Post one of your fighting game mains and others will judge you
Post one of your fighting game mains and others will judge you
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Why is Blazblue porn so bad?
Mostly attracts gays
You're hardcore
>I'll rip your tongue out, and lick my ass with it
I don't play Tekken but I'm about to pick it up just for Xiaoyu's legs
Not actually playing a fighting game/10
Mine btw
Forgot pic, which should be expected from an unga gorilla chimpanzee main.
I'd mate with that
A man of impeccable taste.
At least you kill yourself while doing it.
Perfect in every way
Wrong one, the one I main doesn't eat people just string cheese, lots and lots of string cheese apparently
A true bro to those in need.
Waifufags who will drop the game in a month
I play this dude just because of his voice.
Tactical combo man.
I am talking about 3s urien.
This fine fellow knows whats up.
Fujiwara Keiji is a treasure
A true gentlemen
Edgy faggot
Chuni faggot
>tfw cant decide who to main in unist
im a simple man who lives for counterhits
UMVC3 version. A shame about how they raped his voice in MVCI. Also a shame about how shitty MVCI is.
millia/kokonoe, I hate neutral and having to think
He's still not going to get under Ragna's little sister's skirt
They went overboard in MVCI with the overly long lines. What a fucking shitshow.
Is Smash a fighting game?
Josie's legs are better. Also, her breasts.
Doesn't actually play fighting games and only jacks off to the characters
Never could bet into Bloobz but Susanoo seems rad as fuck
Chimpanzee who is also heavily into garage band metal
literal faggot
Bring him back
I only main the original version. Cheap edits can suck whale dick
Main Akatsuki
Why is Carmine considered gorilla mash? You have to properly set traps up and shit, how is taht gorilla mash? Mika or Gord I get, but if Carmine is gorilla then 90% of the cast is, too. I play phonon, so inb4lolbutthurtcarmine
This whole time I wasnt sure if all the triangles on her teacup that appeared on the ps4 ver was part of the design of the teacup or just shitty shadows due to lelps4. Guess I know now.
People can't block in the corner/keep assaulting into 6B/wheel
user he is back.
I didn't care about tiers erron black is just so cool seriously a fucking cowboy in a mk game
I also liked triborg alien predator tremor and reptile
no i dont like him
i was thinking waldstein but i cannot find a single written guide for waldstein so i have no fucking clue where to start learning him
Yeah but.
The leggings, man. They're too strong.
Go do mission mode and read up on normals
Best news I've heard all year.
>the I never played GG before Xrd aesthetic
Classy gentleman
>Fan of vore
>Wants to be Knee
>yee haw, we got caltrop setups
scrubs do scrubshit, what else is new? I can say the same thing about any character. Or are you saying the people calling him gorilla mash are butthurt scrub shitters?
Did you not see his trailer like a week ago?
>Or are you saying the people calling him gorilla mash are butthurt scrub shitters?
Pretty much
but that overdrive sucks
No need. I've been into the series for so long, buying the new one is basically tradition at this point. Zasalemel is definitely my favorite if he's a playable option.
Y'all can fuck right off.
But it's so FUNNI and WACKI and RANDUMB which is so epic xD
Good shit. It’s this between this boi and Johnny my spicy zoner bro.
A joke that went too far.
Where my KI niggas at?
Has anybody else even played this?
>inb4 smash isn't a fighting game REEEE
It pretty much is, its just not traditional, I don't care to argue semantics over it.
guilty gear: faust
dbfz: 18/goku/tien
tekken 7: leo
3s: makoto
sfv: laura/rashid
Shame he turned out to be pretty mediocre after taking so long to be put in.
Isn't this still being worked on or did the full thing actually come out?
A true bro.
You are a man of taste.
The story mode is overly long and boring as fuck, I'm glad you're enjoying the fruits of your perseverance.
I don't like how he plays in the video games, but Spidey's my favorite superhero. You're alright.
You're probably pretty good at fighting games.
You seem like a cool guy.
picked up the catman because my friend said he hated him and looked dumb, didnt know he'd turn out to be so fun
bonus ; me stunting an azrael into submission
Yeah, he releases monthly updates on his enty (JP Patreon)
A new character with a big axe got added a few days ago.
I'm actually glad I don't see 21 anywhere near as much as I thought I would since most people who didn't get the Season Pass don't care about story mode enough to suffer through it.
The reason I enjoy BB every now and then with my BB friends, so I can play best bloober. Asami Imai has the voice of an angel.
Semantics are the only thing that Smash can argue makes it a fighter, you metaphorical child.
>an ragequitting against jubei
>anyone ragequitting against jubei
That's some funny ass shit.
Get on my level
An Azrael at that too.
Unist - Wagner
Skullgirls - Squiggly
Smash - Villager
I should play KI, bought it on steam but I never play it.
Got a link to his blog or webpage? I actually forgot the name of the game.
On the left.