>Press C to crouch
Press C to crouch
>press shift to crouch
>tap S to toggle crounch
>press C to toggle permanent crouch
>press ctrl to toggle on-press crouch
>double tap W to sprint
>press shift+control to lower crouch
>Press F to pay respects
>press any key to start
>press space to crouch
>game doesn't allow you to jump
>press 'any' key to continue
>you have to crouch jump to reach specific position
>enemy that reverses your controls
>try to jump to evade it
>game quits without saving
fuck you!
>press caps lock for anything
>press start to play
>any key works
>game has no sprint
>press any key to start
>press space
>it doesn't start
>press any key to start
>press power button
>pc turns off
>swing your weapon with the right analog stick
>you can only sprint in combat mode
C for crouch
CTRL for prone
Best layout
>Type CROUCH to crouch
Anyone else a rebind whore?
>rebind sprint to forward mouse button, melee to back mouse button
>crouch is
>prone is ctrl (or hold shift if possible)
>everything else gets rebound to the left side of the keyboard if possible, in the most ergonomic positions
>hold space to sprint
>tap space to jump
>Crouch: Hold
>crouch is
Is this some shithead way to say crouch is spacebar?
>open up debugger
>link crouch.dll and run crouch() to crouch
also, why does the word "crouch" look so alien to me.
>press T to walk forward
>hold E to move left
>tap E to move right
>press < to move back
>doubletap Q to jump
>tap Z to toggle sprint
>press space to close game
>press shift to jump
>would you like to activate sticky keys?
>Press G to throw grenade
>press X to pay respect
>Not disabling sticky keys
global rule 2
I switched to dvorak for left hand after i got tired of moving my hand from the mouse every time i want type in the in-game chat, so i have to rebind almost every game.
Makes it harder to pick up the game at first, but comfort is worth it.
>press I for inventory
Disabling sticky keys is one of first thing everyone does after reinstalling windows.
>toggle on-press crouch
>press ALT to run/walk
>C and M independently tied to each leg in pressure sensitive crouch
>X and N control the knees
>Press M2 to Jump
>ctrl to crouch
>C to toggle crouch
Must-bind for quake.
c for crouch toggle
ctrl for crouch
If you never learned to love X as your crouch key, you're officially too underage to have experienced Deus Ex or SS2
>always usually bind crouch to ctrl
>ctrl key on new keyboard only works if using the very upper right part of the key
What would be the ideal layout?
>Press E to Use and not F
>Press anything that isn't MMB to melee
>Caps lock is actually bound to something
>hold shift to reload
>press p to pause
>Press F to call for help
>3 is grenade
>Press Pause to Pause
>press p to pee
>press esc to close the game
>press F5 to detect traps
>press q to quicksave
>press E to autowalk
I like the sound of that. Not every game needs a sprint function.
>Press Mouse 3 for alt fire
>space bar is both run and jump
Fuck you Dark Souls.
>game doesn't allow you to bind CAPSLOCK
>press button on my case
>LED light in the back to help you see shit in the dark turns on
>game does nothing
>Press 1 for sidearm
>Press 2 for primary
>Press 3 for secondary
>double tap [movement key] to dodge
>keep dodging off ledges by accident while making precise movements
Serious Sam (fix: change to Ctrl)
Aliens vs Predator 2 (fix: change to Ctrl)
STALKAN (fix: change Sprint to Shift, Walk to Alt, so you can sprint comfortably and use Ctrl+Alt for lower crouch)
this is the absolute worst
I use capslock for sprint and C for crouch. I can never see how ctrl and shift would be comfier keys
Why don't you guys just rebind them to your mouse?
>playing shitty games
Fucking gears of war, the A button does absolutely fucking everything from opening doors to running to taking cover to rolling to picking uo ammo and vaulting over shit, literally the only other buttons you use are B for melee, LT for aiming, RT for shooting and RB for reloading.
I played some shitty racing game on PS3 and to boost you have to literally mash L2 R2 R2 within a fraction of a second. I have no idea what moron programmed this but I want them dead.
>press S to shoot
>press m1 to crouch
>press Windows key to open windows
>press W to move forward
>press A to turn left
>press Left to move left
It's okay for toggle.
Could have been better if Ctrl is used to lover stance: standing to crouch to prone; and spacebar to reverse: prone to crouch to standing.
It's not like R6S lets you jump - you can only use spacebar when the game prompts you with it.
Seriously, that is such a shitty idea: yoy have to actively run to a fence that is as tall as your knee and wait for the game to decide you are facing a low enough section at the right angle to prompt jump over.
>press CTRL to crouch
>Press Ctrl to Bandage/Take Cover/Use
>press D to dough
>LCRTL to block
>X to zoom
>Pressing G makes you automatically take a grenade,start the fuse and throw it at the direction you are facing against
>tfw there's no way to stop this process after you press the button
>game has jump
>its so small you cant jump on top of crates so it might aswell not be in the game
>Changing guns with anything but scroll wheel
>Press Enter
>It doesn't work
>press E to select, not Enter
>press Q for more Info, not More In(F)o
>press X to drop, not D(R)op
>press F to use sandglass, not Sand(G)lass
>press Q to use bellows, not (B)ellow
>press N to open codex, not C(O)dex
>press T for help, not F1
>hold [keyboard_prompt] to [action]
>only run out of combat mode
Since Quake I have not played any FPS or TPS game with default controls.
My biggest problem with controls in these games is that they never support modifier keys, like ALT + A to lean left. The only games I know of that support them are the Dark Engine games (Thief came out in 1998). Every program supports them (e.g. CTRL + S), but game developers are so technically incompetent that apparently only one of them has ever managed to do it.
what is mouse 3?
>Hold C to crouch
damn that fag looks like alek from cowchop
Middle button.
>Acidentally hit wheel mid fight in CS
>having to go through the whole arsenal to get from weapon 1 to 6
It was a good time when I played TF2
I bound call for medic to M1
>majority of waist-high walls in the game are just barely tall enough that they can't be jumped over
>Press M to show the map
>All keys around M make menus pop up that need to be manually closed with the mouse.
That sounds terrible.