Teams of 20 is fucking fun as hell. Officially more fun than PUBG.
Teams of 20 is fucking fun as hell. Officially more fun than PUBG
Asher White
Anthony Baker
t. low room temp iq
Julian Rodriguez
t. cuck with shit taste
Bigger teams is better, in all occasions
Nathaniel Adams
>playing any sort of meme games with tumblr artstyle
what a sad life
Chase Garcia
33vs33vs33 would be better
Jordan Lewis
>playing games with friends
Yes, so sad.
Adam Sanders
No one plays fortnite besides little kids and niggers.
Blake Flores
Hopefully they try it, or 50v50
Brody Miller
i suppose if you're in elementary school this might seem like it's cool and all your friends would want to play it, you're right
Thomas Edwards
So are you going to explain what's wrong with the new mode or are you just shitposting like a fag?