ITT: horrible games with autistic fanbases

ITT: horrible games with autistic fanbases

Smash Bros

Don’t just trash this game without reason. Elaborate.

Your life

what makes the game horrible?

can you elaborate on what's good about this game? because it definitely isnt the level design, characters, combat, story, or player choice

>requires mods to be playable
>no ending
>unfinished story
>slow beginning

I adore the game and think it's phenomenal but without mods it's borderline unplayable. It's an issue I have with New Vegas too, which is one of my favorite games of all time, but that doesn't excuse its miserable technical state.

Not him, but I've never played the game before. Can you tell me what makes it bad?

The one making the claim has to provide an argument first or their claim can be dismissed.

yes, as i said the level design is pretty shitty, every level is basically a large room with waves of enemies, the characters especially the antagonists are dull and borderline annoying, the combat is usual turn based/dnd trash, the story is literally unfinished with no ending, and none of your choices matter

None of those are bad except arguably combat, and that's mostly to do with issues I have with the engine, as well as a few unmemorable levels. Generally it has above average levels. The rest are pretty excellent, especially the characters and role playing choices. The story is great, but it doesn't have an ending. The final part of the game was cut because it couldn't be completed as a result of LucasArts forcing them to release it for the holiday season instead of delaying it. It's really unfortunate. It does have a lot of satisfying stuff at the end, but it's a massive shame it wasn't properly finished or continued with another proper sequel instead of TORtanic.

Most of that's bullshit.

>the characters especially the antagonists are dull and borderline annoying
Elaborate please?
As far as i've seen, the characters/story seems to be what people enjoy of it

Mary Sue author self-inserts are in general dull and annoying.

The antagonists were great,way better than in KOTOR 1, the story is also good it's a nice change in regards to typical star wars storylines

which is why i say they're autistic, they excuse an unfinished and shitty game because they were told by youtube that it has a masterpiece storyline, but it's actually really bad and they can't stop licking kreias clit for some reason.

>mary sue
>gets the shit kicked out of her
>loses her hand
>has numerous faults
you're just a contrarian using terms you don't understand

What makes her a mary sue?

thats not an elaboration

After seeing TLJ and thinking back on this game I find myself disliking it more and more.


>antagonists were great,way better than in KOTOR 1
No they weren't. They were hamfisted into a universe they didn't belong in. None of them felt like star wars characters. They felt like shitty homebrew dnd villains shoved into a setting that was not set up to accommodate them based on the laws of the setting. There's a reason more and more people are starting to equate this game with the last jedi.

Restored content mod makes the ending even worse.

People equate The Last Jedi with KOTOR 2 by saying that The Last Jedi tried to tackle the same themes but poorly.

okay, the main antagonist is painfully obvious from the start but you cant confront because the devs want you to listen to philosophy every 10 seconds, the other guy is a braindead immortal edgelord who is constantly feeling pain and complaining, the other one is a literal who that poses no threat and only dialogue is mumbling

The similarity is that both pieces of media get so far up their own ass trying to subvert the established conventions of the universe they are a part of they forget to tell an interesting story that fits within the star wars universe.

Patched FNV is fine technically. It was bad on release but so was Fallout 3.

Darling in the Franxx.

>There's a reason more and more people are starting to equate this game with the last jedi
this is the only time I've seen this stated, so a couple contrarian autists on Sup Forums doesn't mean shit.
> They were hamfisted into a universe they didn't belong in.
like every other villian in non prequel/OT star wars media, at least they tried something new than making a shitty darth vader clone like malak,

but it is an interesting story, most of it based in previous events, which are the mandalorian wars, the fracturing of the jedi when the jedi order couldn't do shit to help the republic, the story of the exile and their place in the universe. some of it is half baked and unfinished like nihilus or the ending but it still ends up being really well written, that moment with the jedi order on dantooine is amazing.

Malak actually has less depth than Darth Vader, he's basically a cartoon villain for a cartoon game. KOTOR 2 isn't that great either.

Whats your favourite game?

Sonic Mania

Sup Forums

Do you not know what a foil is? Malak's narrative purpose is to basically let the player see Revan's personality as the dark lord prior to the mind wipe.

Kreia does have depth though, although to be fair they really should have expanded more on Nihlus and scions backstories

im not this guy my favorite game is thief 2

No it's Sonic Mania

>it's another user that can't understand the plot or the characters in the game so they call it horrible/shit as their only form of argument.

Wait a second, the guy who made the thread saying Deus Ex was bad earlier said his favorite game is Thief 2. Fuck off.

eh no, i just like thief 2

She strikes me as somebody that read Nietzsche all wrong. Hopefully that's not what the writers were going for.

system shock 1/2 were better than both of them tho

Oh sure, it's just a coincidence that two bait threads saying game that are popular on Sup Forums are actually terrible are made in the same day, and the OP of both threads just happens to love Thief 2.

System Shock 2 is mechanically a bad game.


elaborate. the game is "broken" on the higher difficulty settings due to the way resources are managed but mechanically it holds up

KOTOR 2 = Greatest Star Wars narrative ever, ever.

Fuck off

It did have some issues with the rpg system making certain playstyles nonviable. such as you're forced to take hacking or you're fucked against the final boss. but overall it was very well done game, except the god awful ending

You can shoot the final boss to death.

>but what if le sith are not evil?
>but what if le jedi are actually not good?
>but what if le force is actually evil?

this isnt a bait thread and i think deus ex is alright, can you seriously not believe that more than one person likes thief 2?

All of Yoko Taro's games.

>Dark Souls
>Baldurs Gate
>Deus ex
>Monster Hunter

all shit games with horrible fanbases

It's very fishy to me. Deus Ex and KOTOR are among the most discussed RPGs on Sup Forums along with VTMB and New Vegas, so saying they are actually terrible is very low effort bait. You showed your hand with the Thief 2 thing. How old are you?

the fact that they asked those question at all makes it better than any other Star Wars story outside of the novels. Not exactly a high bar to clear.

I wouldn't say automata is horrible, but it's fanbase overrates it greatly.

Bad things happening to a character don't make them a Mary Sue. A Mary Sue is a self insert character and often authors will try and create flaws which they self inserting don't care about to make the character feel less like a Mary Sue

Melee enemies are incapable of hitting you if you move.

Skill balance is non-existent. Weapon balance is non-existent. Worm launcher is the biggest joke of an ultimate weapon I can remember encountering in a game. Ridiculous investment for a weapon that isn't much better than your MedSci Grenade Launcher, and is much less versatile.

>the game is "broken" on the higher difficulty settings due to the way resources are managed
What do you mean? Only ever played it on Impossible.

It's amateurish. Fun fact: the reason NPC models look so weird is because Levine's team didn't really understand the capabilities of the Dark Engine, so they tried to minimize the amount of polygons.

I mean imagine being so intimate with the Force and then wishing for a world without it, without that imposition of destiny and sheer power that the PC gets to cut through and manipulate with protag nutsack. It's at least kind of compelling

How is she a self insert character then? I really don't see it.

that wasn't a theme in the game, Kreia was trying to show that sometimes doing good can cause harm, and something causing harm can achieve good. The Sith in KOTOR 2 are obviously evil and the Jedi are obviously had good intentions but there strict adherance to the jedi code had blinded them from reality. this was also a theme in the prequels.
>baldurs gate
the forgotten realms setting has a horrible fanbase in general
Chris has stated that he used her to rant about his dislike of the how the force works in the star wars movies

The scene with the homeless guy when arriving on Nar Shaddaa shows it well. No matter what option you choose she'll end up somehow one-upping you

>You showed your hand with the Thief 2 thing
are you implying that thief 2 is bad and so i have a shit opinion on video games?
>How old are you?

>Chris has stated that he used her to rant about his dislike of the how the force works in the star wars movies
That means she speaks with the authors voice. That's different than being a self insert character.

Being smart or smug makes you a self insert character?

No, having the story change to make you right does

Pic not related

It's not overrated, if anything it's underrated. I won't argue that the fan base isn't autistic, but its Taro, they love him and so do I.

>autistic fanbase
well thats obsidiots for you, parroting ecelebs who like their games in an effort to seem intellectual and independent.

I'm implying you keep making bait threads like the Deus Ex thread you made earlier.

You understand neither the definition of self-insert nor mary sue. You dislike Kriea because of her use as a mouthpiece for the writer.

>she'll end up somehow one-upping you
She isn't one-upping you. She is being contrarian to allow you to defend your decision. The point is, she wants you to RLY THINK about things you do.

Oh yeah, pic not related

I'd prefer a character that was consistent

She is pretty consistent, she's just not telling you the truth all the time. For some people, an outright deceitful RPG character is a big no.

Doesn't the restoration mod fix that though?

G0-T0, HK-47, T3-M4, and remote best companions. Prove me wrong

Visas is the best waifu

Kingdom Hearts, all of them.

>Not HK-47 and Mandalore firing squad

Never liked Mandos and their culture. That part where Kreia verbally duels Canderous makes me rock hard.

One thing Kotor 2 got right was making T3 a real character. It's incredibly disappointing that he and Zalbaar have nothing to say in the first game.

Any game I don't like