was 2011 the peak of Sup Forums
Was 2011 the peak of Sup Forums
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Nah 20XX was
What were the most memorable moments of Sup Forums?
For me it was lostboy exe and the day right before the 2012 doomsday.
It's sure better than what it's become now. Wojack and OH NO NO NO shit isn't in the least bit funny while Costana posting was actually fun.
Probably, sadly. It was the /vg/ split that actually did it,not gg. Generals at least made this board somewhat on topics of vidya. Plus, it split the userbase which was bad
2007 was the peak, 2011 was just the last year where Sup Forums was truly Sup Forums instead of Reddit
Man, I didn't even realize that this had completely died off until just now. RIP ISHYGDDT
I wasn't even born yet.
>defending generals
it died out around 2013 or so.
2006's E3 conferences. That was the first time I came to Sup Forums and it was glorious. I was happy then...
The free shit thread were the best. Got two chalices. One said “Babbys First Chalice” and “Texas Doesn’t Get One”. I broke the babby one when I was moving though :(
not >2011
>Plus, it split the userbase which was bad
I would agree with you if there weren't millions of Sup Forums users
Pic related. Also not particularly memorable, but Sup Forums was most comfy during the DaS launches(console, and later PC) with everyone sharing tips and secrets between shitposts
>putting ketchup in the fridge
>mfw when my sister broke my custom Sup Forums oldfag members only chalice
No. I started posting on Sup Forums in late 2007 and 2010-11 Sup Forums was so awful I quit the board.
This exposes my newfaggotry but E3 2012 when Halo used the AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS tagline and the whole Sup Forums catalog was just images of crows, except for like two porn threads. Also the shazbowl earlier that year.
The entire lead up to Brawl's release. AKA Japan Time.
the I CAME IN YOUR SOUP spam with that zangief from street fighter
Eugh, I still have this.
$599 US dollaru and giant enemy crab/ridge racer
The release of that whole generation of consoles was just amazing
Fuck you I liked it.
Also, there were never a ton of generals going at once so there was plenty of other threads to shit post wherever. It got me curious in a lot of games though too. I'd read generals of games I'd never played out of curiosity. Yeah, I could go to vg now and do that but that's a whole different board and I'm set in my ways. Plus vg has a lot less traffic so the threads are slower moving and stagnate
2011 Sup Forums was by far the worst. First 4 pages has 0 video games and 0 moderation
I was in those threads (the gamespot poll), and I've never participated in reddit discussions but it really felt like I'm between tens of thousands of redditors with "le ebin plan to stick it to the big ones" and I felt like the people who pushed it the most were banned from the discussion on reddit.
Costanza was Sup Forums though
> It got me curious in a lot of games though too
You can get that without generals. The problem with generals was they promoted a little culture within the culture. It was like a mini forum with gay in-jokes and their own personalities. Defeating the whole point of Sup Forums.
There has never been a point in time where Sup Forums got better, only worse. Every subsequent year has only been worse than 2011 regardless of the on-topic/off-topic ratio, and most on-topic threads these days are so bad that they're on the same level as off-topic threads.
2006-2007 were the peak years of Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general. 2011 was dogshit, there was nothing but off topic threads and faggots going >MUH BOARD CULTURE.
The generals started with the KS generals and I'll never forgive mods for not moving those to Sup Forums or outright banning it because there always were at least 3 generals on the frontpage and half a dozen on the other pages with ironic weebs shitting up ever non-KS thread within minutes. And the other generals made non-general discussion a hassle because you regularly found your own thread deleted so some nigger could start 5 new generals at once because they lost traction after 100 replies.
The first few days of post-split were the most blissful days this board has ever seen.
100% correct. Generals are and always will be cancer, same with meetups.
No, you either weren't here or you don't remember. 2011 Sup Forums was horrid and 2012 was better by a big margin
rip lyl 6 years already ;__;
taken too soon
I'm glad that era is dead
Get this Sup Forums shit out of here
The donte shitposting
I don't believe this, the IP count for most threads doesn't even break 50.
actually, more like 2009~2012-ish when the last good batch of 90's kids were graduating from high school.
>the year that moot deleted /r9k/ and /new/ (proto-Sup Forums for you newfags) and Sup Forums was flooded with feelshit and enough europe vs usa threads that made the 56% meme look like nothing in comparison
>constant, unfunny plus tip spam
>peak of anything
uh no
You loved quentin and you know it.
quentin's shit got real old, real fast
i will say i was happy when he got doxxed as an underage b&
And what are we left with now? Oh that's right ironic shitposting go replaced with the billionth wojack edit. I'd take that era over this one any day.
I can't help but smile everytime it comes up.
Watching it live was amazing.
I remember thinking "who gives a fuck about some nerds playing eachother, Sup Forums players probably suck" They were down 2-0 when I started watching and I just wanted to see the reaction to Sup Forums getting dumpstered by reddit...but they didn't lose immediately, they won and they kept on winning. Absolutely beautiful moment.
ironic shitposting was what made the retards feel welcome
i remember when a single typo completely nullifies a post
now nobody gives a fuck anymore, myself included
YOU weren't here, 2012 was only good for a short period of time immediately after the /vg/ split and quickly went back to shit after they gave up. 2011 was the last time Sup Forums felt like it had some semblance of true culture, and I'm not talking about deep sea or Simpsons threads, I'm talking about video game related culture like making fun of Dragon Age 2, pre-PC Dark Souls threads, mourning the death of Mega Man and raging at Capcom together, Tribes Ascend beta threads, Drakeface threads, the collective joy over Sonic Generations actually being a good game, the divisiveness of Skyrim, TF2 raffle threads, Steam sales actually being exciting, Deus Ex: HR surprising everyone by being good, the on-topic threads and culture were more than good enough to make up for the rest being bad and the /vg/ split coupled with the usual lack of moderation resulted in the true death of Sup Forums.
We were in our death throes in 2012 to mid 2014. GG was the nail in the coffin.
Golden age spee best board
Katawa Shoujo and League of Legends made /vg/ happen.
Splitting actually worked for pokemon and mlp though
ain't that the truth
I liked the plus tip spam, it was meant to fuck with americans and you could combine it with virtually anything because that guy was a stock photo model.
Nah Sup Forums, fappening, gamegate, and 2016 election is what made that happen.
yeah...galo sengen
Any time before late 2014 was peak Sup Forums
We should have listened.
Fuck no. It was the beginning of the end
it still astounds me to see people casually bring up things they saw on facebook/twitter/reddit here. used to be that even mentioning you use any of those sites would get you laughed out of any thread.
Did George ever actually say that quote?
I broke my chalice while cleaning a few months ago. Still upset about it.
Le ironic shitposting is still shitposting XD
Stop making me sad
t. '07 forever newfag
>muh culture
It sounds like you found Sup Forums in 2011, otherwise you wouldn't have nostalgia about a time where spammed Sup Forums memes and rageface comics went rampant.
I can still remember when "umad?" hit Sup Forums hard in 2009/2010 with every other reply being umad and everyone was an epic troll while 2011 continued with ISHYGDDT in like 1/4th of all posts.
>What I care about is that so fucking many of you never learned to LURK MOAR
this is still the problem, and it has only gotten worse with the massive influx of phoneposters and people who came here after gamergate and the election and started shitposting immediately without learning anything about the board first
These guys get it, 2011 - 2012 were fantastic. Stop being ironic, start being genuine and we will get our board back.
I see sea shepherd, vegan-nazi guy fawkes mask wearing fags every weekend on the street, guilt tripping people into their religion
I called them normalfags but they didn't get it
>movers dropped the box with my chalice last year
I discovered this place in 07 as a wee underage b& of 13. Found it alongside I was already on YTMND, Newgrounds, and occasionally somethingawful Didn't post here a whole lot until around '09 and I regret it. Missed a golden age and came just in time for everything to start tumbling down. I didn't know it at the time, but Chanology would end up more than just an epic ANONEEMOOS stunt. It would attract more attention than anyone could have ever foreseen. It was the first plank in the coffin.
Sup Forums never had a peak
japanese bird eating spaghetti
Sup Forums and the entirety of Sup Forums was never good, you "oldfags" were probably 12 when you've discovered your super-secret club of dumb buttbuddies here but it has always and will always be a place for retards who have nothing better to do with their lives.
I've been here since 2006 and the only things that have changed are myself and my perspective on things. Back then I felt a way stronger connection to this website than I do now but that's natural with every new interest you pick up.
>you will never go back
Japenese bird stirring spaghetti
it definitely used to be better, the difference is that there weren't as many people on the site and the people that were on the site were all weebs
now it's just everyone
check out my 9
>Sup Forums and the entirety of Sup Forums was never good, you "oldfags" were probably 12 when you've discovered your super-secret club of dumb buttbuddies here but it has always and will always be a place for retards who have nothing better to do with their lives.
And in the past, that dumb retardation at least created some genuinely fun things. Was there shit? Of course there was shit, but I'll take actual fucking content and community over the next new wave of ironic shitposting and wojak edits. The non-sequitur wasn't immediately shit on as "lelsorandum," People actually argued instead of vomiting out buzzwords with a reaction image and "le meme arrows." Memes weren't everyone's ticket to being magically funny, but just in-jokes in a community, like ours. Fuck off. You're not fooling anyone, man.
>both chalices intact
>I keep one locked up because the inscription is a bit too outdated and cringeworthy now
God I fucking miss when this site actually produced OC. It's all just fucking shitty wojack edits these days. The last meme I genuinely remember enjoying from this site is baneposting.
I miss all the edits of that.
>it appears you have been coaxed into a snafu
Groovyposting was fun. Fucking hated baneposting in its prime, though. Shit was obnoxious and brought Sup Forums spilling everywhere. Don;t mind it so much now because it's mostly only used when there's a clever setup for it, but back then it was fucking spammed like no other.
Baneposting is eternal.
2011 was garbage. 2008 or 2009 was probably the height, it just quickly spiraled down afterwards. Somehow it hasn't upturned since, so it only looks good in comparison.
>tfw texas
I'm still fucking mad.
If you like constant ">tfw no gf" otherwise god no.
before you knew Sup Forums was the peak of every board
People argued just as poorly as they do nowadays, go read some screencapped posts from back then. Memes were for the most part forced or completels unrelated and their only comedic value was because the humor was random, something especially Sup Forumsirgins nowadays frown upon. Read my post again, you loved it because it was all fresh and new but your perception changed, your life has changed. You're being blinded by nostalgia and now you're jaded not because Sup Forums isn't what it's used to be but you aren't who you used to be. I don't think I'm projecting either, it's a textbook example of nostalgia.
Baneposting is now mobile-optimized
Thanks, phoneposter!
It was kinda annoying at first, but it aged pretty well and created a lot of great OC. Now that I think about it Rog and Tyrone was actually pretty funny the 5 minutes before every other site got their hands on it. That's one of the last few instances of just completely out of nowhere shit happening before the big events that forever ruined this site happened I can think of.
i remember when Sup Forums actually played minecraft before it went to shit, was fun times
You mean when ragecomics were spammed, when costanza.jpg was spammed, laughingelfman.jpg, 49.95 plus tip you mad 4U Quentin diamond dogs launchpad shazbot git gud epic fail guy KS general, shoop da woop, bioshock dog, gamestop spaghetti, laughingwhores, fluttershy is mai waifu etc?
>you loved it because it was all fresh and new but your perception changed, your life has changed.
Holy fuck I'm almost tempted to believe your bullshit solely on unhappy coincidence that you sound exactly like fucking moveblob. Hurr durr it never changed you just got older. Fucking hell am i sick of hearing this bullshit. Look, if you're honestly new, I couldn't give less of a shit, but when you project the shittiness you know onto everyone else it gets very grating very fucking fast, man.