Let's have one of these threads

Let's have one of these threads.

For the newfags, here's how they work. These are guidelines, not rules, so don't get bootyblasted about the anti-fun OP.

>a video game title with a fitting piece of "high art"
>a video game cover with the title of "high literature"

Jokes are fun but not required.

Other urls found in this thread:


You'll never guess what I forgot to put in the OP.







Where is a list of directors so i can make my own. Credits in videogames are a fucking mess and sometimes dont even put the director in there.


there really ought to be a comprehensive search engine for paintings where you specify the style and give keywords and it spits out tons of images back at you

That sounds like it wouldn't make very much money.

niether does Sup Forums, yet here it is

Feel like this one works w bloodborne

It's neat but I mean it's basically like GAF collection, why not use that template? It's specifically video game focused, rather than penguin classics.

Have you considered fucking killing yourself, faggot?

If you love them so much why don't you fuck off back there.




still waiting for something clever





Good thread, bumping



Please correct it.






the original prey is mediocre and 2 was a barely functional tech demo, fucking get over it my man

Good shit







i kek'd



very nice

i was gonna dump some from last thread but they all got corrupted so i'll just dump the ones i made








trying too hard


Don't think your La Creatura posting went unnoticed



Tell me about Gregor. Who is he really ?

protip: adding famous and semi-famous art historical paintings and photographs of historical events or objects to the cover is the best way of making it look kino


A legend, a myth and man who's skill is unparalleled but speaks to no one.



I like this one.






not vidya but still

ya see, it doesn't work with weeb shit game titles




Wonderful thread, is there a page with all of them compiled?




>the original prey is mediocre
It seems nu-prey really captured the spirit of the original then

An attempt was made

I like these


Correct this blasphemy. Ken Levine had only a minor role in Thief, and left before it was even turned into a stealth game (which it originally wasn't).

not video games

Look closer

MuvLuv is tongue in cheek. It's basically Starship Troopers.

>>a video game cover with the title of "high literature"

what did he mean by this?

>and 2 was a barely functional tech demo
I love Arkane, and as a SS fan I'm sure I'll like PREY, but every single person involved in Prey 2 had said the game was pretty much finished, and butchered by Zenimax for pride.
Stop defending corporations, you disgusting drone, you are only shooting your own foot and the rest of society.

As in, the cover of a video game with a famous book title that fits the image, like or Good job making me kill the joke by explaining it




> Bane
> For you

This reminds me MUCH more of Off.





Is that AIDSSkrillex?

some tranny from the last GDQ