What is the Loveless of videogames?

What is the Loveless of videogames?


>gay shit that's actually good
Atelier Totori

What video game was ever made by recording sounds of a Hoover vacuum at 24kbps?

The first resident evil


DOOM. Both should have you put on a list of potential school shooters if you like them.

lmao I only came here to see this.

Beat me to it.

>potential school shooter

I have no idea how anyone can make this correlation. It's fucking pop music drenched in guitar effects.

Metroid Prime

Obviously FFVII. It's the only known game that literally includes this album in its world.

Wrong. It has really edgy lyrics and a haunting atmosphere

I'd say that's far more true of Isn't Anything. Loveless can get a bit sensual but there's nothing on it like Soft As Snow (But Warm Inside) or as edgy as Sueisfine.

Just because it's less edgy doesn't mean it isn't edgy dummy

Care to explain?

I never got the sense that Loveless is edgy save maybe Loomer but even that's pretty ambiguous. Still less so than the rest of the album where you can even barely make out the lyrics at all. When I think haunting MBV, I think something like Lose My Breath. To me, Loveless is wholly blissful, it'd be like calling Heaven or Las Vegas edgy IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if the lyrics were a bit darker considering some of their earlier stuff but it hardly comes through in the music.

How is Loveless edgy when ya bois jesus and mary chain did it years before my bloody valentine?

jesus christ, are you 80?

there's not a single mbv lyric that's particularly edgy. Especially considering how decades before them you'd have the sex pistols, the misfits singing about raping babies, not to mention all the edgelord metalfags that were coming onto the scene


>I think something like Lose My Breath
Yes, because you have ears and a functioning brain, unlike the retard you're replying to.

>Hardly comes through the music
Like you said before everything else that's your opinion, to me it feels like a dreary embrace of haunting melodies and vocals. I suppose it's just highly subjective
When did he mention the lyrics were edgy?

>When did he mention the lyrics were edgy?
Right here nice samefag too.

If anyone is samefagging here it's you. Why are you so butthurt over what someone thinks of an album, are you THAT insecure about what people think of what you listen to?

>Sup Forums is talking about loveless for some reason
Why is it so perfect lads?

Video games aren’t art so nothing captivates the atmosphere of a good album or painting

>to me it feels like a dreary embrace of haunting melodies and vocals

I mean, I listen to a fuckton of dreary music and I definitely wouldn't say Loveless is among the dreariest I've heard. I'm actually more likely to say it's among the happiest. Put on some Radiohead or something if you want pop that's effortlessly drearier than Loveless. Hell, put on a fucking Cure album.

What is the Remain in Light of video games?

One of the most unique atmospheres in an album ever, it truly is one of a kind

>Video games aren’t art
Neither is popular music. Only art music (Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, etc.) is art.

Kid Icarus Uprising

>10/10 openers, then loses steam somewhere around the middle



MGS4. The first three games/albums were great, and then... utter shit.

Side B > Side A

No fucks given.

Seen and Not Seen is the best song on the album though

My least favorite section was the island. Castle and Village were fucking kino

Whoa there, I dig me some Fear of Music but Remain In Light wasn't shit. I Zimbra foreshadowed that shit pretty hard.

Objectively wrong. Popular music like Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, yes. That’s more entertainment. But timeless albums can be described as art because of many reasons. Just like film. There are films that are art and films only made to entertain

>Sup Forums talks about music in a more civilized manner than fucking Sup Forums


You know, this actually kind of fits. Huge fan of both btw.

Is this the "Dark Souls" of "Black Metal"?

Sup Forums is sporadically great at anything that isn't staying on topic.