You can not I repeat CAN NOT make this shit up

You can not I repeat CAN NOT make this shit up

Other urls found in this thread:

the industry is dead anyway

>playing overwatch

>xQc fined 4k for using TriHard in league chat
jesus christ

multiplayer games are a fucking joke

>blizzard games are a fucking joke

and how are a non-police/gov't body going to enforce this? On what authority are they allowed to issue official fines?

Dallas’s record is punishment enough.

iunno but the article says one of the players has already been fined once and paid for it
this shit technically is there job so

Because Blizzard is paying the teams who are in turn paying the players

>corporation fining them
are they employed by blizzard?

this aint the caldari state, fines are government mandated

Banning I get, how can you fine someone though.

Yes they are. It's the same reason the NFL can fine players.

just dont pay the 'fine' and quit. fucking losers

if hes canadian he literally can be sued for "antigay" slur, its a federal law

>competitive Overwatch

Blizzard is the authority the same way Riot is League's authority, until there is no player's union for e-sports, players are fucked specially in small scenes

What was the emote?

sounds illegal in some states but okay

screens/ clips of this toxic behaviour?


He's sponsored, so it's probably some caveat in his contract.

Everything about this is a fucking joke

Guys remember in dota when a pro player literally had the name big black nigger dicks?
And how Arteezy constantly calls kids faggot

The people that gave blizzard 20 million dollars to have a team must be getting pissed that it peaked at 130k viewers and now can't even maintain that. If ESPORTS doesn't last for 3 more years they will have burned their money because that's when they finally start getting their share of the profits.


Does dentistry not exist in Japan?

kys racist scum

why the fuck is every team in the league 100% asian

>Sup Forums is fine with this because BASED DEVS Sup Forums BTFO

no, because I don't play mobas

I miss Cat Feces

>Sup Forums is fine with this because BASED DEVS Sup Forums BTFO
stop baiting in case some underage actually falls for it

They're the only ones autistic enough to obsess over Blizzard shit on a professional level.

>Tae-yeong “TaiRong” Kim, of the Houston Outlaws, has received a formal warning for posting an offensive meme on social media

I'm fine with this because "esports" are just another fucking blight on gaming.

Overwatch is a joke
Overwatch league is a joke
I hope both of them fucking die

I will always be okay with the punishment of edgy kids who spam TriHard thinking they're hilarious.

>xQc repeatedly used an emote in a racially disparaging manner on the league’s stream and on social media, and used disparaging language against Overwatch League casters and fellow players on social media and on his personal stream.
>used an emote in a racially disparaging manner
just look at this train wreck

I know your average compfag is a turbo autist but how could someone still be so socially unaware to think nothing would come of acting like a kid on Xbox Live while signed to the OWL? You're being paid to play video games, just keep your fucking mouth shut and play.

Trihard is hilarious. A harmless emote triggering people always makes me laugh.

“In the past three months, though, the Overwatch League has exceeded its revenue expectations, and several league sources said that the league is at almost four times its original projection. The league got a reported $90 million, two-year Twitch deal, and its two-year deals with HP Omen and Intel are worth $17 million and $10 million, respectively, sources said. That doesn't even include its sponsors since its launch, which include the likes of T-Mobile, Toyota and Sour Patch Kids, and those its teams have sold for jersey patches and placements.”

i mean if they spouted shit like nigger out loud i can maybe believe in punishment
but half of them got fined 4 figures for posting a meme

Hope you grow up in a few years user.

As someone who enjoys esports
why the fuck are we trying to recreate everything I hate about sports.

It's funny when people think overwatch league is a financial failure when clearly blizz is rolling in the dough.

>posts the same Trihard 7 greeting for months in OWL chat to tell people he's hanging out with them
>OWL hires a black commentator
>happens to be on screen when xQc greeted OWL chat
He's done plenty of dumb shit, this is just someone at Blizzard holding a grudge.

oh shit they got the sour patch kids dough rollin' in

it's called a contract. you know, the cornerstone of private enterprise. of course, you would have to get your first job to know that, my alt-underage friend

Man I remember playing the closed beta and enjoying the game for what it was. Now I can’t even find such enjoyment because I have to go through multiple layers of faggotry.

Hi Dobson.

>tfw Liberals beat Trump at his own game

Good luck banning fun when the industry has already deleted fun, boomers.

>tfw Boomer will be an insta-ban slur now.

fined and suspended


What the fuck, how? Since when can companies take money off you for using words they don't like?

>I know what I got
>ran when parked

teams want to win, koreans dominate in OW

They're under contract with Blizzard

>Overwatch and Cuck shit like Rainbow Six is "Multiplayer Games"

Imagine paying to play a TF2 clone where you get banned for thought crimes when you can play TF2 for free and not get banned for thought crimes.

mouthing off like a moron isn't thought crimes.

>Blizzard fines me $4,000 dollars
>I get to sit out 4 matches (likely 4 weeks) for using a public emote on twitch servers
>I basically gain nothing, and the $4,000 dollar fine is just a cut off my salary that I am making for playing their shitty game

xQc knows EXACTLY what he's doing.

It's a forfeiture of salary as stipulated in their contract.

Same reason most professional NHL teams are stuffed with slavs and leafs and NBA/NFL has a bunch of black people.

NFL, NBA etc also have fines for player conduct

Same way cricket players or rugby players get fined in my country for racism or fights - the league fines them. Don't pay the fine? Out of the league.

Make a meme that you have to crouch for the first 2 minutes of the match, or else you're racist.

Hurr let's ban everyone as we try to get our grand plan to make esports popular with everyone off the ground
Blizzard is gonna end up losing a fuck ton of money when they realize they killed their own game

let me stick my finger inside your asshole before you get offended, holy fuck.

Literally every pro-sport in the world has fines.

Better start streaming in other languages than english.
That way dumb anglos won't give a shit and can't bitch about something they don't understand

literally nothing wrong with this

Holy Shit. Not even Riot Games gone full SJW from their players.

>People are surprised by this
This is how sports works you dummies. You sign a contract to not do bad shit that would look bad for the league, and they fine you if you fuck up

>It is unacceptable for members of the Overwatch League to use or distribute hateful, racist, or discriminatory speech or memes
Gotta watch out for those hate memes, they can really do some damage.

>private company zings players for breaching contract/policy
"What are you gonna do, stab me?" - Quote from man stabbed

But video games are not a real sport.

Sponsors aren’t a football thing, they’re a media thing.

there are many games that have gone esports that do not enforce such policed behavior like this

Seriously this. Sup Forums thinks that it's perfectly okay to do this shit, but reality is a bitch

Yeah, they tried the same thing with Kapperdick in the NFL and it ended up in the biggest PR trainwreck they've had in decades.

Me and my Chinese wife's boyfriend started to cry when we heard someone calling me a "cuck" in voicechat on Overwatch. This is just a good thing. Gaming should be a safe space for anyone to enjoy. I hope they also ban violent games altogether because it makes people violent nuts.

Blizzard wants to be real sports (as laughable as that is with Overwatch), so they treat it like real sports

>watching "competitive" Overwatch

Yeah, they can do massive amounts of damage to your company. If sponsors see Blizzard as a company that tolerates hate speech in any way they will pull out losing them a ton of money.

How is that racist?

Competitive Overwatch by itself has nothing to do with this, it's a common trait for corporations to want to turn everything multiplayer into safe space. Look at FFXIV where you're much more likely to get banned for harsh language than actual cheating and bots run rampant

Bet he's still getting paid on contract and doesn't have to play the shitty game because of this

because the emote is black DUH

>balding fat guy
>edgy jokes



I enjoyed the Houston-Florida game that was just on.

So what does TriHard smiley look like

Posting racism. Can you feel the racism radiating out of this?

Plus like real sports it varies based on the game. If you're playing Rugby you need to escalate to actual violence to catch a fine.

In Cricket if you cough too loudly you can get slapped with a fine.

Protesting police brutality (and then having it massively misinterpreted by retarded """"""""patriots"""""""") isn't necessarily the same thing but I get your point

No, Sup Forums thinks that there is no difference between casually playing the game and memeing at your house versus memeing under employment and contract.

>make voice lines in game
>some voice lines actively taunt or can belittle someone if they are used correctly
>company who made the voice lines ban players for using the lines they are given in a specific scenario because it might hurt people's feelings
Not to fucking mention that say if you bought lootboxes and got in game currency, you spent real money on something to be an annoyance just to be banned because some shitlord can't keep it together when he loses.
What a time to be alive.

So we know the emote, but what was the meme?
Given the guy is a gook and the charity he had to donate to I assume it was something about nips?


>wahhh why should blizzard get to choose how people represent their game when they're under contract?!!
the only reason anyone could be against this is if they don't believe in blizzard's corporate rights to their own product