I can't stand how fucking gay modern games are and I want to play an FPS.
Is pic related SP any good?
I can't stand how fucking gay modern games are and I want to play an FPS.
Is pic related SP any good?
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It alright
play Quake Champions my dude
Some of the best single player of any FPS.
the level design is very unique
The plot isn't very interesting.
I played it for the first time a couple weeks ago and it was great. Download the quakespasm engine for a smoother experience. Also I would highly recommend the mod Arcane Dimensions. Fantastic level design in the maps included and truly a labor of love.
Abosultely. Quake 1 had some really unique aesthetics that are hard to find in other games. The enemy design is awesome, and the levels have just the right amount of difficulty. Also, use the Quakespasm engine like said. Better support for higher resolutions and modern OS.
To be honest, no. It’s basically Doom but everything is brown/shit tones and story is non existent.
Stick to Doom. Quake was a multiplayer game with a tacked on single player mode.
I might be the only dude on /v who prefers 2 though
>story is non existent.
It's fucking great.
Currently I'm playing Doom 2016 and I'm having fun.
All the weapons feel awful and barely animate
All the enemies are bullet sponges
All the enivornments are the same looking brown castle
There is only like 1 real boss fight
Its awful
are you a bad enough dude to reach this screen?
Gameplaywise Quake is way ahead. Mouselook, actual 3d engine and physics instead of sprites makes for a world of difference.
quake has a story
don't even
yeah but it's short and easy, there are a bunch of fan made levels just like doom check out quaddicted.com
if you don't mind the price dusk, overload and ion maiden are all really good and Amid evil is out in EA on monday
Doom 2016 is awful modern consoleshit and should be avoided
if you don't mind outdated graphics - the gameplay is still solid
the base game is worth a play through but you can download sp maps that are better than the vanilla game , Seal of Nehehara or Arcane Dimensions comes to mind etc etc. get one of the up to date engines
I still think Quake should have been Doom 3
>another doom-tard complains about spongey enemies in quake
to be fair the enemies in quake are more like obstacles and killing them is calculated
Doom is a lot less predictable
There's no reason to play any other FPS. Except maybe Serious Sam.
it is fun
i prefer hexen tho i find it 1000000x more cooler
Doom 1/2 and Quake 1 and their mods are gonna be the best SP FPS games from a gameplay standpoint. Only multiplayer FPS worth playing that isn't dead is Quake Live, though you can download defrag and CPM, and use discord/irc to find duels for the latter if you want.
My favourite game growing up as a kid.
Don't listen to Doomfags, Quake SP is absolutely fantastic. The levels actually utilize 3d in a way few games have since and the enemies are probably the best in any fps - varied, unique and actually forcing you to adapt to the situation.
To properly enjoy the game save only between levels.
>i prefer hexen tho i find it 1000000x more cooler
heretic is 1000000x cooler than hexen
It's pretty nice, just don't buy from the steam jews since it doesn't have the OST
Dusk is alright.
no it isnt
kill self
>The levels actually utilize 3d in a way few games have since
It's alright... There are some incredibly annoying enemies and I found the brown colour palette and droning soundtrack really began to wear me down after a while. The actual level design itself is good though, same for the weapons. It's a pretty unique experience and I'm glad I played it, but I honestly like DOOM way, way more.
jesus christ people like you are pure cancer. Arena games are complete garbage, unoriginal, no plot, no story, no depth.
Top b8 m8 you made me reply.
QC isnt even arena
>has not played quake
>doesn't get laughed out of the thread
The absolute state of this board.
Play Quake 2 instead.
Beat that shubhuman niggur
>tfw we might finally get a true Quake sequel someday.
You can't get laughed out of the thread if you get recommended the game and start playing. Only a casual shitposts on Sup Forums instead of playing video games.
Episode 1 is pretty good
Episode 2 is the best
Episode 3 is okay
Episode 4 is kinda crap
Where can I find a Sup Forums core infograph? I want to know what games I should play in order to post here,
>full niggers
pls no
vsrecommendedgames.com or something
>complains about modern games
>never played quake
You can't go wrong with Quake, everyone should at least try it.
As always, grab a sourceport and eventually have a look at the user-made levels.
>It’s basically Doom but everything is brown/shit tones and story is non existent.
That's really dumb. In Quake, the levels are less expansive but more vertical. There are more gimmicks in the level design (e.g. all the traps in ep 3 or 4). There are less enemies but they are a lot more threatening. Weapons are "faster" than in Doom (by which I mean that they shoot quickly, you can quickly swap between weapons).
The atmosphere is also great in Quake, much more dreadful than Doom's (although preferring it really is a matter of personal taste). Also the story is about as present in Quake as it is in Doom, which is a plus IMO.
Both Doom and Quake are great and they're fairly different from each other.
Nothing wrong with having missed out on classics. What's sad is refusing to try them, which isn't the case here.
PS1 Doom and N64 Doom are basically even more hellish then Quake in tone.
This, sorlag a qt.
Unreal Torunament 4 is not a bad game.
Quake Champions is not a bad game.
I only play a few hours of them a month. They are just fine for what you want.
I could be mistaken but wouldn't quake be the first game to use brushes to build levels out of blocks in a way instead of it being laid out on a grid (ultima underworld) deformable cube segments (descent) or flat planes in sm64/oot etc
>Quake Champions is not a bad game.
QC is a bad game stfu
Yes it was the very first truly 3D game.
Wasn't that Descent?
>Yes it was the very first truly 3D game.
There were 3D games before
I was 3D before you were.
It was Virtua Racing
>Virtua Racing
Chuck Yeagers Air Combat came out in 1991
That's actually better than most fps plots.
Its grittier doom with physics, better movement, and bullet sponge enemies
its fun
well I doubt that with flight sims doing full 3D stuff long before quake
Nah descent isn't fully 3D in the same way objects and projectiles are still 2D sprites
Despite playing Quake since the 90's I only recently played SP last year. It's enjoyable enough. This weird cousin to Doom. I had no idea where the name Quake came from until then. Not what I expected. There's one weird as fuck sequence I see webm'd on here from time to time.
/arena/ fags are an absolute cancer, please stop shitting up this board with your garbage image macros and keep your shitty memes to your containment thread.
>this post
It's great. Use Quakespasm instead of MemePlaces and make sure you get into custom maps once your done.
Yes. Play on hard. It´s fantastic.
Except for the jumping slime faggots
>A FPS but levels are designed around rocketjumping
Sandy Petersen is one crazy dude, very few level designers have shown as much creativity and impishness as he has
Beth should do a SP/Coop addon for QC in a similar fashion to that Doom QC mod.
all of Quake history monsters
I've beaten it recently, it's the best FPS I've ever played.
>All the enivornments are the same looking brown castle
you never played quake son, did you?
fight me
>id Software wizard John Carmack has recounted the experience of creating Quake, the seminal first-person shooter that turns 15 today.
>this year Call of Duty turns 15 years
Time goes by so fast.
> I want to play an FPS.
Your question is already answered,
but may i suggest also checking out build engine games, especially Blood 1.
Just played a few of episode 3 maps. Really nice design
Toxic homofobic bastard
play "Arcane dimensions" a recent add-on for quake made by some industry experts (professional level developers and what not).
Great gameplay and stunning architectures
Quake 1 and 2 are next in line on my FPS binge. Already finished Duke3D and Shadow Warrior and now I'm onto Blood.
My first run of The Forgotten Sepulcher took about two hours, that was a hell of an experience
kill self
yes by the way I want to stress this, arcane dimensions is amazing and HAS to be played. Stunning visuals, amazing game play with some nice ambushes - horde fights
I though Simon was the only one with professional experience. Who are the others?
get "seal of nehahra" if you can its a full mission with heaps of levels.
And the Rubicon Rumble pack, only four levels but they're all absolute monsters.
No, it's terrible. People who like it are going by nostalgia.
Just like your mom
Pretty sure his point is that OP must be young and the fact that this board didn't laugh at him shows how much it has changed.
American McGee is God.
It's at least worth getting under your belt, being a big part of video game history.
You're on the wrong website, fag.
>no story
>arena shit
no thanks
It's ok but Strafejumping is super awkward in this game and you always get stuck on the stairs which instantly stops you and ruins your rhythm, you should try Dusk
the best
>Quake was a multiplayer game with a tacked on single player mode.
actually quake was a single player game in which all the multiplayer maps were made in 3 weeks right at the end of development
any and all complaints saying quake enemies are "bullet sponges" are wrong. I've only ever seen this complaint in like the past 3 years and it comes from kids who play CoD and expect to be able to one shot headshot everything, AKA no challenge and no movement required. They say enemies are "Bullet sponges" because they stand still while fighting them.