Why does everyone shit talk this game it's not even bad and several things about it were the best in the series like...

why does everyone shit talk this game it's not even bad and several things about it were the best in the series like forge, firefight, and the campaign maps.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's an okay game but it has too many flaws and feels like it was meant to be a much bigger, more complete game.

It was the beginning of the series taking itself too seriously. It went from a fun, fuckaround type shooter to a serious competitive soulless shooter.

Halo 3 babies

you what, Reach is the most arcadey halo game in the series.

It got much clunkier and less smooth. The armor abilities were not satisfying to use and the weapons felt too stiff. It got too COD-like.

Halo 3 was miles better than this abomination. Remember when people actually used the Forge? or actually played co-operative campaign? That was halo 3. The newer games are nowhere near as fun and they completely fucked up forge beyond repair.

>Reach is the most arcadey halo game
the gun models and the armor were all made to look more realistic than the games before it
what makes it so arcadey im confused

Combat evolved was a great game
Halo 2 was a great game
Halo 3 was a great game
ODST was a good game
Reach was a good game
Halo 4 was a good game
Halo 5 was a good game

When people shit talk reach they only shit talk it because Halo 2 and 3 were great games, that doesn't make Reach a bad game though. Honestly there really isn't such thing as a bad main line Halo game, even the weakest entry Halo 4 was a lot of fun.

>Remember when people actually used the Forge?
I remember my friends and I trapping each other in the giant hangar in the side of the mountain with floating death spheres, before setting up ramps on floating platforms. Into floating death spheres.

Halo 4 was not a good game

It had its moments.

Most of the mp maps were dull grey shit. Forge was good but the community was the best in 3 for custom games.

>Halo 4 was a garbage game
>Halo 5 was an even larger garbage game
Honestly the only enjoyable thing I got out of Halo 4 was the railgun.

Because it's shit you fucking underage nuBungie sucking bitch. Why do you make a stupid ass thread about Reach every single fucking week? I rather talk about Halo CE-3 or the what's going to happen in Halo 6 over the stupid ass game that would be better off as non-canon.

it runs like shit and you can really feel it's age, wouldn't mind a remaster or remake


it basically expanded on halo 3 in a lot of ways, i just didn't like armor abilities.

I find it funny how Halo CE-5 all feel better than Reach. Even Halo CE-4 at 30 fps. Reach was just all kinds of shit.

Oh boy its this faggot from the other thread
>Hurr durr Reach bad because Master Chief no in it
>Hurr durr armor abilities bad but I still defend 4 and 5
>Hurr durr I no like Reach character but I like 4 and 5s shit characters.

grow up you fucking child Halo 6 is going to be trash just like you

I find it kind of funny how you spout the same CE-5 > Reach whenever a thread pops up but again, 4 and 5 are dog shit games and yet you're eating that shit right up like its your mommas cooking

How about you grow the fuck up and stop dick sucking nuBungie. Reach was garbage Destiny test bed and nothing else. I will never understand where some of you guys get off defending this shit game. I'm starting to wonder was your first Bungie game Marathon or a Pathway into Darkness for you to have so much love for a studio that went to shit after 2008.

Yet, somehow still feel better than the dogshit that was Reach. I question you, what drives you to defend some of the worst games in the franchise like Halo 2's campaign, ODST, and Reach? I'm surprised you're not defending the messes that was Halo 4 and 5. I'm starting to think you fuck bags were sucking Bungie's dicks for longer than the Halo series thus you have some kind of weird ass attachment to them because of their early MAC games and you still think that they can somehow regain what they lost after 2008.

>Hurr durr stop liking what I don't like
You're telling others to grow up when you're getting so fucking salty on multiple threads about a game series and your autistic attachment to Master Chief

I cant understand the hate for Reach, sure the campaign was pretty boring and armor abilities were carelessly implemented, but the game modes and maps were awesome.

I spent hundreds of hours fucking around in forge mode, playing team swat, big team battle, griefball, that zombie mode, capture the flag in that forgeworld recreation of blood gulch, there were even more crazy stuff to do in multiplayer custom modes than halo 3.

Why did you guys didnt like Reach exactly? Seriously, i loved halo 3 and its just kinda more of the same thing really

So fucking what, he's the only thing good about the series, what is you're autistic attachment to Bungie? how far does it go?

Why the hell did bungie tie fall damage to melee damage?

I loved the fuck out of CE when I was a lad. Is the one for Windows 10 worth anything?

>people will actually shit on Reach while defending 4 and 5

He's not the best thing about the fucking series. He was an empty shell for 3 games for a reason and the only reason why you think that is either because you think he's "le ebic" or because 343 has told you that you should care about this blank slate of a character. Either was, it just tells me you're not old enough to post here kiddo.

1>2=3>Reach>4 and literally who the fuck even played 5

There's plenty of shit things in Reach in most game modes but 4 is unplayable steaming shit at all times.

Because they only judge the multiplayer.
I'm not saying the SP was the best or flawless, but every time someone rags on Reach the complaints are without fail weapon bloom and sprint ruining multi.

Reach is overall great. You don't have to listen to the autistic 343 14 year old army.

>and they completely fucked up forge beyond repair
In Halo 4 yes, in Halo Reach and 5? It shits on 3

muh book
muh canon
(even though the game was clearly about the ground battle while the book took place in orbit)

>even though a major part of the plot of this game involves characters that were doing completely different things in the book it doesn't contradict the book because I say so
'Cool story retard.

He is the only good thing out of this series. Arbiter, a failure, The Rookie, a failure, Noble 6, a failure, Spartan IVs, failures, Locke and his shitty ass team, fucking failures. If this non-Chief shit happens one more fucking time I'm dropping this series and from their Bungie and 343 can both eat a fucking dick and I will sell off my all games post-Halo 3.

>Noble 6
>a failure
Boy, this better be bait.

Forge World was crap, especially with all those fucking gray pieces.
I prefer ODST's.
>campaign maps
Those were ok, but not the best.

Armor Abilities can fuck off tho. Reach really feels like a prototype Destiny.

you'll buy the next one anyways

they should just port all the halo games to pc

>ywn get this reach youtube.com/watch?v=gL8-A00Pdkg

>Arbiter, a failure

>noble 6
actually microwave your hdd please

No, I'm tired of it, I'm done if this happens again, I don't play Halo for all these other stupid ass characters I play it for Master Chief and Master Chief ALONE. One more game of this bullshit and this series can kiss my ass goodbye.

He was a piece of shit along with his faggot ass team I wished that Elite would had snipe his gay ass motormouth sniper so Reach could be left forgotten.

>best in the series like forge
Forge in H5 is amazing
Anyone that says otherwise is a lying cunt.

>boring story
>terrible levels
Yup, a failure, at least they fixed him in Halo 3.

Their games sucked

oh okay so you're actually underage and don't really know what you're saying.
Good to know.

No, this childs legit. He's pretty much got an autistic bond with Chief for some reason. Halo was probably his escape while his mommy and daddy were righting in he next room over

He probably will. Le Ebic Chief is in it.

Halo doesn't need Chief to survive, it just needs to put out good stories and good games for us to play, and 343 has done neither. The new lore is garbage, the setup of Halo 4 was garbage, the multiayer is lackluster and garbage after a week. Everything 343 has done has been in Bungie's shadow because they're too pussy to do something on their own without Chief to back them up. Because they know autists like the salty poster will gobble up that Spartan II cock any day.

Underage, how old are you, faggot because I got Halo CE when I was 12, Halo 2 sucked along with ODST and Reach.

I just really didn't like the DMR and loadouts

The only games in the series you like are 1 and 3, yet you've still stuck with it. You'll buy Halo 7 because it has Chief on the box and rationalize it as "m-maybe 343 will get it right THIS time".

The only problems I had with the game was how annoying armor lock was, and reticle bloom was kind of excessive on the Needle rifle.

other than that its my favorite halo game.

As I said, he seems to have some autistic level of attachment to Master Chief, probably due to some childhood traumatic experiences due to his parents not loving him enough.

also yeah he'll buy the next halo games as long as they show his idol Master Chief front and center.

>Multiplayer maps were ripped straight from the campaign
>Armor abilities
>Ugly grey forge pieces
>Horrible firefight maps
>Shitty skill based ranking
>Motion blur out the ass

I'm starting to understand now, Sup Forums and /vg/ were the literal underaged faggots that we used to pick on during the Halo 2 days when we shitted on Halo 2, ODST, Reach, and them for liking them. You guys were the literal minorities we always hated and never shut the fuck up. At least you tried, but you underaged bitches lost, Chief will be the main character for FPS Halo games going forward and there is nothing you faggots can do about it. move on to another series, stick with your comics or books, because you're never getting campaigns like Halo 2, ODST, Reach, or Halo 5 ever again. You will always been in the minority, remember that Sup Forums and /vg/ you're fucking nothing and you're worthless and you always will be to the greater fanbase of Halo.

Of course, he's the only good thing about the campaigns.

I think we triggered him

This 12 year old thinks he's serious and intimidating on a Cambodian knitting forum

you are literally retarded if you think Noble 6 was a failure.
There have been only 2 (TWO) Spartans labelled "Hyper Lethal"
can you guess who they are?

Buddy, I triggered him an hour ago in a different Halo thread.

This shit is more enjoyable that anything 343 has ever out out, right Autism-Man?

Triggered, enjoy your Chief games in the future, cause that's all you're getting now, kek.

H1>H3>H2 Chief missions>H4>H2 Arby missions>Reach>ODST
Haven't touched the campaign in 5


>MP Maps


>Weapon balance


Johnson>Arby>Chief>Cortana>Cutter>>>>>>Everyone else


I'm still angry about the fact that the matchmaking modes were always fucking infinite ammo and rocket launchers.

THIS, at least someone that's a self-proclaim Halo fan isn't shit. I'm pretty sure the faggots in this thread are Europeans, they're worthless anyway and always have been.

Don't mistake your personal experience for everyone's experience. I played a lot if not just as much of reach's forge and campaigns in multiplayer as I did 3's. And barring 4 which actually had worse forge (4 was a shit game in general)than reach, 5's forge is the best in the series, so I've got no idea how you mean they ruined it.

>lol u mad
enjoy your shitty cash grab mascot games in the future, cause that's all you're getting now

jesus christ this guys like a fucking child
>hurr durr 2,odst, and reach we're bad because no chief!
>hurr duur any game with chief in it is GOOD any game with no Chief is BAD!
lmao what a meme

343shill up up and awayyyyy

Name 1 good thing about chief other than "he looks cool"

That's great news, Europoor

I'm glad other people are calling this child out
he's the definition of "hurr durr" levels of retardation

He actually completes his missions, Europeans would never understand it.

they can go ahead and keep trotting out the Chief's corpse and i'll go ahead and keep not buying their games

classes felt like COD

everyone ran around with the DMR and it felt less interesting than the BR

It's the other way around, brother. Your inability to accept any experience that isn't "MUH MASTER CHEEF" while blatantly ignoring that he is literally just an empty vessel and has nothing to do with gameplay at all is quite honestly ridiculous and autistic

Good, you Europeans been killing Halo since Halo 2.

Reach looks like GOTY compared to Halo 4, i was kinda upset about reach because it didn't live up to standards of halo 3 but holy shit i was just appalled by halo 4. Didn't even play 5 but halo 4 killed it for me

He's reaching a level of autism we thought unreachable.
>Le finishes his missions
Except when it came to protection Cortana right? Cause look how that turned out.
Also, just stop with the "European" thing. I'm a fellow American and you just sound like some suburban trash with a step dad or two as your only "role models"

That's plot related, not chief-related. Anyways, Arbiter completed all his missions in Halo 2-3...

>Kill heretic leader? Check.
>Retrieve sacred icon? Check.
>Stop Tartarus? Check.
>kill prophet of truth? Check.

So did rookie...
>Re-unite with squad? Check
>Secure ONI asset Virgil? Check
>Escape city? Check

And so did Noble 6.
>Identify covenant on reach? Check
>Secure sword base? Check
>Destroy supercarrier Long night of solace? Check
>Deliver the package to pillar of autumn and defend it's escape? Check

I'm American

>chief-kun is el goblino
it just keeps getting better and better

You're a minority

spouting the "le you don't agree with me so I MUST outnumber you because mommy told me I was always right" argument doesnt make you sound intelligent, it just makes you sound like even more of a spoiled like 13 year old shit

does babby need his rapid fire burst primary for these no effort headshots, awww cant babby time his shots?

Stop acting like a Halo fan, Sony faggot

Sprint in halo = bad halo game
thats all you need to know for halo 6, all halo games that have had sprint have been dogshit.
Prove me wrong, you cant

does this include reach that had sprint as an armor ability?

Playing as another character in of itself has no inherent impact on gameplay, aside from the notable exception of ODST where everything handled a little differently compared to regular Halo 3. If you don't like any given game because of it's ACTUAL changes to gameplay, fair enough. But the character you play as is not the root cause of those changes in every case aside from ODST.

Reach felt like COD. That's how I felt playing the game. The DMR was part of it because the DMR was a gun straight from COD and didnt feel like Halo at all.

Wow, you're trying to put a label on anyone who goes against you now?
We just keep hitting autism levels that shouldn't even be possible, holy shit.

just like the other thread
being so fuckinf defensive and having zero credible arguments, you start lashing out at Microsoft's rivals because you're this much of a 343shill

someone needs to screencap and archive this goldmine of autism, jesus fucking christ.

reach had sprint in some aspects and it was bad in some aspects, makes perfect sense.
While halo 4 and 5 had default sprint and they were shit all around

This is the most enjoyable thread on Sup Forums I've been in in a while. Thank you for helping me trigger this autist more and more


Real Halo fans actually don't appreciate 343 stomping chief's corpse into oblivion and would prefer the series to be handled with some respect and originality

What you are is their blind cash cow shill who will buy anything they shit out as long as Master Chief is in it because "IT HAS MASTER CHIEF! OMG I LOVE HIM!! GIMME GIMME" without any regard for how this blatant milking impacts the quality of the game or series as a whole.


Well, it hosted half of one of the worst seasons of RvB. Pretty good game though.

it felt like power weapons were less important in Reach when you could spawn with your favorite set up right off the bat. I liked fighting over power weapons.

>ywn reach customs again