What's her name Sup Forums?


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Metal Gear Solid.

Anime fighters

any real roguelike

Meme souls games

roblox desu

any game that benefits from autism like what said.

Crypt Worlds

What's her name?

Trick question: it's video games

Literally any JRPG

contrarianism WILL deny this



Whatever this shitty new battle royalle survival genre is.

Unironically Dark Souls.

Stardew Valley

Most fighting games.

ARMS. My super casual friends adore it. Then you’ve got the super niche group (my self included) who studies the game front to back, preps for tournaments, etc. to the point where it’s a second job.

Smash also applies I guess.

I didn't realise anyone actually played ARMS.

Metal gear solid 2


Normalfags get bored by it, true intellectuals crave the challenge, and retards like putting building blocks together and sometimes you get a boom boom!

Someone explain this graph to a brainlet

Which end of the graph are you on?

In case you're serious, it's saying "What game is most enjoyable to both very stupid and very intelligent people, but not normal people?"

retards (like you) and geniuses enjoy the game, average people hate it

mobas is the only answer

Whatever game i dont like


games for autists


>playing "roguelikes" instead of the original rogue


JRPGs are just a steady downwards line

Fighting games

that's actually a pretty good answer.

You realize this post places you firmly in the middle of the graph.

You realise this post places you firmly on the left of the graph?

No. A high IQ person only plays strategy and puzzle games, anything else is a waste of time.

High IQ people like playing games that require little thought because they get their intellectual challenges elsewhere and know how to appreciate a medium.

there's absolutely nothing intelligent about JRPGs
there are no deep game mechanics and the stories are bad

A high iq person discards any strategy or puzzle game as soon as they see the patterns and the game becomes an infinite tedium of permutations.

as a high iq person I can confirm this, strategy games are the only games I play but I get bored of them once I figure them out

Cypher (videogame) not even once.


no, high IQ people only watch Rick and Morty, anything else is a waste of time

The Xbox One

Fighting games.


Whymst've a self-proclared ``High IQ`` humo sapien writed've a virtual discourse whilst pulchtritudinously disregardening the Laws of Grammer?

As a member of MENSA thyself, I am lasciviously appauled.

Something is highly enjoyed by stupid people and intelligent people, but not average people. Like pro wrestling.

If you were high IQ, youd probably be wasting your time with some irl problems.

Any Call of Duty game after 1 hour.

MMOs and highly customizable pornographic games.

MOBA and team FPS.

Super Mario 64.

>Low IQ
Bing bing wahoo! Bright colors maek me smile. I got da star!!!!

>Medium IQ
Meh, it's just dumb stuff for kids, plus early 3D aged so poorly...

>High IQ
"...But first, we need to talk about Parallel Universes."

run escape


Warframe, TF2, Planetside 2, and War Thunder

Do you guys really think that high IQ people come to Sup Forums?

unironically GTAV

a real high IQ person would play competitive multiplayer games just to style on the lesser brained

Right triangle.

just having a high IQ doesn't make you automatically good at everything

Horizon Zero Dawn

A high IQ person doesn't find themselves and doesn't set the prerequisites for high IQ in stone.

Fallout New Vegas without mods. With mods it's a small positive correlation line of mid-tier to high enjoyment.

Fallout 4 without mods

in fact, the best players in competitive multiplayer games are usually brainlets because they bore less easily

Why does everyone assume that high IQ people are automatically snobs that turn down things for being "lesser" to them? Patrick Stewart has an IQ of 143 and he loves Beavis and Butthead.

Here for this.

Yes, but less so than other fighters, because they're a bit more technical than a dumb player would want, and the lack of players means a lower quality of opponent than the smart player would want. Of course, neither of these things are true for DBFZ, as that game is easy as shit, and has a huge scene.


Actually this.


Beavis and Butthead is a commentary on the plight of dumb kids from broken homes, not just fart humour. It has intellectual value.

A high IQ person would acknowledge that all games are a waste of time and are only there for simple amusement and pleasure.

Wait I'm retarded, I read the graph upside-down.


It's not even that, it's more that it's the perfect encapsulation of what it was like to be a dumb teenager in the 90s that would spend half his time just watching MTV.

Stupid post. Mike Judge is a smart guy

>he has poor pattern recognition

I'm guessing fluid intelligence isn't your specialty.

smart people don't need to play smart games - they unwind from all the hard thinking on the job.
Usually fighting games or RPG

He is but the two main characters are complete dumbasses.

Proofs? Not that he wouldn't but proofs anyways.

building games

hero-shooters (overwatch/r6s)
MP FPS games in general

I'm talking about the cartoon "seeing equations in the air" and shit, where someone takes one look at a new activity and is automatically amazing

that's not how it works
of course intelligence helps, but it's not magic

What does that even mean? Something with retarded characters can still be intellectually stimulating, so long as the retarded characters are intentional, and I believe B&B's stupidity is intentional

>Usually fighting games or RPG
Lol no. If my college professors are anything to go by, they usually play old school RTS games and GSG. That said, they're also the types of people who probably also lurk stormfront back in the day.


IQ is gay and dumb even though I have a high IQ but Danganronpa.

the actually smart people tend to be more empathetic towards others' shortcomings, because they understand how unfair gene pool lottery is (unless they have to teach dumb-dumbs something a million times - that's when they get all angry/defensive/snobby etc.)

Thats what you do. And youre not high IQ

Not him but I was the person who brought up the original point and I think the show is more of what I said than anything.

That being said, don't pretend it's highbrow. It's intentionally lowbrow.

sorry, i was talking more about business-proficient corporate executives, not the proffesor-tier intellects.

I'm not even smart but I wish I was more of a brainlet. Thinking about things is horrible.

I wish I was empathetic to those of lesser intelligence. No joke I just get confused--like why do people past the age of 3 still have trouble reading

someone gets a bit defensive.
i practically never play fighting games or RPG these days (mostly old FPS games and Amanita Design puzzle adventures)

Does this mean him and Liam Neeson (who also loves the show) will one day in the future star in the live-action B&B Get Old?

Most games in general. Don't overthink it. A smart person can suspend their disbelief and turn off their brain and fucking enjoy something. Most people on Sup Forums fit in the mid-IQ and think they know what they are talking about but just end up being an asshole. You can enjoy trash TV if you can just turn off your brain and get lost in a dumb show like Supernatural or Arrow because it's just entertainment. It's a world you need to be able to get in to. Video games are exactly the same. Turn off your over-critical brain and just play the dumb game.

Metal Gear Survive is almost the epitome of OP's question. EVERYONE who is a PROFESSIONAL GAME REVIEWER thinks it's garbage when it's a perfectly good survival game. I avoided it until I had some extra cash and it ended up being great. Anyone with a decent IQ can ignore microtransactions that don't wreck a game. I haven't spent a dime over the base game price.

Doesn't hurt to adapt quick though. I don't need equations to know how to blast someone's face away from 500 meters, though watching how the bullets fly and land helps a bit.

But yeah, nobody is a fucking Last Jedi protagonist and learns instantly out of whim.

Well Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of elitists for the sake of muh sekrit klub so it's not so surprising a lot of people think that the only way to enjoy video games if it's trying to be high art or some shit.

How is it a good survival game again? It doesn't bring anything new to the table other than body slamming furry animals, and even that got old after the gabillionth survival game.
