Just let Camelot do JRPGs again, Nintendo.
They should have marketed it better.
Nintendo are such trash.
I did buy Dark Dawn btw.
And whatever, Fire Emblem got a million chances while Golden Sun didn't.
Golden Sun was forgotten because there wasn't a game after TLA for eight years, and Camelot fucked up the one chance they had to bring the series back into relevance, never mind that they had the gall to add sequel bait nonsense yet again despite being on thin ice.
Camelot is to blame for some of this, but I've heard that it was Nintendo preventing them from making a sequel right away, which is why some staff left.
Even when it was alive, it had poor marketing and no fucking merch.