Far Cry 5

Let's have an on-topic discussion about Far Cry 5. It's coming out around the end of this month. Any impressions, expectations, and criticisms so far?

looks shit

"This is the game we NEED right now"
"What Far Cry 5 says about white America"
"Far Cry 5 paints a vivid picture of Trumpian white supremacy"

Only hope the villain is good. Couldn't give a fuck about anything else.

More open world ubitrash. Pass.

He'll be one dimensional and over the top. Voiced by a hollywood d-lister. If you don't give a shit about gameplay read books or watch films, there's much better villians in either one of those formats.

Can't wait for those republican tears

I'll buy the GOTY version when it's on sale.
Graphically, the game looks beautiful. But the series isn't inventive enough to warrant a day one buy.
They're fun games to play with a friend when you wanna play a collectathon and shoot things.

I am pretty disappointed that only 4 people in that picture are legitimate antagonists.

kill whitey: the game

The actor is pretty good though

Don't even want to pirate it.

Coop looks like Dying Light levels of fun, looking forward to it.

Did anyone watch that "Inside Eden's Gate" live-action prequel?

Know almost nothing about it but day 1 buy as with all FC games. Disappointed about the setting being in America but it is what it is.

If you don't like america so much why don't you get out huh fag?

Gold edition preordered baby, Far Cry always tons of fun.

I'm glad this has co op to interest me otherwise I wouldn't give a shit.

I wish I had enough time to play it

Shameless Sup Forums baiting marketing and SJW cosmetic infusions aside, I have to admit the change of location has me intrigued, and I enjoy Far Cry in short bursts, so I'm curious. I'm more excited for the Blood Dragon style DLC spin offs.

Anyone who calls them "films" has zero personality.

Wh-what? Far Cry is supposed to be about being stuck in some remote, lawless third world shit hole run by militia and gangs. It just doesn't work in the US.

>Far Cry is supposed to be about being stuck in some remote, lawless third world shit hole run by militia and gangs.
That's why it takes place in Montana.

me too, it's not like I have a girlfriend to spend those 90$ bucks on

>this far cry game from the makers of far cry doesn't work because it's not far cry enough of a location

Are you fucking stupid?

>Close Cry 5
>Home Cry 5

>All the brainlet Normie's saying the cult is a Christian white nationalist cult

>Has black people in it's ranks and its church ceiling is adorned with both biblical and Quaranic verses.

>lawless third world shit hole run by militia and gangs
Flyover states

It'll blow up in popularity after Trump gets indicted.


>lawless third world shit hole run by militia and gangs
Sounds exactly like the US.

>a game about shooting people on American soil with your AR15
>coming out this month in the middle of this video games creating school shooters hysteria
RIP Ubisoft

That only makes less sense though. Montana's full of good, religious people. The ones not on heroin or meth anyways.

He means the the concept doesn't match up with the regional location, environment in which the game takes place. Which is stupid honestly because it's a fucking game and you're meant to suspend disbelief.

Most britfags say film.

>meme image
>not being excited for a co-op Far Cry

has nothing for it except the Sup Forumsbait premise, not interested

wtf is up with the character creation? if I can play as a hot girl then maybe i'll give it a go

fuck off nigger

will people who read articles like that even buy the game? If they are then its pretty smart to pander to them

You'd say it was boring if it didn't have that shit.

>anime girl
You've almost used up your Sup Forums cred starter pack. Care to purchase the premium pack?

Why aren't going to get another Jason Brody in this game?

>ubisoft make shit game after shit game
>downgrade after downgrade
>butchered ghost recon
>still butchering rainbow six
>took them this many years to release a far cry with open world co-op
>even then previous far cry games have only been good with mods
>mods that most likely will not work in co-op

If you buy this you are a moron.

but that was the point of my post user what the fuck are you trying to say

Why do you do this? You'd have much better luck on something like reddit

>criticisms so far?
AI still dumb as fuck, even in AC Origins they fixed it somewhat
Shotgun are still shit and unsatisfying
No improvement over the UI
Service game relying on Saints Row-tier DLCs because they made Far Cry a bland sandbox rather than a compelling survival story.

Far Cry 2 is objectively the best one.

Pretty much this, really nothing left to say about it. When was far cry not shit besides blood dragon.

I'm going to buy and have fun
Someone stop me

Mods are confirmed to work in co op.

no they wont. marvel pandered to sjws by making established characters like captain America, iron man, and thor trannies, women and black. they have been hemorrhaging money for the last 3 years because of it.

Cant stop normies from being stupid..Atleast just pirate it.

Far Cry 2 is boring and repetitive.


I'll probably buy it for the co op.

Now I just need to find someone to co op with.

The best thing I can say about Wildlands is that it's the closest thing I've gotten to SOCOM in years.

This day on year ago, if someone told myself he was spending almost 100$ on an ubisoft game, I would call him a fucking retard.
Today I'm a pre-order faggot, it's amazing how things change.

>Four mission types copy-pasted over the entire game
>Checkpoints respawning every five minutes with enemies who will chase you to the ends of the earth
>"Buddies" who do basically nothing

No, it's 3.

The anti-AR narrative has been going on for a hot minute. Since whenever that [insert a news cycle shooting story from the past decade].
I'd have been full on with this middle america shit if I were blowing away cholos and south american/mexican. ms-13, Sinaloa, Surenos, etc. The story in that respect is stupid cause we don't worry about crazy religious nuts. Out in the cut you got way more scary shit to worry about.

But, I'm also realizing that the game is made by people who have quite possibly never left the concrete jungles city centers. Going to give the frenchies a pass on this one.

I liked 4 best. 2 is the most annoying one.

it was good at the time. we didn't have anything else like it. but now yes its shit. and ubisoft hasn't changed the formula



I will never understand the appeal of anime.

Counterpoint : running over zebras

Stop shitposting.

Weebs don't enjoy 90% of the anime they watch. For them, it's just another form of escapism, like video-games.

Who bets the final encounter with the main antagonist will be underwhelming as fuck?

Doesn't seem like shitposting to me, user is just sharing some nice art.

They all are but 2 had no fluff with skills and was unforgiving. Taking out a big outpost with an ai bro in Africa felt like an accomplishment. The lack of a mini map was refreshing too. I'm probably just a masochist though, I openly admit the game is broken and janky as fuck, but I still like it best.

The last encounter on 3 and 4 were kino as fuck, why wouldn't it be this time?


I like that the outposts respawn constantly, you always had to be careful. The buddies were bullet sponges.

>and 4.
No it wasn't.

oh unwad your panties

personally I didn't like Far cry 2 because of all the annoying mechanics in it that just seemed to serve no purpose other than to annoy the player
like your guns you buy becoming useless after 10 minutes of use, that fucking Malaria shit, all the respawning checkpoints of enemies that would make you need to drop whatever you were doing to kill them all the time
The only two things I likes about it was the healing systemwhich was practically gutted and simplified in all sequels and the map editor which I spent practically all my time in

>mods ban me instead of deleting shill thread
Great work

The thing about FC games is that the stories are never about what they appear to be on the surface and the antagonists only serve to present perspectives that are more noble than the one(s) of their adversaries.

Then why are you on a website with an anime mascot?

I liked that you could employ Vietnam tactics in 2. Wound a man and wait for his buddies to come get him and kill them. I wish they brought that back.

Why does the game have DLC so drastically different from the base game? Is that a redflag?

It looks relatively fun. Get to create and customize a character which is nice, they're silent though which sucks. Setting looks great and is the biggest highlight. Villain seems really fun and entertaining. Some interesting looking characters. Blood Dragon style DLC is fucking great to see.

But still, despite having a fantastic setting and enemy it's still not the type of game i'll actually spend money on. Gameplay wise it's just going to be typical ubisoft towers shit and will get boring quickly. Just not worth buying to me. Definitely a game that's good to pirate but it'll just have denuvo because it's ubisoft so it won't be available for a bit.

Pagan min saying goodbye and flying away was a fucking badass moment. He turned into such a likeable vilain, ubisoft was right in giving us a choice to let him alive.

>a thread about a video game on a video game discussion board
>an autist just posting anime pictures over and over
Yes, he's the one in the wrong, clearly. You're very self aware i see.

Only guns that you picked up were an issue. Everything bought lasted a long ass time. Malaria was a interesting mechanic since you could be fucked at any moment. I liked the tenseness of that game.

There should have been an option to join his side within the missions.

4 was stupid, they made the antagonist 'likable' by making everyone else you have to spend 90 percent of the game with unlikable cunts

Story DLC's don't work on a Far Cry game because the base game already comes complete. They are following the same formula as Blood Dragon which was awesome.

Exactly some of the flyover states might as well be considered Canada, Niggeristan, or Mexico.
The difference between Montana and New York/California makes you feel either you've been thrown either 30 years in the future or 30 years in the past.
I hope it has Far cry 3 level villains because otherwise I'll be keeping my shekels

Not necessarily, Blood Dragon was based.

muh dick
kill yourself tho this is video games

Not to shill, but apparently they aren't doing towers anymore.

I'm honestly on the fence about it, i'm a sucker for rambo sims but I worry that it's gonna be too similar to 4, and the characters doesn't look that interesting. The co-op stuff and the level editor shit looks nice though.

It's because he wasn't a villain. Shit, you were the villain running missions for crazy people. He was the only one who had a decent plan long term. Shit, even his treatment of civilians was for the betterment of the nation as opposed to peoples fee fees.

Not necessarily, Blood Dragon was fucking based.

Moderators, off topic garbage.

>an autist just posting videogames pictures over and over

Well if they did get rid of the repetitive tower shit then good on them. Honestly AC Origins was a massive step up from most of the recent past AC games, it seemed like they actually gave a shit when making it. Maybe they're learning and applying similar attitudes to far cry as well. One can only hope, i shall remain cautious for now but we'll see.

Yeah super satisfying to hear Jason snap his hand back into place for the 7 time or Ajay suck a bullet out of his arm then spitting it out. 10/10