Is this the best racing game of all time?

Is this the best racing game of all time?

Also general racing game thread I guess.

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the only good racing games are battle ones like mario kart and burnout


Yes, Australia is a ton of fun to drive around in, the soundtrack is excellent, the vehicles are very fun to drive, the collectables on the map such as XP boards are fun to find and break. It's the best racing game that's probably ever been released.

*takes you down*

It's one of them, yes. It actually managed to capture the spirit of a good racing game without falling prey to too much bullshit.

I'm really hoping Horizon 4 is an even greater game.

>the soundtrack is excellent
Man I'm surprised how fun this game makes it to drive around to synthpop. I've pretty much always had the radio tuned to Pulse, though most of the stations are pretty good. I just wish there was a better selection on the rock stations, not super into emo stuff.

I would kill for a new Burnout. Really wish they were remastering 3 instead of Paradise.

After Motorsport 7's microtransaction bullshit I'm kinda worried about Horizon 4. That and the rumors of the game being in Japan are slightly concerning. The rally events in Horizon 3 are incredible so the last thing I want is for the game to move to densely-packed urban environments only.

literally the only reason why i ever considered going to an arcade

maybe if microshit doesn't make it windblows 10 exclusive

>not playing SIMs
>playing shitty arcade

lmaoing @ urself

Windows 10 is a fucking free update, your going to have Windows 10 if you build a PC anyway. Exclusivity doesn't matter if it's the only modern operating system that can play games on computers.

It's easily the most comfy racing game that I've ever played. I don't even race anymore but just cruise around and take in the sights and skyboxes.

Horizon 3 a shit.
Yeah the map is pretty but it's tiny as shit and it gets repetitive real fast. Also not a lot of races compared to Horizon 2, most of them being awfully shorts.
Let's hope Horizon 4 improve on many things because Horizon 3 just felt like Horizon 2 with a new map. But after Motorspot 7, it's probably going to be another half baked rehash.

TDU still king of arcade open world imo. A real sense of car collection and ownership and the whole map of Hawaii you can roam.

Fucking love Kazunori for letting people do their own liveries now.

its missing the blue mountains and bathurst. most australians could design a better map based off of australia

YES! Fucking loved that on PS2.

After an update my game started crashing immediately after loading in, haven’t gotten around to fixing it.
I hate this game’s AI so goddamn much though. Every few races you have one that is actually unwinnable because one drivatard is inexplicably lightning fast and turns on a dime in his Hummer and starts at the front of the pack.
Gets way worse past A-rank cars, I try to avoid anything past S1 because they can be infuriating. Anytime an opponent loads in with a Regera you might as well instantly quit.

It would be nice if it wasn't so unstable on my PC
The only time it's ever blue screened is when playing FH3, and it likes to turn on the 30 FPS cap sometimes when starting up.
On top of that, if you don't play for more than 24 hours, it fails to recognize that you own it, and you have to download something from the MS Store to fix that

I miss horizon rocks.
Japan has a countryside.

>Japan has a countryside.
Of course, but when a game says "Japan", it's almost certainly referring to Tokyo. I highly doubt we'd be getting a game that's exclusively Japanese countrysides and mountains, though that could actually be kinda sick.

My favorite Burnout of all time. 10/10 taste.

There's sure to be mountains at least. T10 won't ignore the drift crowd.

Why was dirt 3 removed from steam? Only racing game I played on pc, dirt showdown just felt awful.

Licensing expired, same thing happened with Race Driver GRiD and F1 2013. Though oddly enough you can still get them through FUCKING GAMESTOP

Licensing reasons. Codemasters only likes to buy them for 5 years, then takes down the game forever once it expires

Gran Turismo 2 is the best racing game.


Hotwheels DLC was the best racing game there ever was,
>proper high speed loops
>drift tease corners
>car weight and inertia factors into drifting
>Can use your own music as soundtrack
>Launch pads

The only sin it has is not being a full game on its own and habing the full simulator experience

Only reason to buy a Xbox One


If next Horizon is in Japan I'm buying windows 10

its free tho

What's the best racing game these days for PC? I've had the inkling to play one lately.

Why are you so wrong

>pic related

fucking this

Haven’t played it.
I was thoroughly unimpressed that my $100 “ultimate” edition still didn’t include this and the snow one.
A hundred fucking dollars still isn’t enough for all the content? Really?

You misspelled NFS : Most Wanted 2005 OP

the SUV races are so insufferable

post ur carfus

new cars when

When will the open world arcade racer meme die?


fucking faggot you have a containment board for that shit

Of all top? Nope. Of the past two gens? Yes.

these threads come around barely once every other week on average, chill fag

Actually they're on /o/

When it stops selling

>Try to complete any publicity stunt challenge
>15 AI drivers inexplicably form rolling roadblocks all around it and fuck you over

>But after Motorspot 7, it's probably going to be another half baked rehash.
Two different. So there's a small amount of hope though PG working on another game may be a bigger cause for concern.

Only trial version

Only the most finest touge simulators

no i upgraded from 7 for free


MS pulled the same shit with Halo Wars 2. I really hate the dishonest marketing.

This. They better fix that shit in FH4. I can't express how frustrating it is to be in the middle of a drift stunt and then have a caravan plow right into me.

It would annoy me less if they at least didn’t pester you in the game to buy it.
I paid you a hundred fucking dollars already, stop haranguing me ingame to keep spending more money


not one mention of modnation racers

Yeah it's the nature of these games. Hell man, you're lucky to get the entire package for $30 years after release. Still love the FH series tho.

i pray this pack can actually deliver on the game's "50 new cars my April" or whatever promise they made

out of the way fags


Can someone explain the logistics of the Horizon Festival?
>massive, legally-run racing festival that draws international attention
>completely shut down public roads seemingly at random for the entirety of summer
>races that go through backyards, construction sites and airports, with routes that occasionally require destruction of public property
>12 guys driving centenarios

2 is better

>touge battle @ nissin ramen

is this a le dejavu initial meme reference xd

In Australia no less, where they hate fun and regulate the everloving fuck out of anything even mildly risky

>there people that play racing games without a wheel

TDU also has far superior wheel support and you can customise your seat position.