Sup Forums - Nintendo

> Sup Forums - Nintendo

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is that why every 3rd post in any nintendo thread is from a soyposter?

Like this one

that's just one guy

Sup Forums doesn't love or hate Nintendo
They just talk about them the most because they're fucking Nintendo

Way to out yourself, my dude.

And don't you forget it.

he is american

It only takes a few anons to shit up an entire board.

based jontron

>threw his entire career away and makes 20% of what he used to
>but some random anonymous basket weavers on Sup Forums thinks he's cool

pack it up and go home mohammed



>and makes 20% of what he used to
source? he actully gained subscribers from that whole debacle

You mean getting fucked by Nintendo.

but i don't live in america

he still gets plenty of views and subs, and him making fewer video is entirely his choice, his """"""career"""""" is fine.


Why is science a religion now?

Iran literally means Aryan, and it's been called that since Sassanian times. Also Dark Souls 1 and 3 have plenty of Zoroastrian symbology. Each household during Sassanian times had a sacred fire maintained believing it to ward Ahriman's encroaching darkness. This kinda resembles how in Dark Souls, the First Flame wards off the Abyss' darkness. OFC, Dark Souls is more of an inversion of Zoroastrian symbology by making the point that the Abyss/Ahriman aren't entirely bad, and also, Ahura Mazda's light, which is manifested as fire, can make one go mad and annihilate identity due to bid for power.

>They get offered to use the metric system
>we wuntz feets and shit
>Get offered to use gram system
>we wuntz pounds and sheit
>they feel special and think that they speak American and not English
>get autistic about "cultural appropriation" whenever a white person creates something with Mexican, African or Asian culture
>clap like seals at movies in which the protagonist's only problem is being a faggot, one a faggot that sells drugs and the other a pedo faggot and an underage faggot
>wants black trans half native rainbow colored "wamen" to be the protagonist of every game or REEE WE WILL SABOTAGE YOUR GAME
>get mad when historically correct movies, books and videogames don't add faggots, trannies and black people because "we wuntz diversity"
>but if you have a white person living in Africa, that's also cultural appropriation or white supremacism

he needs to go back

Shut the fuck up, daeva. He'll go back over my dead body.

Sup Forums is that way, dumb dumb.

shouldn't you be watching out for trucks of peace?

>anti science
>The same group of people who say there's 20 genders and defend pedophilia

I’m hate niggers.


look it up bigot, that's all settled science

>20 genders
Science supports gender fluidity yes
Wut? The whole point of age of consent is that science doesn’t think humans under a certain age can’t process the ramifications of sex with an adult.

>there's scientifi proof that there are more than 2 genders


Actual scientist here. There are two genders. Humans aren't hermaphroditic, nor is gender changed at any point during development. No, rare genetic disorders are not in any way representative of human sexual development, and even then with certain things like Klinefelter's, the person is still a fertile male. As a medical scientist, the complete lack of research into the physiological underlying causes and psychological presentation of gender dysphoria and willingness to just give people hormones and sex reassignment surgery is appalling. These people are mentally ill and killing themselves at alarming rates, but apparently patting yourself on the back as a champion of progressiveness is more important than actually helping legitimately sick people. I genuinely hate liberals.

Fat homosexuals: Sup Forums

Science is not an entity, dude. It's not a fucking god. It's a process for analyzing data and patterns is the world around us. Certain people think gender is fluid. Certain people think people up to X age cannot consent. "Science" will never answer these questions because "gender" and "consent" are cultural phenomenons.

hm. doxxed and reported, have fun with your unemployment soon, nazi.

Hmm, I left America because I can't stand academia back home. You're powerless, faggot.

Sup Forums - Nintendo or Sony based on whichever had the latest major announcement

>other companies wait a year to announce things to drum up this much hype
>some even have their whole own events
>Ninty just drops it out of nowhere and the entire board talks about their games for days/months
They know hype and how to generate it, plain and simple. Also why DON'T MS and Sony do directs? Has to be about the same cost wise as paying people to talk to "jurnos". I mean Nintendo does a thing to get away from the press, and the fuckers still make articles on it.

>actual scientist here
>posts a bunch of shit with zero sources or data to back it up
>Confusing sex and gender

>left America
What first world country did you go to that has different academia?

>citing sources on a Taiwanese noodling etch & sketch

Yes if you don't wanna get angry gay noise'd.

Sup Forums - Poorly-adjusted Teenagers Try Their Darndest to Fit In

>sex and gender

>Thinks sex and gender are different
>Isn't familiar with the world's academic research institutes
I'll give you a hint: think about the site you're posting on, retard-kun.

not him but what countries even have relevant academic institutes outside the US and UK?

Japan has a couple of the best. Canada actually has some good ones. Switzerland and Germany have a few high ranked ones as well, and the German scientists I've met know their shit.

Sex and gender ARE different. The words represent two different concepts in Western culture. One is biological, one is based on perception of identity. You can argue over the validity of the latter concept (or, the former, I suppose, but that'd be an odd hill to die on), but you can't just say a commonly accepted aspect of a language is incorrect.

The original argument was that sex and gender are scientific concepts, not social ones.

The current comment chain has not been linked to that previous discussion at any point, but I'll take your word for it that this was a misunderstanding.

Some people are trying to bastardize the concept, yes, but try reading scientific literature.
In the real world, medical scientists don't care that you want to pretend sex doesn't equate gender, and the words are used interchangeably by everyone who isn't a social "scientist".

There's no misunderstanding. You're just an idiot who doesn't know anything about medicine.

>Medical scientists in their ivory towers is the "real world"
Bitch I'm talking about everyday people. These are concepts used and discussed by the average person. Frankly, I don't care what a medical scientist thinks about the words I use on a day-to-day basis. The medical scientist has no impact on a discussion of cultural perceptions.

And I'm very confused, because you tried to backtrack and claim that you were arguing about whether or not the difference between sex and gender was scientific or social, but now you're you're claiming that is definitely IS scientific and I'm an idiot?

Unless you're not the same user, but then, why on Earth did you respond to me? You weren't even a part of the conversation.

> Sup Forums - Sup Forumsseflagging and nothing else

>I don't care about science
Okay, now I can safely ignore you for being a retard.

>Everyone who responds to me is one person
Yup. Definitely a fucking retard.

The comment you responded to () did not contain any statement on the discussion at hand. Therefore, it doesn't make any logical sense to call that person an idiot for trying to clear up any confusion regarding just what the topic of the argument was.

If you are a different poster, then you literally jumped into a conversation you weren't a part of to call an innocent bystander (because not everyone who responds to you is one person, right?) an idiot, when they didn't even state an opinion.

>Sup Forums - console wars/twitter screencaps/political bullshit

aussie please

This man makes neoga/v/ mad every time he's posted

jeez, calm down sans

>Sup Forums - Australia
I don't expect any of you Sup Forumsedditors were even here when this happened.

>settled science

Doesn't that kinda betray everything about science? I thought science was about exploration and constantly updating information once it's found. That kinda sounds like a tactic from a religion instead.

You still can't tell which posts are by the same person?
This post was not me, you retard.

Any person who uses science to forward their beliefs absolutely is using it as a religion. Don't be fooled.

Bullshit, more like
>Sup Forums-Sony

So, you admit to replying to random people and calling them idiots, then?

No you fucking idiot. That single post I quoted was someone else. The rest were mine. He jumped in, not me. You're the idiot who couldn't figure this out.

Again, since you cannot comprehend this
>"The current comment chain has not been linked to that previous discussion at any point, but I'll take your word for it that this was a misunderstanding."

This comment was in response to the poster you've confirmed was not you. You decided to respond to a comment you've confirmed twice now, was NOT directed at you (aka, jumping in) and call the commenter an idiot.

Not only did you call someone who was not talking to you an idiot, you called that person an idiot despite not having stated a position on the argument you're so adamantly a part of. By your own rules of conduct:
>Everyone who responds to me is one person
>Yup. Definitely a fucking retard.

You are a self-proclaimed "fucking retard".

I PUT A HOLE IN THAT *trumpet*


I'm actually impressed by how stupid you are. You even managed to fuck up something as simple as quoting.

>By your own rules
But you're literally the only one responding to me. Can you even read English?