Senran Kagura

SK Thread
Set up PBS matches or post diaporamas


Nipples yet?

Ninja magic prevents nipples.

Mods soon

I want to repeatedly impregnate Naraku

I don't believe in magic


She's 15, you sick fuck.

She’s also 4’11” with G cups

Nothing will stop my dick at that point

Naraku belongs to Kagura

>came for tiddies
>end up getting pretty fun game with really cool card mechanics

I'm pleasantly surprised

They going to die protecting everyone in 7

I'd rather Yumi dies


The main 20 is safe. Anyone else is fair game. Even if they die, they'll be back like nothing happen.

Can Hanzo die then?

Yes. He's near the top of the list with Sayuri.

What is she eating? It looks oiishi tomodachis.

uninstalled this shitty game after playing the tutorial.water guns didn't do it for me.

I did take a screenshot of my diorama, I dont know of any other way to share them.

Is the game really that bad?

it was boring, honestly.

the only real fun is playing with the model's boobs and setting up dioramas, but to unlock characters and costumes (to buy) you have to play the boring watergun game.

also that bitch Yumi is fucking everywhere, I hate her, she's so boring.

No, it's pretty fucking fun. Certainly moreso than Estival was considering it actually plays fast.

The issue is that third person shooters with hilarious movement options are apparently not for everyone and the Senran audience was a very strange one to aim it at.

So this game isnt Vanquish with multiplayer and cute girls?

It's fun. I honestly was expecting enjoying cute girls doing cute things, but got some fun gunplay instead. Pick it up, give it a shot and if you don't like it, refund it. You never know, bud.

Why is she so smug?

like every game with cute girls as the hook, it's amusing the first time then it gets annoying.

there's this thing when you shoot down someone and then shoot the girl's bikinis off and get a huge lens flare covering nipples and privates. it happens too fucking often and really killed the pace for me. like I said before it's only good the first time it happens.

dunno, I never played with her.

>there's this thing when you shoot down someone and then shoot the girl's bikinis off and get a huge lens flare covering nipples and privates. it happens too fucking often and really killed the pace for me. like I said before it's only good the first time it happens.
you... don't have to do that. in fact you specifically have to be trying to do that.

Because she's evil.

those are optional.

>also that bitch Yumi is fucking everywhere
Jesus Christ, stop with this shit. She was barely present in PBS.

that user flat out said he only played the tutorial, did you expect anything intelligent to be posted?

Checked versus mode (international matchmaking) all day and it was dead. Is everyone just doing ranked/co op survival?

>She's 15
Wait wut? Is that true?


Really weird, I actually thought she was above 20 like Miyabi and Imu with how she acts and her voice.

Take the initiative and post them yourselves, otherwise everyone is going to talk about life and hometown instead. I'm going to bed now, nor started the game yet, but maybe I will tomorrow.

A cookie.

All the girls except a few are high school freahman/sophomores, right? (well, 1st and 2nd years in Japan at least).

Most are 3rd year students, and there are only a few 2nd year students.

Also 3rd years.
But yeah, you are mostly correct.

Didn't Ikaruga and Katsuragi graduate

>Taking Japanese ages seriously
I don't care what they say, this woman does not look nor act like a 17 years old.

They are about to. Between Shinovi Versus and PBS, there are at most 2 months of time spent.
The biggest and only time leap (6 months) was between Burst and SV.

Why is there no art of her in her non-shinobi outfit? It looks way cooler.

She's 18 though

>tfw no Kagura gf

My bad then, but she doesn't look or act 18 either. She's christmas cake-like in appeal

That's my mom.

Nah, Rin is the cake, Haruka is like he said she's got a mommy appeal.

Does ANYONE like Minori?

That is a good question.
Naraku ain´t a Shinobi, though

You're right, what a hag.

Is this worth it for $17?

You know what I mean though- her punk outfit.


Yeah it is one of the best default costumes in the whole series.

What's up with every thumbnails in the customization menu showing Yumi...

Are there nude mods yet?

Yumi became the main character of the series instead of Asuka as of EV.

I love Mirai!

Sorry to hear that.


>loving garbage
This guy

Reminder that Naraku is a 4'11'' womanlet.

Can you play online with a pirated copy?

Her being so smol only adds to her charme

Are the games playable with kb+m?
Looking for some mindless fun and might want to mix it up with some anime tiddies

PBS works well with kbm like all shooters. The hack n' slash games are probably better with a controller.

She will bear you inferior offspring.

I´d gladly raise my wifes child.

I want to fuck Haruka all day.

Is this game actually fun?

Hol up, is there a new loli event?

Her daughter is literally a demon slaying living weapon



Can someone post the new loli cards?


haha miyabi's parents are fucking dead





She was like 13 at this time, son.

That's it.

Younger Miyabi is still old.
She's part of the event.

No, only her mother.
Her dad is the headteacher of Hebijo.

Did they fix the online yet? I just can't find any fucking games and the match search is weird.

oh yeah

haha miyabi's mom is fucking dead

God, i love Miyabi

stop bullying her

>even Rin gets a kid version
>but they went with a Versus reference with teenage Miyabi

Stop bullying the edge lord or you will regret it.



Call me crazy but titties make this game fun. If the game didn't have titty monsters then we're talking Superman 64 here.


Where did it all go so wrong?

>we're talking Superman 64 here.
Oh come on, SK games aren´t THAT bad.

Her "brother" being a dick at first.