When did you realize Valve is not a good company?
When did you realize Valve is not a good company?
When they stopped making games
>rarity doesn't correlate with power
so like every other card game?
When I heard about the inbred chimpanzees they get to playtest their games in the episode 2 commentary
>Not pay2win
>Rewards "investment"
when they started pandering to dude bro gfuelers with csgo
As hipster as it sounds I always fucking hated HL2. Such a long wait and then you get a game that's a boring corridor shooter with unskippable cutscenes but everyone lapped it up because of muh grabity gun you have for 15 minutes, omg Godon Freeman!!!!, "pick up that can," and acting like all the episodes were 1 game.
Everything that would come after, from the horrible mismanagement of TF2, to the increasingly lazy development, to eventually stopping making games at all, to Artifact, is just icing on the cake.
2011 or whatever e3 they announced l4d2 in less than a year before fixing the first game
That’s probably around the time they added all the dumb shit to tf2 too.
When they released Half Life 2, a gutted tech demo for Source which was the first case of online client DRM for a single player game even if you bought the "physical" release, as bait to get people to install Steam.
It's pretty obvious Valve was only about control and money. Maybe you should stop letting yourself get brainwashed by corporations.
>card game
>being good
Time and knowledge investment you goof.
I like how theres a rarity system but it apparently doesnt mean anything.
Oh its a very deep game too thanks valve.
That's not hipster at all. HL2 was an extremely poor corridor shooter. It's legacy was the modding community and +1000 hours of content they provided.
What makes you think that?
They haven't released a bad game so far, and most of their games are pretty amazing, and I can't think of single company that allows you to actually make money with their games for either steam or real money, and purchase games for free.
I know Valve is pretty hated here, but to this day I don't know why.
when they switched from WON to steam
>Card hunting on the marketplace
Oh fucking course, gotta give Valve those Steam community marketplace fees
>I know Valve is pretty hated here
There are non stop Valve shills threads on Sup Forums
Most of the time when some one criticizes Valve for being the scum they are you get a bunch of Valve drones to defend them.
To any stupid goy that fell for the steam community cards: Do you regret it yet?
If I see someone with a steam level above 5 I just assume they’re thoughtless consumer nu-gamer
Rarity always correlates with power.
Imagine being this brainwashed.
Not always, there's plenty of shit legendary/mythic/ultra rare/whatevers and sometimes very strong uncommons/rares that are better than most of what's above them.
even that's not a good indicator
I'm level 10 and I've never touched the community bullshit ever
That's almost cheating though. It's piss easy to actually mod HL2 into something resembling a decent game, I've done it myself. But he base game has so much stupid shit wrong with it I don't know what people see in it.
>gravity gun for 15 minutes
You didn't even play the game, you can even beat episode 1 by exclusively using the GG.
that's every first party
>first digital tcg to have actual trading in it
Why the fuck has none of the other ones done this shit? Come on.
It's the most obvious thing and NONE of them have done it, even ones that are made based off the biggest tcgs in existence don't have it.
All you have to do is have variting raritys for every card that just have a stupid basic holo effect and you'll have people constantly buying and selling cards to try to have their deck filled with holos and shit.
To avoid scamming, gambling and sharking, but Valve has experience on that shit.
I'm level 16 and I have no idea how, I've never touched a card or anything steam related other than buying fucking games.
I think you got levels just buying shit during sales a few years ago.
>other than paying for licenses to rent games specifically from Steam
>when poorfags don't realize that people easily get to level 10+ just from their $1 bundle game count and anniversary badge
keep selling those cards rabbi, soon you'll have enough shekels to buy a matzo ball
>currently make a gorillion dollars a year, with small number of permanent staff
>not a good company
Say what?
>moves away from pay-to-win
I don't believe a word, but i also don't care because card games are stupid.
around the time Steam first came out.
i spent 5 bucks on steam card to get to level 20, i get booster packs every couple days. I got about 60+ dollars back from just boosters packs.
however buying all the rare cards, emojis, and background is stupid.
Funniest part is that VtM Bloodlines was released the same day and was actually a good game unlike Half life 2, while also getting a proper physical release unlike Half Life 2.
>on the marketplace
>Valve shill threads always reach post limit
>Anti Valve threads never do
>hunting on the marketplace
I had the CD version of Hl2 and it came on 5 fucking discs
The minute they created a digital storefront that hosted third party content?
The path of the unnecessary middleman who creates a subconscious dependency in his customers is literally the most jewish way to run a company.
when i suggested a "pick random game" feature. alright, maybe the idea isn't good, but the way the community manager handled it was kind of rude/unnecessary. I started keeping an eye out for usability issues in their client and I realized that Valve doesnt appear to be doing much. Its like they built something, let it generate a ton of cash, and are afraid to fuck with it. There are so many feature that would improve the client. There are bugs that have been there for YEARS. One I found is in BIG PICTURE MODE, when you click on the sales notification, it brings you to the banner but actually wont show you the sales. Does Valve even have QA?
Nice conspiracy theory fucktard.
i'm almost level 50 exclusively from an unholy amount of booster packs
I'm most positive the majority of Sup Forums could make a better powerpoint. Fuck that fat Jew.
That's not a conspiracy, retard. It's what they did.
There are threads on the Steam forums reporting bugs that date back to 2009 that still are not fixed.
When the TF2 comics started to slide into being a Venture Bros. knockoff instead of its own thing (and started pushing Ms. Pauling HARD around the same time), when Portal 2 was significantly lighter in tone than its predecessor, and the nail in the coffin was when paid mods were a thing on the Steam Workshop *at all*
>all these buzzwords
Have a (You).
>says some blatant slander that needs multiple hoops to jump through to hold up
>not a conspiracy
Except usually it is an asset to the user because they don't have to travel to buy the game, they can preload releases, easily organize a library of them instead of taking up physical space, and buy games at a discounted price several times a year.
Steam just made playing MOST games on pc easier.
Its not a detriment to gaming you dolt.
Do you even know what "slander" and "conspiracy" mean? Are you telling me Steam is not a middleman service?
Yes user the scary boogeyman is somehow stopping people from posting in anti-valve threads while people talking about video games they enjoy is shilling
It isn't. It's a game sales platform between the consumer and the publishers. Not a middleman service.
>literally in the middle
>"n-no, it's not a middleman service"
I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal of these digital card games, there's absolutely zero skill involved as a computer decides if you win or lose before you ever draw a card
It's not in the middle, its just in between the publishers and consumer. There's a difference.
And it still required Steam.
I have 23 copies of VtM Bloodlines which came with 3 discs and it doesn't require Steam, it doesn't even have a CD key. Just put them in and install.
But they are making games again now, haven't you heard?
Literally all games have some form of RNG in them, you just have to accept that. Shooting games like CSGO have their random bullet spread, MOBAs with things like crits, and even some traditional games like Chess have RNG.
When they removed flash sales.
>Chess has RNG
You lost me here
>physical space
Games take up an insignificant amount of space, and as long as it is a proper physical copy, you can actually sell it. In fact you could buy a proper physical copy, install it and back it up, then sell the physical and the person that buys it could do the same.
Who cares about digital sales? Oh great, you are getting discounted on paying for less than air.
Easier =/= better, you give up a lot and support cancerous business tactics just for a bit of convenience, pretty childish.
>valve goes against the grain and makes a game that won't choke you with microtransactions/marketplace cancer for the first time in a fucking decade
>it's a card game, the genre most prone to metagaming
>all the cards are free and instantly available, so it's just a matter of time until everyone figures out a top 5 decks scenario like yugioh has
There is marketplace bullshit you illiterate fuck.
>muh grabity gun you have for 15 minutes
if we're talking a digital medium, chess ai absolutely would have rng to determine if it should make a mistake instead of just continuing its solved game
>When did you realize Valve is not a good company?
I mean they're not really an 'evil' company in the way that EA is, they're just very disappointing
Irrelevant, my point still stands.
>and even some traditional games like Chess have RNG.
No? Unless you mean choosing who goes first, I guess? Which isn't inherently RNG, as it can be agreed upon by the players through non-random means.
There are no good companies. They just want to make money at the end of the day, and that conflicts with what the consumer wants, the best product
They made two games in 2016. That's hardly stopping.
When I required an internet connection to play HL2 on disc
>self proclaimed "very deep" game
Oh, very very good. Now we can be sure it's a nice game yes good good
This. You should have known in 2004, if you didn't then you fell for their brain washing.
They are more "evil" than EA though.
there could be an entire paragraph behind gabe's fat flabs and the marketplace is one of the core parts of their f2p platform that they're allegedly moving away from, so i wanted to assume the words that were obscured would keep that line consistent with the rest of the slide
Valve are nothing in terms of badness compared to some other companies the same size
Nah, I've made about £30 from it
>Used to make maps for half life 2 for fun
>One day hammer stops working
>It was caused by the steam pipe update
>Have to open the game's bin file and launch hammer from there instead of the convenient sourceSDK launcher
>It's been like 5 years and valve has still not fixed it
I like valve and steam.
I made it to level 50 without spending any money on it. I just traded a lot.
the paid mod fiasco was one of the most evil things i could think of in recent memory
imagine choking an aspiring dev's tipjar before he could even get exposure to move into an actual dev job. literally worse than killing off studios, since the devs there at least have marketable experience to find further employment
Portal 2. Such a garbage game, missing most of what made the first good. The puzzles were dumbed down significantly; the dev commentary in game basically goes over the same issue testers had with Half Life. They specifically removed the need to place a portal while in motion, so despite all the new tools every puzzle boils down to putting the portals in the right place beforehand. And the rooms became larger which led to them needing to heavily restrict where you can put portals. So all the challenge was as simple as finding where they hid the portal spots.
Gameplay aside, it became way too character focused. The first game had this constant feeling of silent clinical oppression. 2 gives you wisecracking companions throughout and goes to great lengths to humanize everyone. Glados is now a tragically innocent girl who was converted into a computer because SCIENCE! Chell is now the super-genius daughter of a scientist who ended up trapped in the facility, whereas the first game implied she was a criminal with a life sentence that no one would miss. Jokes got forced into every conversation like they were trying to recapture the "cake is a lie" tier stuff that spawned from the first game's fans who didn't actually play it. At least the co-op was decent.
>there are no good companies
>you can actually sell it.
To who?
Gamestop for 3 dollars?
Or here is an idea, don't buy shitty games you won't want to keep, actually research the products you buy to determine what is worth buying.
>Who cares about digital sales?
Uh, the millions of people who wait to buy games on sale?
>cancerous business tactics
Except Steam isn't the entity responsible for those tactics idiot, the third party companies who use it as a sales platform do.
Name a good company
Hard Mode: Name a good company that's done more than make good vidya
Valve is still great. Incredibly lazy, but great
100 dollars for fucking cardboard and region locks out the asshole.
>Valve is still great
they have literally done next to nothing for years except put out phone game tier shit. take off the fucking nostalgia goggles, how long will fanboys keep defending them because of HL? how long until that credit runs out?
They treat their employees terribly by all accounts.
Hah, that's a laugh.
>Release the same games for three decades with minor upgrades, tweaks, and gimmicks.
I respect companies that crashed and burned trying new things more than I respect a company that rehashed the same 5 children's franchises for three decades.
They are Polish
I don't know why it took Sup Forums so long to figure out. They've been a DRM company pretty much always. Most of their games are just mods that they bought and then released with a price tag. They've been cancer since day one.
All 3 Witcher games got proper physical releases on PC, but unfortunately they started their own disgusting digital distribution "service."
Valve has never been great you drone.
Ebay is a thing idiot, all the games I bought are worth at least as much as I paid for them.
Millions of people give money to EA, does that make EA good? People giving more for less than air sales means nothing when they are literally paying for not even air.
>Except Steam isn't the entity responsible for those tactics idiot
Gabe has literally advocated for cancerous business tactics like releasing games unfinished/buggy to the point of being unplayable and DLC/micro transactions as displayed in Valve's own games.
He even said how bad it was pre digital distribution that devs actually had to release playable games since they couldn't just update it later like they can now.
His games have micro transactions.
All game development employees are treated terribly.
They're still responsible for some of the greatest years of gaming in my life
Kill yourself.