Why is it bad that more people get to play a video game?

Why is it bad that more people get to play a video game?

It's not, console war shitposters are just looking for any reason to shitpost.

because when i choose to worship a corporation they should worship me too

It's not just shitposters, though; people on sites like twitter and facebook are having fits about it

because Sup Forums and the gaming community is filled to the brim with retards who autistically shriek at fucking everything.

Exlcusives are the only thing consolefags have to justify their purchases, which they need to do since they're too poor to afford more than one platform.
At their most desperate they'll pimp multiplats as long as they're not on the main competitor's platform.

>there are no console warriors on twitter/facebook
First day on the internet?
Why are you following that garbage in the first place?

>Facebook and Twitter not shitpost central

This is the most accurate reason people get upset about a console losing an exclusive. It's fucking stupid.

Didn't say they weren't console warriors, just that they weren't shitposters as far as I can tell.

Is that the most desperate or is most desperate when they get upset because someone undermines their memes?

>they weren't console warriors, just that they weren't shitposters
Same thing

>Exlcusives are the only thing consolefags have to justify their purchases
This is a major reason. Long time Sony fans are also butthurt and feel betrayed because the original Crash games were always PS1 exclusive. So they feel like it "doesn't belong" on other platforms.

All console warring is shitposting.

>it's perfectly reasonable when PCfats do it
And yes, they do it

There are crash games on Nintendo consoles that never made it to PlayStation too.

Please cite where I said that.

It devalues PS4 copies

If you treat your PC like a console you deserve to be mocked

PCfats are included with consolefags. Any PC-only player who lowers himself to console wars is a consolefag.

And no, there's no difference between consolefags and people who participate in console wars.

Consoles are just gimped PC's now, why would you want to buy a piece of underpowered hardware just to play 1 or 2 games? At least the Switch has the handheld gimmick going for it. PC has more value than just exclusives that's why you don't see people throwing shitfits over losing PC exclusives.

My ninja I have a PC and Switch. I fucking wish all the exclusives are on there. At most we have a half-functioning BotW emulator.

I've noticed that nobody seems to mind when Nintendo loses an exclusive either, on the fairly rare occasion that such a thing happens.

I don't know that it's nobody, but the difference in reaction to the news about Crash and the news about Super Bomberman R has been pretty distinct.

What happened with Bomberman R?

Korean rating group leaked that it's getting ported. PS4 I think.

Bruh you're comparing full on remakes of some golden platformers to a Bomberman game that doesnt even surpass the Wiiware game in terms of multiplayer

>facebook and twitter
You have to go back.

On the other hand, the Crash games are two decades old, while the Bomberman game came out a year ago.

n sane trilogy came out last year lil bitch

Dark Souls was ruined beyond repair when it was ported to PC.

It's bizarre to me that you consider remakes to be as old as their most recent release.

I personally dont care it was expected.

There does seem to be a common trend.