There's no Vermintide 2 thread? Why is there no Vermintide 2 thread? Vermintide 2 thread

There's no Vermintide 2 thread? Why is there no Vermintide 2 thread? Vermintide 2 thread.

Because we are playing it. On a seperate not how is it that we cannot have longcoat clothing that does not clip into someones knees?

How do I into Unchained? Just run up into rats and get hit? If I get too hot block? Is that the gist?

Pretty much nailed it.

3 chaps?

Okay then, maybe I can finally leave Recruit soon.

What does Slayer Bardin's "Crunch" talent do? It says it increase the knockback effect of his ability, but how? I don't notice any difference when using it.

How well is this game optimized? I got the first one since it was on sale and it stutters more on Low than most games do on Ultra High+++.

I am enjoying this but oh man is this game just oozing high quality testing.
Final Map is all sorts of fucked.
>The cave of going literally blind (This is beyond worse than anything fullbright)
>Traits somehow disappearing for the host when going through the Skittergate
>Bots get stuck here too if you have any
>Final Bosses get stuck in place and do literally nothing and the health bar of the first actually starts empty and goes fucking left outside of the HUD.

Is it worth buying now or waiting for patches? I've read there are a number of bugs and some people can't even get the game to work.


How the fuck you even manage to take that much damage?

You may no like it,

but this is what peak performance looks like


>absolutely unfun till level 7~
>pretty fun once you can do damage to bosses in a reasonable time
glad i kept at it, it does get better once you level a bit but holy fuck recruit is not tuned for brand new characters at all, the bosses at least.

apparently if you get thrown off a cliff and instantly die instead of going into the dbno state you take a flat 4000 damage

>just finished a level and get a soldiers box
>open it up in the keep
>it zoomes out like i am getting a different kind of reward
>backend error

i'm fucking dying over here

Leveling each hero individually is fucking retarded.

All characters look good. All, except of Kirrilian, she looks like if someone make app'd her face.
What gives?

Why are Flails so fucking good? Also what's the best Witch Hunter spec?

>Tfw you settle a grudge

Friendly reminder to beware of chaos-spawn rape

They probably figured they didn't have to try since she wears a mask 90% of the time.

how is berzerker dorf? i just got my flamethrower and i cant imagine switching off ironbreaker now what with the drake heat bonus and the massive pushback radius

Slayer is a class for which you need to git gud in order to make it shine. No less than level 20 and power level 300 will do.

so its garbage and only for having fun at late game

Probably Bounty Hunter.

No, it's very powerful, but you need to be unstoppable in melee combat in order to properly play Slayer. If you get hit even once during a horde while playing any other character, don't bother. He's not for you.

Post KINO screenshots

why is it so expensive? It looks like an expansion or DLC at best. I'm too poor to buy this.

It's a sequel which adds a lot of things. 20$ is nothing. They could have easily charged me 40-50$ and I would have still bought it AND feel like I got my money's worth.

Its $35 in Canada


>>The cave of going literally blind (This is beyond worse than anything fullbright)
That's seriously how it's supposed to look? I thought my game was fucked up.

>bought it
>immediately refunded it

fuck me
i really want to play this fucking game

Fuck off to

Rest in peace any Huntsman Kruber that activates their Special in that cave.

>fail map
>you have been removed from the group
I wasn't even the lowest damage




If I liked the first, does this add enough new shit to justify the purchase?

It's basically the first game except better in every conceivable way except for the fucking mess of bugs that will probably take months to all be taken care of if even then

>mess of bugs
works fine for me

The packmaster is the literal grim reaper, sending you rather to heaven or hell when your time is up.

get it off cdkeys

>play as BH (flail + volley crossbow), DELET and crit everything with near-infinite ammo
>play as Ironbreaker (1H axe + drakefire pistols) and literally cannot die
Holy shitmar they're fun to carry with.

>first time playing vermintide 1 or 2
>pick Kruber becasue zealot looks cool
>merc is shit
>hunts is shit
>zealot is okay, atleast i can smash shit with my shield now
>do no damage
>can tank for days
>spamming knockdowns and charges
>team fails to kill groups that i've cleaved
>finally wear down and die

this game is garbage

Kruber has foot knight. Not Zealot. Saltzpyre has Zealot ya dongus. What difficulty were you on?

>tfw can't decide on class
>tfw not good at any of them either

How the fuck do I survive as Zealot, do I just need to git gud?


This game is a rushed mess. Atleast one of their fuckups was giving me the collections edition even though I didnt buy it

You need to worship harder

When anyone boasts about meme classes like that, they're level 30 with orange everything.

I'm trying user, but I can't worship that hard when I don't get enough lifesteal out of a single charge. Maybe the lifesteal while charging is shit.
It's sad because I'm already 25 and I can barely survive as is.

Vet? Vet, at the moment, is like the old recruit if you played the closed beta when it first came out. Try Champion. A whole different story. People in there get real serious. Having friends also helps.

>mfw i'm playing with friends
>mfw we've all just gotten into vermintide with 2
>we don't know what the fuck we're doing

Oh. Well. You'll get there eventually.

>spawn with a grab
>downed elf

Now this is some real shit

You must be really bad if that is your peak performance.

Holy Shit. Ironbreaker is fucking amazing.

>Using the default WH because I am a contranian hipster and also he has a nice hat

Anyone know how much of an increase deathknell is?

How do you play Bounty?
Switching from melee to ranged all the time to use the crit feels slow, and the ability doesn't really do much to bosses

MAYFLIES or niggers like I like to call them

>get the dwarven flamethrower
>loving the hell out of it
>realize il never be able to use it once FF kicks in
But damn it feels good to purge some heretics with fire.

If you have people who actually have a brain and can communicate it can work well. Went through Champion with a friend who used the flamethrower and we did well against hordes. Just had to be careful and coordinated.

>dwarf keeps calling everyone dwari
is this racism?

It's $30

Use melee to recap your passive free shot, use repeater pistols alt fire to rapid fire for free. Delete anything from a tightly packed group of skaven to a chaos warrior. Use F skill to delete chaos warriors/stormvermin patrols and to do massive damage to bosses

It's like when a black guy calls you nigga and fist bumps

You right click with the repeating handgun, delete a special, kill a dude, delete another special, et cetera.

Literally the best special/elite hunting class at range, I average 40ish elite kills and 15 special kills per run.

I play on champ.

>get grabbed by hook rat
>pulls me into a hail of ratling gun fire
>die like a bitch
So what's up with this hidden versus mode everybody says doesn't exist and how do I access it?

Didn't play the first one, and can't into the lore of Warhammer (a bit edgy for my tastes), but the gameplay looks extremely fun. Is the caster any good? I like playing magic users whenever possible, but she seems to be mostly just AoE damage and no real debuff/crowd control. Is there anything like that? What's the best character to play for a crowd control playstyle?

Dawri is dwarven for: Not-dwarf.
Typically used in a friendly manner

dawr literally translates to "like dwarf" with the general meaning being as good as something can get.
the suffix i is used to refer to races

So he's basically calling you "People who are like dwarfs"

>when you see a salty BH delete a chaos warrior for the first time
That was a cool moment. I was like "shit did you just one shot that guy" That is so handy to have on the team.

Some of her staff abilities are AoE but technically like a crowd control as it throws the horde apart and thins them down and it can also stagger groups of stronger enemies too? I think? That's also some CC right there.

Ok, so is this game like 100x more difficult than the first one or what? I just started, trying to use the Witch Hunter who I liked best in the first, and I feel like I do fuck all melee damage and get my ass raped. Also, is there something wrong with the servers of hit detection? Seems like whenever I shoot an enemy, it takes a few seconds to even register.

why would I want to be like a dwarf when I'm a knife ear master race?

It's called Champion, since it has friendly fire. Be sure to always kill the Elf.

The best CC is either through 2H hammer (can hit and hard knockdown infinite targets on heavy) or something+shield with a stamina+pushdown build for tanking and knocking down crowds
The mage is for AoE damage, which isnt really easy to get anywhere else

Sounds like that's just you.

Holy Sigmar
Ravage this blessed body
A few seconds is all I need

>is this game like 100x more difficult than the first one
no, but you do need to know what each character and career excel at and how to shore up their downsides.

>takes a few seconds to register
Thats just you lagging because the host isnt in the same country as you. Same thing happened in 1

>knife ear
Babby's first fantasy racial slur

You will get better as you unlock talents to help out

It's fucking garbage for the first like 7-10 levels. But then it's actualy pretty fun since you get some more tools to play with and a second class and skills. I almost refunded it after repeated chaos spawn rapes but they become far far more manageable once your team has some gear. It's not balanced for new characters in the slightest.

It is really difficult at first. Lots of new shit to learn. Stormvermin with shields. But it gets better. 40 hours in and I just completed my forst Champion mission with a grim and 3 tomes.

what level 25 talent is best for BH? im feeling the two shot, it kills warriors consistenty on champ

Yeah, the beginning feels a lot more unforgiving than the first game, but it smooths out better because the loot progression and leveling is more consistent. My WH is at level 14 and I feel like I can mostly hold my own now even if my team is being crappy.

Do homing abilities like waystalker and pyromancer hit allies once they're out of the caster's control?

like, assuming I fire one directly into a rat and don't hit any allies with the initial throw, but then it starts whirling around and happens to pass through a friend on its way to the next rat

Depends whether you want Chaos warriors to die quickly (as many as you can line up), or get buckshot to clear a swarm in one shot.

I agree, the first time you play at hero power 15, the game is absolutely punishing. Then you quickly get some gear and a few levels, and you start learning the proper ways to block, evade, shove and power attack against different foes and it gets a lot more fun.

But the first run or two are brutal.

>Ereth Khial's Herald
>Murderous Prowess' bonus is increased to 100% increased damage

What the hell is that supposed to mean? The bonus says that it instantly slays man sized targets, how is a damage bonus on top of that supposed to help? Does it just proc on different enemies now? Some of the perks in this game don't have well written descriptions. It's fun, but god damn it, it's not a card game. We don't need vague text, just give me the gritty stat details.

no. at least not that I've ever seen.

That's because the Devs are Swedes. Gotta give them some time, mate.


Yeah same. When I first started the game, I thought against the grain was fucking impossible because I can never last long enough to reach the farm.

I eventually managed to beat it after reaching Level 3-4 and a string of defeats.