Is nobody hyped for this game?
Soul Calibur 6
I want her to do that to me.
As hype as I've ever been for a SC game, so very.
But nothing new has come out in a little bit. There were a shitload of threads about it every time we had an announcement so far.
>Groh's design
What the fuck were they thinking?
So, is it a full reboot or just a midquel?
even though its a top tier ip it can at best be a great fighting game, and thats pretty meh for the majority of people in 2018 i think
Judging by the previous games flashing through Sophitia's mind in the announcement trailer, I think they're pulling a "time reversal" thing like MK9 did, where those events happened but they were undone. Zasalamel could easily link this into the story.
People were spamming Ivys reveal last month. You missed out.
People that aren't really part of the FGC love SC most though. That, and SreetFighter (and DBZF) can bridge the casual gap.
>barefoot sophitia
Yes. Yes this is good.
yeah but how did tekken and street fighter do? as someone who dont give a fuck about fighting games i feel like they made little to no impact where as 20 years ago something like tekken 2 was essential. i dont know much about the quality of these games so it was more about fighting games in general too
It's going to get cornholed by DLC.
Anyone know when we can expect the next update?
There are threads daily.
Fighting games are all the same, you might as well stick with the one that has the most depth: Melee.
>Smash Bros and Soul Caliber in 2018
Honesty one of the best years of gaming to me in a long time.
no crossplay means it might as well not exist for me
maybe once they announce best girl
Lost my hype after the director went suicidal
SC6 has gotten plenty of attention.
Seriously. Mainstay of the series, how has she not gotten her reveal yet?
I'll be hyped when Hilde's reveal trailer is released.
Oh. I hope she gets underboob back.
Who cares as long as he's fun to play
I'm excited but its still early and there's not much to talk about yet.
Kinda warming up to it.
I'm pretty hyped. Glad it's on PC so I don't have to split my buds who are also interested and chose one console vs the other.
I think he looks cool when his arm isn't covered
So Sup Forums which outfit DLC are you going to buy?
I'll probably buy Ivy's SC2 outfit and Tira's SC4 outfit.
Ivy and Sophitia's SC4 outfits.
Maybe Sophitia's Elysium costume as well.
any Xiangua outfit from SC1
Ivy SC1 alt, Washington Ivy, SCIV default Ivy
All of the Ivy outfits except her stupid SCV alt.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the story? I played most of the games but can't really remember anything from them.
is there a way to start with no shoes?
sole egde is badd
Soul Edge bad. Soul Calibur good.
Oops, Soul Calibur bad too.
>hype means have a thread 24/7
>i'm incapable of imagining threads happened when i wasn't looking at the board
Either way you're retarded.
What is the release date?
>Soul Edge bad
>Soul Edge gets smashed
>Fragments of Soul Edge basically do whatever the fuck they want
>Soul Calibur good
>Let's Smash Soul Edge with Soul Calibur
>They ded
>But not really
>Oh fuck maybe Soul Calibur bad too
>They ded again
>But not really again
>Patroklos wants to fuck his mom
Also Darth Vader.
Soul Calibur is one of those games I never really played at all but I'm definitely going to pick it up on Steam.
I like Tekken, Street Fighter, DBFZ, etc but never really spent much time with Soul Calibur.
what the FUCK is wrong with her left arm???
this one
I found this one terribly fun to play.
I'm hyped as FUCK! Only game I'm waiting for in this generation, it feels like when Tekken 5 was about to be released. Only this time with online.
as someone who buys every fighting game but never dedicates any major time to a single one i feel like it is too soon after Tekken 7 home release.
i know the games are different and all, but to the less dedicated audience who just kinda want to play a fighting game, it will feel too similar too soon to Tekken 7
There are so many fighting games around that the casuals won't feel the difference if this comes out in 2018 or 2019... and this one has big swords
Luna is also cool
I don't get hyped for companies annoucing that something is eventually coming out.
>tierfag friends always told me she was bottom tier
>slay them 100% of the time anyway
i miss her
Geralt confirmed
please no
Dont get my hopes up user
No. I'm sick of Sup Forums memeing me up with fighting games just because it has cute chicks. I always end up stop playing them and watching ryona videos on youtube instead.
As much I've been for any fighting game. I'm so excited SoulCal is back and that it looks great. Not some free to play bullshit or something like that.
for Smash 5
You really ought to consider SoulCalibur VI, friendo. If it does what they're promising, you're going to have a wealth of single player content and modes that will keep you happy with it. If not, I guess keep watching YouTube vids.
Didnt Soul Calibur used to have a psuedo RPG mode that lets you create your own OC. If I remember correctly, it even had some hack and slash sections where you can fight lizardmen or some shit.
Apparently a guy from Namco quoted this before the tweet was deleted
Have they confirmed a robust story mode yet?
Current rumor mill says she ain't coming back but I really hope thats not true.
who is coming back according to rumors?
No Talim, no buy.
Can someone give me a quick rundown of how the series plays? The only 3d fightan I've played is a bit of Tekken.
"Chronicles of the Sword" in SC3.
From the lists I've seen basically everyone that isn't a guest character but but they all lacked mina in them and one "leaker" even said specifically she wasn't coming back but who the fuck knows till they reveal the roster and DLC. Micheal Murray was on twitter saying the leaks were full of shit too so take it all with a pile of salt.
Where exactly has any of this been promised because its the first I have heard any mention of them focusing on single player again.
I'm hyped af for it. Glad it's on PC, can't wait for all the nude mods.
Movement is similar to Tekken and other 3D fighters. Buttons are tied to horizontal and vertical attacks as well as kicks. There's also a guard button similar to Mortal Kombat, which you can use to guard break/parry attacks.
Groh is fine until he unleashes his Sharingan, then he gets full retard
It's 3d like tekken obviously but has an 8-way run system instead of sidestep/walk. Still a 4 buttons game but no superior limb based combat instead you have A/B/K/G A=horizontal attacks B=vertical K is kicks and G is to guard. Throw breaking is pretty much just like tekken.
Interviews with, Okubo that I'm too lazy to find at the moment. I'm usually more on top of my game with the posting of pics and info, but It's been a rough night.
Excited for an new Soul Calibur, but won't be at full hype until my main is confirmed.
Closest I can find is someone asking him about single player and him giving a non-answer about the game's place in the timeline.
That might be it, he's dances around most questions about content, and just replied "Please be excited" type stuff. Mostly, he's stressed how much he wants to go back to what made the series great, and the fact that the game has been in development for about 4 years now, I guess I just can't imagine it not having robust SP modes.
cautiously optimistic, let's see that single-player content.
shitty b8
to me character customization is more important than the single player content, I hope it's even better than 5s.
They want Lars audience.
Final Round maybe.
Captain crunch found an evil sword and became infamous; this drew the attention of several people. Some knight dude killed the pirate and got the evil sword but unfortunately for him it REALLY liked his strong hands and fused with his body; he became a really cool baddy and started gathering souls to complete the evil sword; which drew the attention of several people.
A fragment of Soul Edge, must be.
I didn't imagine they could have less single player content than IV yet I was proven wrong with V so my expectations are pretty low until I see footage or at least hear from the horse's mouth.
I personally don't need character creation. I don't understand wanting to make a create a character when the main cast is already so aesthetically pleasing. It'll make it in though. People seem to request it a lot.
I want more character reveals
Taki, Voldo, Astaroth and Lizardman
Yeah, I'm with you. I'm just going with them knowing what they fucked up in IV and V, and V having such a rushed dev time. VI having as long as it has had shows in the gameolay and aesthetics so far. Hopefully they discuss it soon. I want a Weapon Master mode badly.
I didn't expect myself to think this, but I fucking hate armour break.
Apparently they had a lot of shit story boarded and voiced but the earthquake in japan fucked up development and namco didn't let them push the release date back to make up for lost time.
and hilde!
no plz
>tfw they are gonna give her that shitty red outfit from SC1 that covers her face
There's an event upcoming, I can't remember the name of it, but it takes place in about a week or two. Bamco have confirmed the most recent build demo will be there, so we should finally get to see, Zas and Ivy in action, and if I was a bettin' man, some more character reveals. I'm betting on, Maxi and Taki.
where you born this year? Last year was the year of fighting games
I am hyped
But my hype won't be maximum until Talim is revealed
I hated it since it was introduced.
It just fucks up my CASs and has no real purpose.
Hilde's cool but I'd save Hilde, Tira and Setsuka for DLC .
I hate how tiny the roster seems in tat character select
Yeah, but I see what he's saying. Having a new SoulCal is a dream come true.