>liking lanky ass women
shit taste desu
What? Fucking womanlet, jesus. She should just kill herself, why isn't she more than 6'0 yet? When will they fucking learn? Manlets make me so MAD!
300 pounds
She's fun size.
I want to fist that robot
>pretending manlet status applies to women too
>fun sized
My ex was 4'10". God do I miss her.
how tall are the operators and the commander
why is 2B so smol?
I unironically love 2B desu.
Nothing wrong with being a chicklet
I’m so sorry for you loss, what happened?
Did she grow up?
Should be shorter desu
Good. I like em smol.
No, she was already 20 at that height. She was just super tiny. But we eventually broke up after 5 years.
She's still taller than me
That's not even short for a girl you autist.
Perfect size for breeding
>Manlets make me so MAD
Why were you dating a child?
>ywn be 2B
The perfect height for snuggles
Womenlets are so pathetic... Just imagine hugging her petite body, kissing the top of her head and smelling her hair. Disgusting.
>It's an insecure manlet thread
t. manlet
pc mod when
the smoller they are the bigger my diq
How tall is N2?
I fucking LOVE smol grills
Change my mind.
i literally can't because i am of the same persuasion as you
change our minds.
Was it autism?
The manufactured manlet controversy has now reached the point where we have daily outrage threads about a fictional female character being too short. You people are fucking crazy.
>ywn lick her big feet
how tall is he?
>tfw no toobie 3D gf
Query. What is the combat purpose of the crotch modification?
I wash she was cuddling with me right now
I feel so alone
At least until she gets an upgrade.
>150 kg/330 lb
>girls are short
news at 11
160cm is not bad. Would hot as fuck to throw her around in bed.
Anything above 5' is not IMAGINE.
>Wow that's hot, can't wait to find more
>do a quick google search
>tfw 6'4 and have a height difference fetish
Christ almighty that shit gets me hard
>Sup Forums is autistic
more news at 11
5"7" here where do I find short girls with tall girl body proportions?
This is a good improvement.
Should be shorter
/fit/ here. Sorry Sup Forums, it looks like one of our autists hopped over the fence and left the containment board. sorry for the inconvenience
Can't open the webm title
Go home incel
It's a fucking robot
>Tfw 181 but I'm Dutch so it's below average
But how'd they get over the fence if it's taller than they are
Yeah it clearly makes her more suited for battle.
She weighs 150 KG
Go back /soy/ protein
Ya climb
I'm not comfortable with this alien autopsy pic. The government is gonna come get me now. I know too much.
have you ever been on /fit/? its like 90% incel. what are you talking about retard
>tfw same but only 6'
It's fucked up that so many girls are almost as tall as me nowadays but I still have hopes for a qt petite gf
Fucking virgin. Womanlets are great in bed.
That's a pleb tier fetish my friend
As another 6'4'' patrician, I for one get very hot under the collar when I see a girl as tall as I am or even taller.
Just because they're so rare, finding and seeing one is almost like seeing a mirage
I saw this thread yesterday but didn't bother to click it because i assumed it was just silly meme posts. Does anyone actually think 5'3 is somehow a bad size for a woman? Everyone in this thread surely must be aware that women in general are shorter than men, right? 5'3 for a woman isn't even bad, i've fucked girls shorter than that, my last gf was like 5'0 and it was great. I'm 6'0 myself so it was a fun size difference.
If you don't know the joys of manhandling a short girl i pity you.
ideal girl is 3'4
/fit/ secret begin strong human ladder of manlets
imagine if she accidentally sat on you haha
so how would she do it with 9s at that size
>just want to be looked down on and stepped on
>can count the number of women I've met that are taller than me on one hand
Racebait, SJW-shit, e-celeb shit, manlet posting. I hate american posters so fucking much.
Your culture is cancer and even on the internet's shithole you manage to stand out with your cancer.
The moment I started browsing boards with flags I realized 90% of the shitposts that destroy the board come from american posters.
And you aren't even white. fuck off
>tfw 5’2
She's already super heavy at normal size so if she was giant as well she'd crush you flat haha
You guys need to correct your height memeing because women are supposed to be under 5'6 or they are too tall. The meme goes the opposite way for women.
The average height for women in the US is 5'4, and 5'2 in Japan.
Women are short, news flash.
>being a pedophile
Sorry, grownups for me.
how is this supposed to be attractive? looks like a freak
That's Japs ideal height for women. They consider 5'6 to be too tall for women.
>being a homosexual
sorry, females for me
Women in Sweden are so fucking tall it's nuts. I'm exactly 6' and feel like manlet next to them
It's just retarded americans who lie and exaggerate everything on the internet. Height, dick size, they even lie about being white so you end up with a bunch of spics LARPing as aryan. its truly fascinating, like visiting a zoo.
you're 5'8 at max
No, I'm 183cm. Do you know how averages work?
Women who are 183 cm are less than 1%. Even amongst fashion models they are incredibly rare.
How retarded are you exactly?
>tfw you will never be marked with the stink of a big girls wet pussy