Literally the ultimate and greatest form of Dante

Literally the ultimate and greatest form of Dante.
Can't be surpassed.

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His zip up boot cover things are gay.

Just an extension of his chaps. I don't see the problem.

DMC4 was the worst Dante. At least in 3 he had an excuse for acting retarded. In 4 he's just annoying.

>most powerful entity on the planet far and beyond any threat that could be posed
>constantly in debt
>decides to see how up to snuff his surprise nephew is from his dead brother
>probably drunk the entire time

Literally the worst iteration of Dante excluding nuDonte. Even DMC2 Dante was better.

DMC1 Dante will always be the best.

Which Dante is the best Dante based purely on his outfit? I vote DMC1 Dante.

DMC1 Dante has just a tiny bit more characterization than in 2
He is the same in 3/4 because its the presentation that worked the best/ that version is itsuno's baby and not kamiyas

Appearance wise Id say 2>3>4>1
only because his pants are like 30% to high in 1

Yeah and he's awful in 3/4.

Well hes not but everyones entitled to shitty contrarian opinions

If I find DMC4 Dante insufferable then it's clearly not the presentation that worked best.

The goofy vibe was alright in 3 but it's terrible in 4.

You are an idiot, he wasn't even as wild as 3 Dante, he was definitely a middle ground between 3 and 1

Your opinion is factually wrong

>Even DMC2 Dante was better.

It's because you have shit taste

Sounds like a personal problem
Hes largely loved in 3 and 4. And in 4 his antics were tuned down a good bit since they let Nero cover the youthful energetic rage and backtalk that Dante had for the first half of 3

I've always liked Bayonetta more as a character. Though I'd be more interested in being fucked by Dante.

Because you don't like grown men acting like Looney Tunes characters. DMC4 Dante is shit.

I don't understand Bayonetta's story at all. I played the first game and had no idea what I was doing. Just beat shit up for fun.

provide an example when Dante acts like a looney tune character

Devil May Cry 4

Yes DMC is totally the game series you should play if you only enjoy serious, mature content that is not at all childish wankbait

He said provide an example, not provide a title to a game.

I don't need the game to be serious. I judt don't want an obnoxious main character. DMC4 had two of them. It's especially bad for Dante because he was at one point likeable.

You have utterly shit taste, I feel bad for you.

Wonder Red > Dante > Raiden > Bayonetta

It's sad how bad DMC4 fans are at coming up with arguments.

Anyone who doesn't like DMC4 Dante literally cannot understand the context of the universe.

Dante in DMC4 is by far and large the strongest being on the face of the planet and quite literally immortal against any normal means of death. At no point in the game was Dante under any sort of threat, even against The Savior which was strong enough to nearly level an entire city was nothing against him and the only reason why he didn't just outright kill it himself was because he wanted to see if Nero was up to snuff with being a hero because at the end of the day absolutely nothing that happened in DMC4 would effect Dante because at no point was he under any threat. That is why he was acting goofy and nonchalant the entire time, at no point was he in any real danger and he was just looking to have a fun time with the whole fiasco.

If you didn't understand this even after the final boss literally said that Dante could outright kick his ass at any point then you're legitimately too stupid/autistic to understand any story that isn't black and white morals with a very clear objective that is repeated multiple times through dialogue at all fucking chapters of the game.

Which considering that most Japanese games do this nowadays and it seems like half this board only exclusively play those games, wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.

Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness.

This nigga gets it.

That's all you got? Pathetic

The fact people get so ass blasted over fun scenes like this proves we live in a fallen world.
Come join

>people ITT don't recognize the one true Dante



This. 4 is if reddit made Dante.

>lol it’s bad characterization on purpose you aren’t allowed to critique it
The absolute STATE of DMC4fags.

Give me a singular instance of undeniable bad characterization of Dante in DMC4 and I will think about humoring you with a retort or counterargument.


It's great. But you asked for looney tunes shit, this is looney tunes shit.
It'll never top the fucking missile surfing in 3 for me though. That was kino.