no sma5h
No sma5h
Hey, he posted it again. Nice.
this shit's fake right
It takes 30 seconds to check that you faggot, go look it up your damn self.
YouTube does that automatically based on video title.
it also takes 30 seconds to take the cocks out of your mouth and ass
Incoming deflection by Nintendoys in 3, 2, 1...
Portfags are so fucking stupid. Sakurai announced in 2016 he was working on a new game, and he has just confirmed that he is working on Smash day-in, day-out. He also isn't known to work on two games at once, as seen with Kid Icarus and Smash. He hasn't been working for 2 years on a deluxe version of Smash 4.
PSASBR had smash related tags before they eventually fixed it.
It's Smash 5.
i think it's a port too, but imagine being so fucking stupid to think that this is proof.
>Loaded statement
It's not a port.
It's very feasible for it to be a new game, chances are all the visual assets are being kept.
Simply eric.
>All this evidence pointing towards it being a new title
>One thing thrown into the mix to oppose that
>Hurr guess it's a port
You people are no better than flat earthers and anti vaxxers.
Wow, Black Ops 4 is a Wii U port.
chew you have a singlicious satisfact to snack that up?
I have never wanted to fuck an eye before what the actual fuck
read this
this would be a good thing bo1 was the last good cod game
>comments disabled
Nintendo is thin skinned
>even youtube's AI recognizes shitty ports
So... are we still going to get 30 threads a day for this retarded shit?
Fucking Bing Bing faggots.
All this autism over "evidence" pointing to port or sequel, when at the end of the day, if it wasn't a port, why wouldn't Nintendo just give it a title? If they've supposedly been "working on it for years", why don't they have a title for it? All the so called evidence that people are presenting only strengthens the notion that they should have a title already, not this "pending" shit. When you tease a game but haven't started much development, but don't have a title, that's understandable. When you've been working on a game for years and you still don't have a title, something's not right. I just don't think it's going to be a true sequel. It might even be called Smash 5, but I have a real nasty feeling that it's just going to be a Splatoon 2 type of situation, where it's more of an expansion pack than sequel. Regardless, literally all of this autistic squabbling could have been avoided if they had simply given the game a title. That way, at the very least, we could've postponed the screeching about reused content for when actual gameplay is presented. Now we're gonna have to deal with this horseshit for months until E3.
>m-muh h-hype
Generating arguments around whether or not Nintendo is going to sell us the same game again but with new shit added is not "hype". It's the opposite of hype. If this was intentional then it was a really boneheaded decision.
just ignore port posters, they're retarded shitposts and nothing more.
>but I have a real nasty feeling that it's just going to be a Splatoon 2 type of situation, where it's more of an expansion pack than sequel.
have you actually played splatoon 1 and 2? as I have as there's not much alike at all, in fact I'd go as far as to say that splatoon 2 is more of a "proper sequel" than brawl was to melee.
Nah, we can drown them out with threads about all the awesome games coming out on your consol-OH WAIT
>When you tease a game but haven't started much development, but don't have a title, that's understandable. When you've been working on a game for years and you still don't have a title, something's not right.
Smash 4 didn't have a proper title, I think whoever titles the smash games just isn't good at their job. If it was a smash 4 (enhanced) port, they'd simply call is "smash for switch" again. I think they're intending this to be a new entry with a unique name like melee and brawl had, so haven't decided on what new name to use for the switch smash brand
I mostly play on PC, but I have a PS4 and a Switch...
Fucking dumbass. Smash Bros is dumb shit, a half-assed "fighting" game that can keep you engaged for maybe a few weeks, they literally just copy a roster and add a few dumb guest characters to milk retard money.
With sound
>actual new game that doesn't have a box art or anything
>youtube suggests the first game in its sub-series
>lazy port announced in a direct literally filled with ports
>youtube suggests the latest cash grab instead of the game that created the series